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Top Five Favourite Youtube Gaming Channels

On 05/25/2013 at 04:13 PM by Blake Turner

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 Hey guys! It's me! That guy who rarely posted on here for ages and then had a sudden explosion and now blogs about every sodding thing, and you're all secretly wanting him to die, but you can't say that because you're all such nice people, and I'm starting to rant like a madman with dangerous self esteem issues now, so I'll shut up! God, if that wasn't a run on sentence, I don't know what is. Actually, seriously, I don't know what it is. I failed that aspect of my grammar exam. Anyway... Here we go!

 Lazy Game Reviews

I like this guys mainly because he reviews OLD pc games. He knows a lot about them, he knows how to build a pc and in general he's just a knowledgable guy. He's occasionally funny, though that's more because of his dry with than anything. Really, I just like delving into eras of gaming I don't know so much about and getting some knowledge. It was kind of a tie between him and Spoony, but LGR won out in the long run.

Angry Joe Show

Angry Joe isn't the smartest guy on the internet, nor is he the funniest. He is, however, one of the most enthuiastic, and it's that enthusiasm that brings you back to his reviews. When he likes a game, you can really tell, as he is just so happy to tell you about it. He dresses up in silly costumes, engages in skits and whatnot, but at the end of the day, this is a guy who just really, really loves gaming, and it shows.


 Again, this is just another really smart guy. This time, however, he doesn't do reviews. Instead he does essays, talks about game mechanics, how to advance the medium, and sometimes, he just goes really into detail about a game and what it says or said about the medium. I recommend you check him out if you have an interest in intelligent discourse about videogames.


 This guy is just funny. He has a weird sense of humour that is bright, insane, fun, and sometimes a little dark, but always entertaining. The best part: He reviews PS1 games, when every other fucker obsesses over nintendo. Speaking of Nintendo, AVGN won't be listed on this, because he's not at all funny and merely swears at things. Also, his editing is almost tv level quality. Seriously, just check it out.


 Totalbiscuit. This man is far too famous for what he does. He's a pc gaming elitist who endorses indie games and whines about system specs and what not. So why do I like him so much? Well, for starters, he is entertaining and well informed. His voice and accent could just be listened to for hours. He does a show called WTF is, which is a detailed first impressions of a game. He does news. He Occasionally writes really great Vlogs like the one above, that you should totally check out, and more importantly, he's the host of a podcast that has stolen more hours of my life than I care to admit. 

 Don't be daunted by the length. Watch the first few minutes and you'll know whether or not it's for you. The start is hilarious. They talk about game releases, what they've been playing, news and all the basic stuff, but it's the tangants they get on that are hilarious. Seriously, I love these.

 Anyway, there you go. I hope you enjoy at least one of them




05/25/2013 at 04:49 PM

cool list, i'm a fan of Joe too, i've recently been watching David So Comedy, which are hilarious blogs he makes about himself, the world, people and there problems. This is one of my favs

Blake Turner Staff Writer

05/25/2013 at 05:20 PM

He was amusing. The whole gangsta thing annoyed me a little, but I did laugh a couple of times.


05/25/2013 at 05:04 PM

I'm gonna have to check out the LGR guy. I have so many fond memories of playing ancient DOS games on an IBM 286. That was our first computer. It sucked, but we loved it. I don't wanna know how those specs would compare to modern pcs lol.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

05/25/2013 at 05:21 PM

Check both him and Spoony out. You'll probably like them both.


05/25/2013 at 06:10 PM

Excellent picks i do like Angry Joe and heres one for ya i know you like Atlus

Blake Turner Staff Writer

05/25/2013 at 07:13 PM

Goddamn it. This is what I hate about being a pc gamer, I don't get any of these games... I miss Devil Summoner. And Persona... I need to either get a Vita or a 3DS


05/25/2013 at 07:50 PM

Lol, dont feel bad i play the 360 wich gets none and the ps2 dont get any anymore and the handhekds are just to damn small for me to get into so a ps4 is sounding pretty sweet about now lol.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

05/25/2013 at 08:22 PM

We need more ports like RE: Revelations damn it!

