A word of warning- This all might come off just a bit like an official press release from Microsoft, but I did my best to absorb the article, which in itself might just be a glorified press release. I am not a tech expert.
Now that we’re at least 24 hours removed from the reveal of the XBOX ONE console and it seems that the dust from the fallout refuses to settle making it difficult to assimilate all of the facts, I seemed to have missed out on a somewhat important detail related to the hardware architecture of the new console- cloud computing. What is it and how will it work? Not much was revealed behind closed doors after the big reveal party, but apparently cloud computing is built into the new systems architecture as a sort of necessary Trojan horse or Pandora’s box to be unleashed on an unspecified date. The plan is logical; as the XBOX ONE hardware ages over the years, and it’s processing power becomes obsolete, it is possible for the console system to off load it’s processing power to the thousands of servers on the ‘Live’ network to give your game an extra push in graphics, for example. Of course, in order for this to work, it would require a high bandwidth internet connection, and developers would have to figure out how to best implement this feature down the road, which hasn’t happened yet. So in the meantime, Microsoft is making a push for an always-on connected console in preparation for the bigger plan.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? Well it should, the PS3 and its cell processor was created with a similar vision of ‘tapping’ into the full power of the cell in the future and off loaded most of the research and design over to software developers which sort of pushed them over to the XBOX360 dev side and tipped the game industry over in their favor. Only a few companies, mainly first party, were able to fully tap into the full potential of the technology. I don’t think that the PC architecture of the “Cloud” network is as complicated as maybe the “cell processor”, but then I’m not really an expert in this matter, and Microsoft has already been using this cloud computing technology for a while now.
I just thought this information was interesting and added something new and cool to the gaming technology of the future, and XBOX, that I wasn’t aware of before. I’m all about retro games and keeping it old school if you know what I mean. Oh, you kids and your fancy gadgets.
Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/05/21/xbox-one-to-become-more-powerful-over-time-via-cloud-computing