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Blake's Awesome Musical Update!

On 05/22/2013 at 07:25 PM by Blake Turner

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 Want some new music? Of course you do! Want to know what I've been listening to lately to give you a rough idea? Ok then! I'll give you a mix of shit I've been listening to lately, from a few different genres (mostly metal, hip hop, and rock, because it's me) for variety. So, without further ado, check this shit out!

 Thomas Giles - Pulse

 Firstly, this song is hauntingly beautiful. Seriously, listen to it, it gives me goosebumps. It's a beautiful piece of indie prog rock that later incorporates elements of electronica and one of the most engrossing flamenco guitar solo's I've heard outside actual flamenco music!

 The album itself is also brilliant. This is the lead singer of Between the Buried and Me, and while they also tend to change styles like a metalcore/death metal Mr Bungle like this album, this feels more coherent. It isn't as schitzophrenic as that band, and is also a lot softer, with barely any metal at all apart from a few moments. It's sort of a progressive indie rock/electronica with whatever else they feel like chucked in. It's pretty brilliant, and you should check it out!

Between the Buried and Me - The Parallax II: Future Sequence

Speaking of Between the Buried and me, here they are! With a pretentious and cheesy sounding name like this, you know it can't be anything other than glorious prog metal. To it's credit, it is quite different to your usual prog metal album in that it's actually progressive and not a fucking clone of a better band. I was sold on this album the get go, and the whole album is pretty solid, jumping from death metal, to melodic vocals, to pop punk, to ska, to electronica, and whatever else they fucking feel like. Great listen!

Death Grips - Their Discography


 I say discography because these guys make great songs, but not so great albums. I tend to pick a bunch of favourites and make a playlist as opposed listening to an album. However, the songs that are good are phenomenal, making for some really unique hip hop, that sometimes sound like what would happen if someone rapped over the top of radiohead's Kid A era songs. It's trippy, it's weird, and yet it's still catchy as fuck.

Katatonia - Dead End Kings

If you listened to Katatonia in the 90's, you would have known they were a heavy as fuck yet sorrowful death/doom band. Listening to them now, you wouldn't even know it was the same band. Taking the Anathema route and becomiong more about making beautiful and dark amosphric rock with moments of heaviness, theres isn't a single growl to be heard on this album. Which doesn't even remotely matter, because the vocals on this album are FUCKING GORGEOUS!!! This is the best katatonia album in a little while, but if there's one thing that can be said about Katatonia, it's that they're consistent. So if you like this, check out their other stuff!!!

 Childish Gambino - Camp

It's Donald Fucking Glover. Do I need to say more? He's brilliant on Community, he's a decent comedian, and he's not a bad rapper either. He's far from the best, but he's catchy, and some of his lyrics are pretty darn funny.

Cloud Cult - Feel Good Ghosts

 These guys seem to have one philosophy - Take generic indie pop and make it as beautiful and layered as possible. The start of this song reminds me so much of the soundtrack for Thomas Was Alone it isn't funny. It is a gorgeous instrumental passage that you absolutely need to check out.

 Anyways that's enough from me. Also, this is my second blog today. Crazy, since I haven't been overly regular. But I am extremely sick and it's getting in the way of me sleeping. Anyway, you people are beautiful, and I shall endeavor to blog more in the future. I should also get around to reading you lovely peoples blogs, although reading isn't really my strong point at the moment.




05/22/2013 at 07:36 PM

Have you heard the Metal Mr Bungle album? The Raging Wrath of the easter bunny. LOL. it is awesome.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

05/23/2013 at 01:37 PM

I actually hadn't, but I shall check that out!


05/22/2013 at 10:17 PM

Katatonia took me across the greyscale rainbow. Thanks,Blake. Good listening!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

05/23/2013 at 01:37 PM

You're welcome Ben. Glad you liked Katatonia!


05/24/2013 at 11:39 PM

I gotta listen Mr. Bird again, as I wasn't concentrated enough. As for the rest, I liked them all. Astral Body is one of my favorites of 2012, Guillotine is weirdly infectius, I just loved the darkness and melody of The Parting, Fire Fly was fun and the Cloud Cult song is very beautifull and had great instrumentation. Great selection of songs Blake.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

05/25/2013 at 08:20 AM

Thanks man, glad you liked the songs! I pictured you being a Between the Buried and Me fan for some reason...

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