Adding another drop in the swimming pool of next-gen rumors, someone on NeoGAF (apparently a cinematic animator from Blizzard) has stated that it was MS that had GDDR5 RAM in the Infinity, and that Sony was the one who threw it into the PS4 to catch up.
Naturally, you have the fanboys sniping at each other over whether or not it's true. But I, for one, hope that it is. Indeed, I want the two consoles to be as similar as possible in tech this gen.
The PS3's handling of multiplatorm games has had a history of problems. Many devs were simply not up to dealing with the PS3's convoluted design, resulting in several ports that were unoptimized and inferior compared to the 360 or PC versions. Sure, they weren't all as egregiously awful as Skyrim, but there have been several cases where I've avoided buying several games (Bayonetta, Sonic Generations, DMC) specifically because of this issue.
I don't want to see that happen this generation. And it doesn't look like it'll be nearly as much of an issue; both consoles are likely to be running the same AMD hardware, and both are going to be designed to make things as easy as possible for devs to work with. Given how costs are likely to spiral upwards this gen, anything that takes a load off should be embraced--by all sides of the gaming fandom.