I am excited to hear what is coming for the wii u. I know that there has to be the staples, 3D Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, hopefully Metroid, and whatever Retro Studios is working on has to be coming at some point. I just would like to know when these games are coming.
Another Year Older...
On 05/21/2013 at 09:42 AM by NintendoFanJon See More From This User » |
So recently I had my birthday. I've learned to be less and less excited at each birthday or otherwise event that is a major holiday...even Christmas isn't the same. I think I'm just too mentally out of all the hubbub of the various events. Anyways I figured I'd make the statement to say I finally decided to purchase a Wii U...I won't do it right away though. I'm actually going to wait until E3 with Nintendo's Official yet unofficial E3 announcements. I'll see what games to buy and go from there. I have four in mind (ZombiU, New Super Mario Bros. U, Scribblenauts U, Lego City U, U can't have too many puns!)
I also found I have an urge to just buy and collect games. I hardly ever play anything I buy anymore as quite frankly my life is one big cluster of busy work. I hardly have the time to sit and play games which is maybe why I grew attached to my Wii out of all things. I've become the dreaded casual gamer/consumer!
I'll be posting a blog sometime within the week about my uncertainty with everything in regards to Wii U. I can't say for certain why I'm so concerned, as that would be spoiling. However, in terms of the industry as a whole I'm worried in general. So anyways here's to future blogs and gaming pursuits!