Unfortunately, I can't, but sounds like a cool idea, fucker.
Who Wants to Fight!? (Dark Souls Video Related)
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![]() On 05/20/2013 at 03:25 PM by Chris Yarger ![]() See More From This User » |
B and I will be shooting some new Dark Souls tonight, so as the title implies; here’s your chance to join in and try to wreck my day!
Here’s how it’s going to go down:
- We’ll be shooting live sometime around 7-8 tonight (Eastern time, and I’ll post an exact time later to any/all comments of those interested) on the PS3 version of Dark Souls. If you want to try to invade me, then that’s great and I say bring it on. I’m a Bow-Build after all so you’ll probably rock my world unless I bring out my dagger like a wussy!
- If you want a shot at taking me on in some Dark Souls, add my PSN: MrYarger , and send me an invite to your game the moment you see me log on (This will sync our servers so you have a better chance to invade me). IF someone happens to invite me to their server before you do, then no biggy, I’ll just counter your invite with an invitation of my own so we’ll all be together and synced accordingly. The reason I want an invite ASAP is so I’m not fiddling with it and taking up time during the video recording.
- You need to be between Soul Levels 15-25 to get to me.
- We’ll be at the Undead Parish getting ready to take on the Gargoyles to start. If we beat them, we’ll be moving on to the Capra Demon’s area. If we do move on, we’ll let you know via PM on the PSN.
- Finally, you will definitely be part of our YouTube videos should you invade. We’re trying to leave most of our gameplay as uncut as possible to give you all the best walkthrough we can (Granted, we’ll try to edit out grinding and shit unless I think it’s important to showcase). Since you’ll be on our YouTube channel and we do commentary throughout our videos, DO NOT be offended by the things we say. It won’t be sexist/racist/etc., but there is a good 99% chance of me calling you a:
It’s not meant to be offensive to you as a person or player; it’s just how I roll. Lol
- Finally; remember that all invasions are pretty much random, even if we are server-synced. So if you don’t get to enter my world then it’s not my fault. It’s just kind of how the system is set up, so I apologize in advance if you’re unable to get to me.
Any takers?
PS: Make sure you grab the 4 Cracked Red-Eye Orbs near Firelink Shrine! They can be found at the 3:00 mark of Part 2 in our saga!