Casey Curran Staff Writer

05/25/2013 at 07:53 PM

Don't think I've watched any of these. My favorite gaming channel is Classic Game Room.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

05/25/2013 at 08:25 PM

Just watched their Ratchet and Clank review. Seems pretty good!

Casey Curran Staff Writer

05/25/2013 at 11:46 PM

This is one of my favorites from it 


05/25/2013 at 08:53 PM

I'm going to check out all of these. I watch some game stuff on YouTube,but it's mostly corporate content except for Minnesota Burns and Raychul. I watch tons of game podcasts. So these will provide me all sorts of new entertainment. Thanks for the heads up on those people.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/25/2013 at 11:33 PM

I will try and watch these all in full later, and that way I will have something to do when things are very boring, and my Youtube/blip subscriptions dry up or don't immediately interest me. I did get to watch a couple of them partially, because parts of your text intrigued me.

Caddicarus I would say still has a very TGWTG internet style of editing, but that's not a bad thing, his editing is fine. And I agree, AVGN has not been funny for a while, and stringing together swear words wasn't funny to start with. So why am I watching his him and Mike play videos? Something to do, and I don't have anything against the guy. Caddicarus shows promise though, and I am glad there is someone dedicated to nostalgia that is not coming from Nintendo or Sega fandom.

Totalbiscuit I wanted to check out because I am more and more interested in PC gaming, so I wanted to hear from him why I should get one and see how much I can fight the classical conditioning instilled in me that makes anything but a console feel "off." Ended up having me really interested with that critique of BBC News, and I'll definitely watch that later. Also caught first part of the Felicia Day flirting in the TGS video. Seems fun.

As for Angry Joe, I pretty much agree with everything you said about him, and Spoony's Final Fantasy reviews can make me smile even if I've never played the games aside from renting. Although Angry Joe's response to Xbox One launch was a little too much for me; reminded me of this guy, who's thankfully playing a character, that I found yesterday.

This is a slow build, but it made me laugh.


05/26/2013 at 03:42 PM

Except for Angry Joe, I haven't seen any of the videos of the other guys. I really enjoyed them, so i'll be sure to check them out.

In a small defence of AVGN, although I haven't watched his videos in a while, I thought they were funny not just for the swearing and shit jokes (although I think they can be quite funny), but also for his reactions and some of the skits he had done in videos like the Christmas Carol parody and the last parts of his Super Mario Bros. 3 review.

On gaming channels, I watch Game Grumps, which I admit that they can get a bit annoying in some parts and some of their ramblings are distracting, but when they screw around with videogames it gets hilarious. I also been watching a pretty entertaining and famous let's play of Sonic 06 made by a Something Awful goon  called Pokecapn. Check it here.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

05/27/2013 at 05:53 PM

Yeah. Unfortunately I'm not a massive fan of Let's Plays unless they are informative or by Roosterteeth, because those guys are kind of hilarious.

 AVGN has made me laugh, yes, but it's more the game making me laugh than James himself.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/28/2013 at 07:06 AM

Dammit.... My channel didn't make the cut....


I'll just have to try harder!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

05/28/2013 at 05:34 PM

Don't think I've looked at your channel. Link please?

Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/30/2013 at 06:46 AM

I can't say it's the best out there.. But were trying!
Right now our biggest problem is trying to over-come out fear of the camera, but it's gotten a lot better over time!

Here's a link to the channel:

Basically what we do is take a game, make up a challenge, and try to beat the challenge.
For instance; Crouching B, Hidden C

The challenge was more or less a Last Man Standing scenerio in which we had to beat a level of Super Mario Bros. Wii, while Crouch-Jumping the entire time.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

05/30/2013 at 08:41 AM

Oh that's right. I'm subscribed to you guys! I just forgot it was you lol. The minecraft videos were pretty entertaining :)


05/28/2013 at 07:50 AM

I like Angry Joe for the same reasons. Cool 

I hadn't heard of those other shows.  I'll check them out. 



Blake Turner Staff Writer

05/28/2013 at 05:34 PM

If you're an angry joe fan, I recommend Caddicarus first and foremost. The guy is hilarious.

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