Hopefully the title of the blog gives you enough indication of what this entry is about. In short, I finally completed Dark Souls yesterday. After 65 hours of playtime, I managed to best the final boss of the game and get booted right back to the beginning of the experience for New Game+. Surprisingly enough, I don't feel the great sense of achievement I thought I'd be feeling after besting what's considered one of the toughest games on the market.

I think, in part, this is due to the event marking the end of a journey. The journey itself was the redeeming and enjoyable part of the experience, not the feeling of triumph upon reaching the peak of the mountain. Dark Souls is unquestionably an adventure and a huge growing experience. Coming into the game cold, you're likely to be pretty awful at it, but over time you begin to learn the ins and out of the systems in place and the strategies that enable you to succeed. Finding that success all along the way is the truly rewarding part of the experience.
While I'm sad to be done with such an extraordinary adventure, I'm glad to move onto something less morose and gloomy. Ni No Kuni is up next for me and I couldn't be happier. It's almost the polar opposite of Dark Souls in terms of presentation, so it should feel like a real breath of fresh air.
I recently picked up Demon's Souls on the cheap, so that's queued up for when I'm prepared to die, again. I didn't really like it the first time around, so my return to that world should be interesting to say the least. With any amount of luck, I'll be able to chronicle my expedition as has been done by both Julian Titus and Michael117 (for Dark Souls). It should be an interesting reflection on my past thoughts and how I currently feel about the game after besting its successor.