Did you play Barker's Undying for PC. Well worth a look and probably dirt cheap. BRB.............. Yep! 5.99 on GOG.
Updates and Buys Vol. 4
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![]() On 05/16/2013 at 07:21 PM by Nicoleb1989 ![]() See More From This User » |
I know I have been kind of a silent mouse recently which has prolly given some yall a lil bit of peace "thank the gods she has shut up!" I however am back! I got really busy with work and of course life decided to play a role for once. Ive still been gaming just not as much which is about to change for the better for me. Be a little patient with me though, I got like 86 messages that range from PM's to new blog post from ya'll. Ill try to respond as quickly as I can and read up on all of yalls blog.
PS4 wise there still being quiet for the most part but IGN did upload a vid about the slogan thats supposely gonna be used for the PS4 "Greatness Awaits" aslong with details about the trailer for it. I figure by E3 the main body of the console will appear and some of the sales associates at Gamestop believe the PS4 will go live for preordered after the next gen Xbox is revealed. At that point Ill be putting 50 dollars on it and paying on it till it releases. Time is going by fast now, were already in the middle of May. Fall will be here before we even know it! PS4 games have had a few added to the list but as far as I can tell nothing that a launch title.
Doki Doki Universe I have no clue what it is nor what Lords Of The Fallen is but im getting a RPG vibe from it. Hokokum your guess is prolly as good as mine, cant find anything on it. Metro apparently is gonna be ported to the PS4. It could be a mix up or mistake since I cant find anything on it being ported but if it is, that might be what I get it for. The Evil Within is looking like it is gonna be a great game. I have a lot of high hopes for it and that it helps revive the Horror genre of games. The Pinball Arcade, I might not get it but if you like that sort of thing then Im glad it was added. War Thunder is a multiplayer combat flight simulator which does look interesting to me but Ill have to see more before I can really put money anywhere near it. its suppose to be in Beta testing for the PC so if your one of the testers please let me know how it is. Wolfenstien: The New Order is def on my watch list. Im actually likeing the Wolfenstien game I bought on the PS3, I need to play it more of course but I do like it so far. Project Heart and Soul is supposely gonna be a open world RPG but at the sametime is suppose to change some of the conceptions of that set genre. I keep thinking of Kingdoms of Amalur when it comes to that game. I honestly love that game, it to me was a great game and gave you plenty to do. I dont believe anyone thats says they can beat the "WHOLE" game in 1 or even 2 days. The main story ya, but all the extra crap including the DLC's for it. No, no you cant. You would have to have no life what so ever to pull that shit off. That game was massive with content. It took me a week to get through everything excluding the DLC. I played the hell out of it too. Anywho Ill save that for another time, Ill review it ones of these days. I think everyone is now ready for E3 to get here. I dont think Ive been this excited for E3 either!
In other random news EA as decided to I guess recover themselves from being the worse company running for 2 years that they wanna make a good name for themselves. To start they a removing the Online Pass feature in future games. Current released games will still need them but any future titles wont. Lets hope they dont in turn make everything online only to play.The Online Pass thing never really bothered me. I dont play online enough for it too and not to mention if there was a game that had it, I normally bought it new to begin with.
Joe Biden as officially pissed me off, watch the video and you will see why!
*I tryed like a million times getting the vid to attach in the blog. I went so far has to use internet explorer to get it to work. For some odd reason it wont let me. Ive been using the way everyone says to atttach vids and it refuses to work today for me, anyone else having issue posting stuff today*
Did you watch it? Good, now wherther your just as a mad or could care less let me say my thoughts. Becaues certain parents cant be responsible and because some people who tend to be more idiotic then others when it comes to video games we might have to pay more for stuff that is considered violent. Im talking Survival Horror games too ladies and gentleman. This wont be just for our shooter baseds ones. We are gonna pay more taxes on them because video games already have a tax! Its bullshit, complete and utter bullshit. I played violent stuff when I was younger and I turned out fine. Its shit like this that really gets me raged out with human beings, sometimes I wonder if Im a freaking alien!
Nintendo has also been in the news and has come under fire by some people regarding their tactics to youtube now. Apparently you can earn money doing Lets Plays on youtube but now Nintendo has pretty much stopped it for anything that is released by them. I personally didnt know you could get money that way. I also wouldnt do LPs for money, I would do it for entertainment. So it doesnt nesscarly bother me but I know others might feel different.
I think thats enough for the updates/news area. Now for buys!
I re bought Jericho, This game wasnt the best Ill admit but I enjoy it a lot. I like dark stuff and Clive Barker does an awesome job with that type of thing. I really enjoyed the story and characters for the most part. I recently started a new play through so Ill prolly review it once ive re beaten it to have it fresh in my mind.
I bought this with Jericho. I wanted to buy a game I never had had before and Army of Two fitted that perfectly. I started playing it with the Bf while I was at his house and from we played we both had fun with it. I have a lot of catching up to do in the series. I heard Devils Cartel has done really good review wise but until I beat the first 2 I wont be getting it.
Thats it for me....for the moment ^_^
Hope everyone is having a great day!