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My Art Work pt:1

On 05/17/2013 at 10:36 AM by Chunopo

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It's been a real pleasure becoming part of the community here at Pixlbit, Just when I was starting to feel the blues from the closure of 1UP, Broken H let me know that this place was shaping up to be something special so I quickly had a look and decided to roost here with many other 1UP vets.

On 1UP I posted a few blogs based around a new interest that has got me going recently (well semi-recently as I have been rather lazy over the last year): Ultimate Battles! the aim is to pit two characters against each other in an epic battle scene because... well just because I thought it would be a cool thing to do. I'm currently working on my latest installment and I am just about ready to add some colour, but before I did that I thought it might be nice to introduce some of my work over the years and give you guys a little insight into the roots of my main passion in life.... Art

Over the next few blogs I'll be showing a bit of work and giving a few details on my experience in the art world, though not all of it is gaming orientated.

Anyone who is interested in seeing more should have a look at my deviant art profile:

So lets get started.

I've pretty much had an interest in drawing all my life but we'll start at the tender age of 16 when I developed a deep fascination with drawing birds, I don't know why but to this day I find them very soothing things to observe and draw.

This fella was actually a stuffed seagull in our art department that I used to scare my now wife with (she had the pleasure of knowing me at school!) hours of fun were had with seymour but I did quite a few illustrations of our feathered friend.

Throughout my time in education I started working with different materials but I ve always been a fan of traditional stuff like watercolour and oils (see above). This was part of some stamp designs that I had to do for my A levels.


I started looking to my own imagination more and started to explore illustration work by artists like John Howe (LOTR) and saw many similarities with real animals and figures so I thought I'd try working from memory/ random images to create birds that didn't rely on exact copying. This one for example was actually inspired from an eagle photo I saw but I started to learn how to find inspiration from pictures to create original content, a much needed skill for the ultimate battles to come later!

Next time I'll be looking a some work that I undertook at university and what (naked!) opportunities I found there (all art related I promise).

Any way thanks for reading.



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