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Bloody Hell! The size of my backlog revealed.

On 05/19/2013 at 12:23 PM by GeminiMan78

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So I took the dive last night and compiled my backlog on backloggery. 76 games. But here is the catch this does not include GBA & DS games. It also excludes fighters and compilations. So I think the real number is probably closer to 125. Plus over half of the games are rpgs. And even worse some of these games I have not touched in years, so I have no idea where I am at and will likely have to start from scratch.

So this all brought me to a thought that may be taboo to the most hardcore fighters of the backlog. If I have to be motivated to play a game, just exactly why am I playing it. I play video games for a lot of reasons. Fun, escapism, the challenge, the story, and depending on the game the art and or music. But if I look at a game on my shelf and none of these things are a strong enough draw to play what is my motivation to play it other than the satisfaction of having beat it. This may also just be me freaking the hell out about how many games I have let get away from me and looking for excuses to continue to put them off.

So I will go ahead and give backloggery a shot and see where it gets me. My tag there is the same as here GeminiMan78 if you want to add me. Or leave your tag in the comments and I'll add you. I 'm sure comeradery will make this easier for everyone fighting the backlog blight.




05/19/2013 at 01:20 PM

I added you to my multitap. Don't feel so bad man. Looking at your backlog all I thought was "That's it?!?!" lol. If you need some encouragement just look at mine. It's horrible. I don't have too many rpgs though.


05/19/2013 at 02:30 PM

Thanks. Yeah I was looking for you on there but I didn't know if your tag was the same as it is here. The RPG's are the real issue here because those suckers can go 80 plus hrs. But you are tackling a lot of old school stuff that can be time consuming because they can be insanely difficult. I spent I think fours hrs one afternoon back in the day trying to beat Super Castlevania IV. It was the last two levels and Dracula himself that I was trying to get through and I actually pulled it off. It is easily the hardest game I have ever beat.


05/19/2013 at 02:59 PM

that's true. It took me 23 years to beat Batman on NES lol. In reality it was more like 3 weeks of practice. Rpgs are time consuming, but at least it's more steady progress, and not erratic like those insane old school games. Unless you get stuck at a boss or something. Now that your on the Backloggery you have a focus. It's helped me a lot.. although I did buy 2 more NES games recently lol. Sealed


05/19/2013 at 02:09 PM

76 games unfinished huh your looking like me lol especially if you got more to add lol and by the way dont know if you noticed from my page but you can customize your page banners etc and thanks for adding me i added you to.


05/19/2013 at 02:40 PM

Thanks for adding me. Yeah I think just for the sake of keeping it real I will have to add the GBA, DS, and compilation stuff. There are the two Capcom collections which I have beat about half of the games. The SNK which is mostly fighters and sports. But its the Midway, Taito, and Genesis comps that are going to kill me. 

 I do plan to deck out my Backloggery page. I just didn't have the energy after getting all my games in ,lol. 


05/19/2013 at 04:03 PM

yea after logging in all my games and rating them it took me a few days before i messed with the page to lol.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

05/19/2013 at 03:09 PM

I'm too afraid to catalog my backlog.  Just looking at my Steam games makes me feel ashamed.  Cry


05/19/2013 at 03:19 PM

It's a sobering slap to the face for sure, lol. I knew I had a pretty good stack of stuff, but I had never actually added it up before. But having a number has actually inspired me and got me thinking of a strategy to put a dent in it. Like finishing games that I was already close to beating.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

05/19/2013 at 04:17 PM

I have a core pile that i HAVE to finish, like Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect for the 2nd time and Ni No Kuni, but then there's a bunch of ones that I want to but don't really come at the top of the list. 


05/19/2013 at 07:32 PM

Thats really half the challenge for me is figuring out how to prioritize them. Should I attack it by system, or chronologicaly, or by which one is the closest to being completed. And of course what am I in the mood to play.


05/19/2013 at 03:22 PM

I haven't the time to complete my own backlog yet, after Uni is done i can find the time but my gawd,the bane of all gamers Embarassed


05/19/2013 at 07:34 PM

Yeah its sad when what should be a pleasure starts to feel like a chore. Well maybe not a chore, at the least a time management challenge.


05/19/2013 at 04:12 PM

I don't know why backlogs are a big deal. I have a massive backlog of 150 or so PC games, another 30-40 on PS3 and 70 more on older machines but it's not something to brag about. Only 6 games on the PC and PS3 aren't digital so I'll have the rest of my life to finish these game unless I do something dumb that gets my Steam account perma-banned. Better things to do in the summer than play video games. Only reason I buy so many games are:

1. They are ridiculously cheap on the PC if you wait.

2. They belong to me for life.

3. Rental outlets are dead and buried in Canada.

Better to spend $10 on a game you can play for years than a hamburger that will go down my gullet in 2 hours. Nothing against them, mind you.


05/19/2013 at 08:03 PM

You have a good point, and with all the drastic changes happening in this medium there may be some of us oldschool cats who don't want to conform to the newest trends and our "vintage " collection still will be there.

 For me its just more about games that I have started and have not finished for whatever reason.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/19/2013 at 06:38 PM

Hey, if you don't want to play a game, sell it. No sense not making a few bucks off something if you're not gonn play it. I'm just doing my backloggery (JOSTEPH) thing cause I don't see myself selling my games, so may as well get all I can out of them.


05/19/2013 at 08:10 PM

Its not so much that I don't want to play certain games I have, its more that I have gotten older and the allure they held for me 14 years ago has faded a little. Plus I have sold games and really regretted it so thats not really an option. But If I own it, it is a game that I know I will want play even if I have to rediscover why I liked it in the first place.


05/20/2013 at 05:42 AM

As others have said, I have a huge library of games. I have over 200 games I have yet to complete. It doesn't bother me, because I have forever to play them in, LOL, and if the PS4 and Xbox WhateverTheHellThey'reCallingIt turn out to shitty pieces of fuck, I have my retro-gaming bunker stockpiled to keep me through a gaming nuclear winter. :) Also, a lot of my games are rare gems, like Panzer Dragoon Saga, Suikoden, and the Lunar games, and I'm going to part with them when they're pried from my dead hands. :)


05/20/2013 at 09:15 AM

For the most part that is kind of how I have looked at it for a while. I think putting an actual number to the games that I have started and not completed is what freaked me out. But yeah there are some gems that I will end up playing over and over again as long as my eyes, hands and hardware hold up, lol.

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