First, this is not me defending Microsoft at all. Everything's so convoluted that I'm not sure what's rumor and what's real at this point, but based on what I've seen, their stance on used games and always online is stupid. It's short sighted and ensures that I will never get an Xbox One until they change this. With that said, I would not get one even if it were not for this.
See the thing about the Xbox One is while we do not want to see the next generation of Madden and Call of Duty, there is a market who will get excited for little else other than these games. Our idea of gaming involves an escapism from the real world, into all kinds of fictional worlds we can immerse ourselves in alone. Or for those of us who like multiplayer, it's the kind of games that have more meat on their bones, fighting games, real time strategy, more tactics based shooters, and Pokemon...what? No one else here plays Pokemon online? Why you fucking-

-anyways, my point is Call of Duty and Madden is at this point, not something for the average Pixlbitter. Not to say that there are not people who enjoy Call of Duty and Madden, but in general, we are not the target audience. But what I can say is that the Xbox brand is providing games for that target audience.
Just look at their big name exclusives. Sure, the beginning of this gen they had a wide variety of 1st party games like Mass Effect, Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, and Crackdown. As time went on though? Halo, Gears, and Forza are their big ticket games. These games are where the lines between us and the Xbox market are blurred, but their market gobbles these up just like they do with Call of Duty and Madden. Because the Xbox is not for us, it is for that market.
Now there is the question of why not just get Call of Duty and Madden on PS4 if that's what you like? Well, Sony may do a better job of providing a large quantity of exclusives, but you're looking at it from our perspective. Look at it from theirs. They're buying consoles to play online with their friends. They're not interested in buying dozens of games, they're interested in buying a handful to last forever. Not to say that the Xbox One will be nothing but this, I'm there will be some multiplatform games we enjoy too for when the Xbox audience wants to venture further. The thing is though, multiplatform is enough to satisfy them for this, God of War and Uncharted may be tempting, but not a deal breaker for them.

Xbox demographic does not mind games not being the center focus at all.
Looking at it from that perspective, the Xbox niche audience makes more sense. 360's user interface blows Sony's out of the water. I can't tell you how many headaches the PS Store has given me, but XBLA has given me zero. Xbox Live despite its fee is also hands down the better online system of the two.
It's safe to assume then that because the Call of Duty crowd is only interested in CoD and maybe a couple others, wouldn't they want the system that gives a better experience with the game's online mode? That gives the DLC months in advance? That has a better, more easy to use interface with more features?
Frankly put, we need to sometimes look at the picture as a whole. We want a greater quantity of exclusives while they want games that have the online stability of Halo, Gears, and Call of Duty. We want a variety of games while they want online. We make gaming more than just a hobby while they make it just something to spend the nights they're not getting laid on.
And you know what? There's nothing wrong with that. We just need to speak with our wallets and not buy a system that isn't catering to us. I'm not going to bitch that it exists for the same reasons I don't bitch about the Leapster.
Again, not to say I won't call them out on their bullshit. Used games, online system, Kinect necessary to use the system. That's fucking stupid. Those are the decisions that will cost them this gen. But not that they're preaching to a choir other than us. The TV and sports talk is exactly what those guys want on their console as well. So just buy a PS4, a Wii U, a 3DS, a PC and be glad that we'll still be getting our games.