Being that im all for used games and offline play and the fact that i collect games as well and could really give a ratts ass for all the other crap they have on the console besides gaming and if this is infact the direction they are moving then you better stock up on physical games cause it looks to me everything is going to go digital.
One XBox to rule them a... oh, screw it
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![]() On 05/21/2013 at 04:44 PM by Elkovsky ![]() See More From This User » |
(Note that the following blog will probably be a bit more rambly/ranty and less well thought-out than my NES reviews tend to be, so bear with me as I vomit my immediate thoughts onto the internet with limited editing. Also, I might be wrong on some of the facts I'm citing, so feel free to (constructively) point out any outright misinformation contained herein.)
I've been reading a bit about XBox One's unveiling, and I've come to a conclusion: I still don't give a crap. The mandatory install situation seems like a bad idea for the used game market (and therefore collectors like myself), and it's not like hard drive capacities are infinite, especially when dealing with large games. There's this move in technology towards cloud-based everything, and I don't exactly like the idea of needing to be always connected to play single-player games. Granted, what I've read doesn't indicate this is going to be the case across the board, but if a developer decides to have some server somewhere shoulder some of the processing burden, what does that mean for the handful of