I was a huge fan of the original Duke Nukem 3D. Played a many of death matches with my Dad and Bro and friends.
Nothing was funnier then duping them with a hologram and then rocket blasting them up the anus. Good times, only thing comparable was Goldeneye death matches. (another blog, another time)
I think everyone gaming in the 90's was wanting DNF to be the beast it should have been, the beast we needed it to be. But was it? Sadly no. but it wasn't/isn't that bad of a game.
My wife found a copy of DNF in the "recycled" bins at our local EBGames for the low price of 8 bucks. Can't really beat 8 bucks for a game even if it does suck. Plus it still had the pack in extra, a 3D poster of the image to your left, its damn nice and on the wall.
We have started the game but are barely into it. I have always had a thing against FPS on consoles, the controls are never has good as they should be. (You should see me play Halo Multiplayer, like a spastic monkey on crack)
I loved the opening scenes letting you re-enact the ending from DN3-D with some nice minor twist throw in. My wife drew the most gangrenous penis on the white board. The fight was over simplistic, which put you in a nice false sense of bravado that will get you killed as you get into game proper.
Actually the game was pretty damn easy up until Lady Killer Chapter 2. You get into a room where you fight about 10 monsters and the friggin' Pig Cops are fast and furious and when 3 come at you at the end of the fight in the slots room, its hard. We spent about 2 hours just trying to get through there.
The game tends to get really hard when there are more then 3 enemies on the screen, least for us it was.
We haven't played the game since we got out in front of the Casino, and ended up fighting another boss, the name is lost on me, and there were more enemies then I had bullets, or rockets, or pipe bombs or steroids.
I wish the cheat codes were available from the start. I love God Mode and All Weapons Codes.
I will update this again after we play some more. Maybe figure out that monsters name.