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"Xbox One = HAL 9000," say Area Men

On 05/28/2013 at 08:38 AM by Super Step

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Both Tim Vines, director at Civil Liberties Australia, and Peter Schaar, Berlin's federal data protection commissioner, have questioned Xbox One's need to have a microphone/camera device (Kinect 2.0, in this case) in order to operate the console, and argue the machine could simply be a thinly veiled surveillance device.

In fact, apparently it meets the definition of a surveillance device under certain Australian laws, hence Vine's concern in saying Microsoft needs to be up front about what information it collects and how it uses it.

I for one, don't care if the first source I heard this from, sxephil on Youtube, says this is a tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy. I do not at all put it past a large company like Microsoft, with a device like this, to gather anything it can.

Having said that, you can unplug your Xbox One I imagine, so there's that. Still, while it would mostly be used for marketing me Oreos cause I mention them in conversation during an online game and it's listening, I'm all for making an effort to make Microsoft as transparent as it can be with what goes on when the camera and microphone are in standby mode. Of course, in standby mode, it's probably only programmed to recognize certain commands, and limited in what it can actually record ... or so they want you to believe.

What your Xbox One is thinking when it overhears your conversation about extramarital affairs

and it wants some blackmail

In all honesty, I don't care that much, since I don't plan on buying one, and people let too much out online anyway, but I definitely see Microsoft taking similar information to what Facebook archives, if this thing is capable of what it's being accused of, and if you know what Facebook archives, that's pretty fucking creepy, especially if you're unaware of it happening.

Don't worry, I got tin-foil ready to go over here. Now I just need to make a HAM radio and find a basement somehwere. Or perhaps the attic will do.

In non-gaming news, deadlifting on only 300 calories breakfast: dumb idea.





Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/28/2013 at 09:13 AM

I saw a picture on Reddit in regards to this, but I can't find it now.. Anyway, it showed a Kinect behind the TV. Satirical, but funny lol

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/28/2013 at 09:52 AM

Satire is funny, yeah.

So is farce. Like the tumblr page I'm now following of Michael Buble being stalked by a raptor.

Submitted by Jordan G. of Thompson Junior High School
Students at Thompson Junior High made bubleraptor images as part of a graphics class. They’re awesome.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/28/2013 at 10:00 AM




I've been seeing them everywhere since I beat that boss in Ninja Gaiden 3.. lol


05/28/2013 at 09:18 AM

This is yet another reason why I'll never buy that trash. It certainly sounds like some Big Brother type shit. I like my privacy, and the idea of a company watching me is just aborrent. WTF knows what Kinect can do?

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/28/2013 at 09:53 AM

To be fair, you can unplug it and it may not be as Draconian in standby as these two guys are making it sound. But I wouldn't put it past Microsoft to do stuff like this either, so, yeah I'm not buying one either. lol


05/28/2013 at 09:58 AM

Sadly there will be enough hardcore fanboys and "casual gamers" to buy this sorry joke of a console to make it a moderate success. Personaly I don't like Microsoft and would love to see them get a dose of humility to their hubris.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/28/2013 at 10:11 AM

Honestly, I would consider myself a casual gamer at this point, having not bought another gaming device since 2004 with DS, and was excited for the system with its all-in-one approach. Too bad I'm also an informed consumer.


05/28/2013 at 03:34 PM

I'm not trying knock casual gamers, but I just get annoyed when things get watered down and homoginized to please the masses vs the core audience. There has been a lot of talk about most casual gamers flocking to moble devices and away from consoles, which has some people wonder if the next gen of consoles with be the last. I doubt it, but it is an unsettling thought none the less.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/28/2013 at 04:05 PM

Yeah, I guess by "casual" I mean I'm not jumping at the opportunity to call something a "brofest" when an American-made system showcases American-developed games that sell well on a particular console, but truth be told, my tastes are very much more aligned with things like Okami than they are with FPS in general.

But I understand that I'm in a niche base of consumers, plus I consume enough internet/TV/movies that all-in-one appealed to me; so again, too bad I know what they're doing in terms of consumer practice, and hopefully Sony doesn't follow suit too closely.

As for this being the last crop of systems, I don't know if I see it happening. Even if these fail, which I doubt, I think people are plenty excited for new consoles still, and I don't know if I believe anyone would "flock" to mobile gaming for any reason except it's relatively cheaper and more convenient for them at a given time. I don't think anyone "replaces" consoles with mobile, though they might replace it with PC, but there are people like myself that just don't feel right not gaming on a console, and they're more numerous than you might think.

In any case, we'll just have to wait and see, but I think this generation will wind up at least healthier than the doom and gloom things like my blog perpetuate online. And yes, I understand the irony of my previous statement. lol


05/28/2013 at 10:55 AM

Kevin Pereira was on the Indoor Kids podcast talking XBOX One and made an observation. Perhaps they just want to spy on our reaction to TV and ads. As well as game trailers and demos. Then turn around and sell the collected data for big bucks. Targeted advertising,anyone?

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/28/2013 at 11:41 AM

Yeah, that's probably what they'll use it for if any of this is true.

