I'd like to drive her character
Let me make some things very clear:
- I don't do spoilers in these reviews, and that makes things very difficult for me here, but I will do my best to make this coherent
- I am coming at this from the viewpoint of someone who has only seen one older (pre-2009) Star Trek movie, and was only aware that Trekkies were a nerdy group who liked the show, and Patrick Stewart was on the one that aired when I was a kid; which I never watched cause I found it boring, along with sci-fi TV in general; and I could never get into the original series either, after trying to when the 2009 movie blew me away
- Going with that picture up top was totally necessary; to even it out, here you go ladies:

Whether women find this sexy or not, I have no idea, but it's the most shirtless thing I found
I loved this movie. It is the first movie of the summer that gave me exactly what I want out of a summer movie, IN SPACE! I even found it more entertaining than the thing it's clearly ... trying to make me spoil. That middle bullet point is probably very relevant to what I just typed, and if you're a Trekkie and understand what I'm saying, you want me lynched. If you understood what I just said enough that it's a spoiler for you, don't worry: they'll throw you for a couple loops at least, trust me.
Everything Star Trek did well, Star Trek Into Darkness does a million times better, because while it definitely does not go where no man has gone before, it does throw in what I thought were just the right twists to keep me wondering how the characters were going to get out of a situation. Not if, cause we all know who can and can't have certain things happen to them in these movies, but how, which kept me intrigued.
Even in the telegraphed moments though, I was immensely entertained by the amazing visuals, pitch-perfect character interactions, acting, writing, directing, editing, and while they weren't necessarily geared towards me, the references were entertaining and I understood them. This was especially true for the guy sitting a few seats over from me who was like a kid in a damn candy store every time they'd pop up.
I can't really say anything else but that if you're a Trekkie, I can see how this movie would alienate you like the first one did for a lot of people, but if you liked the 2009 film, this is just everything that worked the first time amped up with some awesome twists. Twists that I for one thought actually made sense and fit within a coherent storyline and plot, where the first one was full of bogus science (this one just has standard bullshit action movie physics) and weird ... well, this one doesn't jump through time as much, so it's allowed to be more structured, let's put it that way. Granted, there is a dumb line involving someone from the future, and some obvious proceedings towards the end, but whatever, play that McGuffin where it lies I say. And give that McGuffin all she's got captain!
Seriously though, just go see it if you're interested at all. It's the most fulfilling experience I've had at the movies so far and by far this year. I hear it's great in IMAX and 3D, too. I might have to check that out for myself.
But yes, it has lens flares. Quite a few. Again.