Awesome family man, and it's great to put a face to the tag!
I originally wanted to name my son Ezio.. But my Wife shot that down pretty quickly and we decided on Cooper.
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![]() On 05/16/2013 at 09:46 AM by daftman ![]() See More From This User » |
Figured I'd jump on the this-is-my-real-face bandwagon. Here's a picture of me from last fall:
I briefly had some unruly facial hair earlier this year.
That's my son, by the way. He's adorable. We named him Link and you all know why
That's right, rockin' the bow tie
Next up is the other essential part of our little family, my wife Melissa. She actually has an account here on PixlBit (poeparade) but doesn't use it much. But she's pretty awesome and, as you can see, quite pretty
She also has a tendency to apply filters to her pictures, in case you wondered
So, that's me and my family. Perhaps a little more than needed but oh well. Hope you liked it.
Be sure to check back later today for this week's OCR Spotlight (you know, the one I should have posted yesterday lol). Got a pretty sweet remix in mind from one of the early Mega Man games that includes a live trombone and electric guitar. It's, like, seven kinds of awesome, so be sure not to miss it!
Awesome family man glad to finaly meet ya in person well in virtual world anyway lol so do ya think Jeffrey aka Temperence will put up a pic lol probable not. He doesnt seem to be as active as he was on 1up he must be a busy man lol and thanks for jumping on the gametag to face band wagon, you have to admit its cool to put a face to a name.
Nice pics Philip. Your son is adorable! Like a gerber baby or something lol. I was wondering about OCR Remix. If it's anything to do with Mega Man you know I'll be there.
Oh and I've been talking to Jeffrey a lot. He's just really busy. He will be writing stuff eventually, but I think for now he's just focusing on playing games. I'll let him know you guys were wondering about him.
He's pretty much the cutest baby ever. Sometimes I wonder if we shouldn't try to make him a baby model lol. He's also really big, weighing about 26 lbs and he's only nine and a half months. That's heavier than most two-year-olds So we get a work out just carrying him around!
Glad to hear Jeffrey's doing ok. Hey, if you have time for only gaming or blogging, definitely go with gaming. I did have a nice long conversation with him in the comments of my frustrated-with-Demon's-Souls blog, so that was cool
My two year old is 34 pounds hes a big boy wich is funny when hes with other two year olds he looks like a moose lol, but make no mistake yours is a big boy, my son has a disabilty the sensor between the two lobes of the brain is under developed but he doesnt talk we use sign language with him and really the only thing about his disabilty is he cant always feel the difference between hot and cold which means we have to really watch him but he is cute as a bug and very inteligent but his disability is permanent and was nothing we did but a one in a million chance.