True Gamer At Heart

05/28/2013 at 01:24 PM

Yeah, I am what you call a xbox guy..Not a fanboy, but if you put me on a island and told me which current system i wanted to play i would not even let you finish the sentence and say xbox 360!!

But man, all this stuff that you need the kinnect to work?? Really why?? At the moment I am just going to wait till e3..Maybe they will change their tune, after much of gamer anger towards them!! So all the people who are well..I reckon xbox one is going to be online all the time..guess that means I will get a ps4..Hold your cookes..For all we know ps4 may have something like this..This is the same company that said, it was fine paying for a 600 dollars cause it can do many things as well!! Rememember folks!!


For me..Even before the announcement..I was going to wait till see what games are coming out and how much it was going to seems like i will wait even more to see how this pans out..Till now i can really put a dent in my backlog!!

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/28/2013 at 01:52 PM

I agree that Sony could very well pull some anti-consumer policies out of their ass soon as well, but the thing is I already know Microsoft at least plans on doing these things.

Who knows, though, it could end up being a great system. I am not going to be an early adopter regardless, so time to wait is there, but I'm just fascinated by how every little nugget I get about One is negative for a consumer in some small way.

But again, who knows, and this surveillance stuff might not be based on solid evidence, even if I'd be annoyed by having to get a Kinect 2.0 regardless.


05/28/2013 at 02:17 PM

I read someone where that a microsoft employee said in a interview that the "kinect cant be turned off, its always lsitening" That to me was the most creepiest thing I ever heard in all my life till now. A game system, always listening? When I do own in maybe 1 to 2 years unless Im playing a game it shall be unplugged. Xbox one isnt gonna be a creeper in my house -_-

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/28/2013 at 02:35 PM

I'm probably just not gonna buy one. Especially since there's also this.


05/28/2013 at 02:49 PM

LOL! MS jsut wants to dig a bigger ditch to bury themselves in. While yes Sony could pull out something anti consumer I dont think they will. They already stated Always online was a no go from the beginning. They know internet is not where it needs to be for that to work. The only thing unanswered that is a  concern for me is used games. However Ive decided that when it comes to that area Im jsut gonna accept it and bitch about it occasionally.


05/28/2013 at 02:20 PM

If I hear an Xbox One singing "Daisy" if I happen to walk by it i'm taking a baseball bat to it.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/28/2013 at 02:37 PM

Nah, just sell it to an unsuspecting house and listen in on their conversations with a wireless device feeding you whatever the Kinect picks up and find out all the blackmail you c ... this thing is potentially creepier than I thought. lol


05/28/2013 at 03:55 PM

Privacy seems to be disappearing nearly everywhere. Even on my PC these days, I feel like whatever I do there is public knowledge. I think with Kinect you just have to realize that you're in the public view in some way whenever you turn it on. I bet Microsoft will have a fine print disclaimer saying just this sort of thing when you buy it.

An aside: I remember an article describing how you can use the PlayStation Eye as a surveillance device.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/28/2013 at 04:11 PM

Oh, anything that's a camera can be a surveillance device, easily, it's just the "always on" thing that makes this seem more Draconian. You're right though, internet in general kills most privacy, and Sony does have products that you can use for unscrupulous purposes, but it's the fact you have to unplug the One in order to be safe from potential surveillance that makes it that tad bit creepier.

Granted, the fact everyone has a cellphone camera almost makes us a borderline citizen-police state. Oy.

So yeah, it's not like Microsoft somehow invented unwanted information gathering, it's just being kind of (in that it can be unplugged) forced to use the thing that seems iffy to me.


05/28/2013 at 04:15 PM

That would be a pain to always have to disKinect it every time you stopped playing. Last weekend I was making all sorts of jokes referring to doing embarrassing things and then realizing the Kinect was still on and going "oh no, Kinect is still on!" I must've said it fifteen times.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/28/2013 at 04:21 PM

LOL. Yeah, I was thinking of intentionally doing disgusting things so that Microsoft stopped ever surveilling me. Paranoid, but fun ideas.


05/28/2013 at 04:28 PM

As soon as Microsoft announced the improvements to Kinect, everyone was thinkin' dirty. You know you did. But I'm sure the people at Microsoft did too and are trying to gaurantee that it wont happen on their console. Can you imagine the work Microsoft's police force is going to have keeping Kinect clean and family friendly? I don't envy them at all.


05/28/2013 at 10:26 PM

Well personally i think everyone is paronoid cause first off thats against the law federal law at that so i really dont think they could get away with that, and as far as consoles going to handhelds and phones i really dont think they will cause theres someone who will step up and put out a console and clean house with the competition, personally i wish i had the money cause i would make a basic console just for games of course it would be online and have dlc and games and all but thats it games only if it wasnt associated with games it wouldnt be there.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/29/2013 at 04:44 AM

Lol probably everyone is paranoid, but hey, I can kick Microsoft when it's down. lol

I do talk about Oreos a lot though, so if I'm not just being paranoid, I'll know. lmao

As for a console mostly associated with games, an Ouya seems like what some people are going with.

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