That Reveal was a bigger disappointment to me than the time I realized that the WWF was fake...
Xbox One?.....
On 05/21/2013 at 02:39 PM by Nicoleb1989 See More From This User » |
So the presentation for Xbox one wasnt very impressive for me and this is not the sony fangirl in me talking. They were way too much sprts and tv themed in it for me. Im a Gamer, being able to watch tv and stuff is yes, and plus but I couldnt care if its there or not. They had very lil on games and if they did it was Racing and Sports type ones. Especially Sports, I swear I could have tore my eyes out after hearing about fantasy sports teams for the 7th time. It was sad that Call Of Duty a series guilty of the biggest rehash syndrome in the world was a breath of fresh fucking air! I mean come on Microsoft, who are you really appealing to? Not Gamers if you ask me completely. I know Sony had that whole thing about sharing game stuff which wasnt popular with a bunch of people but atleast it was Gamer related. While the console can do some pretty neat stuff like the swtiching between things like games, internet, and the tv feature quickly the lack of game centeration is a concern. Not all questions regarding the system werent answered either. They never actually fully answered the always online question and they kept saying connected and it jsut makes me wonder if it is always online. They didnt announce if they were doing away with retail verisons or if they were gonna allow used games to be played on the system. The reveal wasnt impressive nor informing as I expected it to be. This is what the delay was for? This? Sports?
The Halo Tv series is kind of cool but it still was a let down for me. I was never gonna leave the PS4 but the conference didnt really push me to want to have a Xbox One anytime soon. Maybe E3 will give me a reason to own one at some point.
Also, am I the only person that thinks the design for the system is similar to PS2 bulky verison?