I will agree, high school is when I started to really play games. I had played some nes and snes with my older brothers, but when I was in high school I got my very own ps2. Then I entered the point of no return.
Gamertag to Face
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![]() On 05/29/2013 at 11:11 AM by The Last Ninja ![]() See More From This User » |
So I thought I'd do this since many of you guys are doing it and I've enjoyed seeing what you actually look like. I've been able to get to know some of you since I've joined and learned what you like and don't like, and seeing your appearance makes me feel like I know you more. I'm going to take you on a short history through my life.
Age 2, December 1992.
My name is Paul Robinson and I was born in Cleveland, Ohio in the wonderful year of 1990. I was the youngest of four (one sister and two brothers). As far back as I can remember, I would watch my brothers (especially my oldest brother) play video games. I remember watching my brother Peter play through Final Fantasy 6; the year must have been '94 or '95. I was too young to play, but not too young to watch.
Age 3, with my siblings (I'm in the green sweater), December 1993
So here I am with my siblings, excited for Christmas. My sister there is the oldest and I'm next to my older brothers Phil and Peter (Daftman is actually my brother, I hope he doesn't mind me giving out that information). I have my brothers to thank for getting me into video games; they played games, so I played games too. Our cousin gave us his NES because he got a SNES, and that's when it all began. We received a SNES for Christmas a few years later, and we were hooked on games. My brothers and I played a lot of games together.
Age 10, Summer 2000
Here I am at age 10, the most innocent child you've ever seen (my brothers would tell you differently). This was during the summertime. A highlight of summertimes when I was a kid was loading up the mini van and going on vacation. We had a regular Game Boy, and we would pull out that thing and take turns playing games. The game I enjoyed the most was TMNT 2: Back from the Sewers (it's a pretty good game). And since my brothers and I were gamers, we would usually take a console with us to play at our relative's house.
Age 16, Summer 2006
Now we come to the sweet age of 16. This pic shows me on the grand old tree in my grandparents' front yard in Cleveland. Age 16 was when I started getting serious with video games; up to this point, I mostly enjoyed playing multiplayer with my bros. and friends. I decided during this summer to actually play some great games on my own. It was this summer when I finally played The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and I loved it! I beat it in no time. I also beat Earthbound, and discovered another incredible game. Another great memory of '06 I have is spending the night with my brother Peter outside a Target to buy a launch Wii. I got Zelda: Twilight Princess with my Wii and beat it within a few weeks. Video games had become a major personal passion for me.
I had to show you this pic. This is me and my ex-girlfriend at a fun event at college. We could have gone as anything, but since I loved video games so much, I suggested we go as Luigi and Daisy, and she actually did it! I thought we pulled them off pretty well.
And here's what I look like currently (you were waiting for that, right?). I grew the beard a couple months ago to see what it would look like, and everyone seems to like it. Sadly, I am currently single, but I believe that God will bring the right woman into my life soon. Until then, I'll keep playing video games and posting on Pixlbit about my love for games. Thank you, Pixlbit friends!