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Gimme Shelter

On 05/30/2013 at 02:37 PM by smartcelt

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I was playing Max Payne 3 last night when I realized just how essential cover is. After popping my head up a few times only to see brain matter and a big gaping hole. In slow-mo! That game requires you to use cover wisely and develop strategies for getting in position to take on enemies. At least Max Payne 3 has bullet time to work with. Helps out in some of the more heavy firefights you encounter. Was cover always done this well? Doesn't seem like too long ago it was pretty hard to come by in shooters. I think back to some early games like Rolling Thunder that used it very well. It was essential to playing it effectively. But now it seems like every shooting game incorporates it into combat. 

Killswitch was one game that did it really well. It had it's flaws,but the cover system was a key factor in my enjoyment of it. It introduced some new techniques to use behind cover,too.

But I think the one game that does it best is Gears Of War. It broke new ground in how quickly you can duck into cover and pop up to shoot. It all feels so natural and very fluid. It set the bar very high for all future games using cover techniques in combat. Seems like a ton of companies tried to copy it with different levels of success. But where would we be now if old Cliffy B. was not such a brilliant game designer? Still runnin' and gunnin' perhaps? Maybe....but someone would have done it eventually. Just maybe not as stylishly as Cliff did. 

Shooting around corners with one of these is a tactic I would love to see in a game. Seems like I saw something similar once,but I can't remember now. Saw it in the film Ghost In The Shell and it always struck me as pure shooting genius. Of course, if they deployed it into Call Of Duty people would get their drawers in a bunch. "It's not fair! You're a cheating bastard!" Oh I can hear the cries and wailing now.....pitiful! I think it would be kinda cool,though.

Oh crap! The Chinese are using it already? We are so screwed...but then I'm sure our military uses them too. Guess the technology has been there a while,just not as widely used as it is now.

Now this last guy here is using a Smart Sight with his weapon. Looks kind of like Google Glass to me. So they did find a way to use it for killing folks? I know it's different tech,but don't give Google any funny ideas,okay? I will stick with more traditional means of cover. I like it in games and I hope the future will offer up innovative means with which I can save my ass from being shot off!

What I'm listening to today..........................



Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/30/2013 at 02:43 PM

One of my favorite games that involve 'cover' is probably the Army of Two series. All the games seemed to utilize cover really well, and if you were turtled down behind cover, enemies weren't afraid to flank you.

Plus the Aggro system in AoT made the cover system even better in my eyes.


Funny you mentioned Max Payne 3 also. I just picked it up a few weeks ago. I only beat a few missions so far, but overall it's not too shabby!


05/30/2013 at 02:51 PM

Max Payne 3 gets insane as it goes along. I'm nearing the end now and the blood being spilled could fill a small pond. Bullet Time just never gets old,still a lot of fun. I may have to try one of those Army Of Two games with my son. He excels at most shooters.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/30/2013 at 03:06 PM

That's the way to do it, definitely play Army of Two with a co-op partner. To me; Army of Two redefined the way I expect to play Co-Op shooters. The cover/aggro system is fantastic! Plus the weapon customizations are a giant plus as well!

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/30/2013 at 02:44 PM

That is an interesting looking gun. Did not realize that even existed, but like a Zelda puzzle's solution, now that I see it, I feel miffed at myself for not realizing it sooner. lol


05/30/2013 at 02:52 PM

I didn't realize they used them until today. Thought it was still a bit of sci-fi weaponry. Apparently they've even made toy guns for kids that can do that!

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/30/2013 at 04:46 PM

Man, that perv kid with the Super Soaker is like the CIA of cleavage inspectors then.


05/30/2013 at 02:59 PM

Gears of War was my first encounter with a cover system. Thinking back, it too me a while to get the hang of the whole idea. When its done well, I'm a big fan. I thought it was done well in the Uncharted games also


05/31/2013 at 01:15 PM

I agree on Uncharted,and thank God it worked so well in that game. With the downpour of bullets you encounter that is a big help!


05/31/2013 at 01:20 PM

Yeah absolutely. Thinking back, I died ALOT!


05/30/2013 at 03:22 PM

I rather enjoyed how Rainbow Six Vegas handled cover...  so, you aren't listening to the rolling stones? 


05/31/2013 at 01:24 PM

The song was going through my head a lot. Just not as much as the others,I get distracted easily! I recently started on Rainbow Six Vegas again. The cover system they use is fantastic. It's been honed to a razor edge in those Clancy games.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

05/30/2013 at 04:28 PM

i think the US definitely had that tech first, I remember seeing a gun program on it a while ago. 

Cover is important.  Spec Ops didn't do it very well, but otherwise I like the game. Some games just do it bad.  And sometimes it seems so artificial, what you're covering behind, the game design seems so obvious. 

on the other hand, gaping holes in your head suck.  Tongue Out


05/31/2013 at 07:56 PM

Yeah,it does seem a bit clunky in Spec Ops:The Line. Lot of things to like in that game,but that isn't one of them. One thing we do very well in the US is guns. China has a lot of catching up to do on that front.


05/30/2013 at 04:37 PM

I can't remember the first game I played with cover in it. Unless you count hiding behind walls in Doom as cover. I do like the use of cover, but sometimes I just want to run out like an idiot with guns blazing lol. Laughing 

Also that song Gimme Shelter by the Rolling Stones is great.


05/31/2013 at 08:00 PM

I like the old Leeroy Jenkins approach sometimes as well. Just running in all guns blazing. Do a lot of that in GTA games because cover in those games is shoddy as hell. When I was younger I thought it was Janis Joplin singing with Mick Jagger on the song. I was wrong,but it was pretty impressive anyhow.


05/30/2013 at 08:52 PM

still trying to wrap my head around the use of cover in videogames. I'm still of the school that real men don't need cover and we just go in with guns blazing. it worked so well in past gaming generations, but games are too much now where we need it, even if some games make it look like we magnatize/mate/suction cup us to the wall.


05/30/2013 at 11:37 PM

So many games incorporate it now, it's the new standard. I agree with the credit given to GoW here, used very well to create a fluid system messed up so completly in numerous other titles. I like the cover system used in Hitman Absolution, they managed to add this simple mechanic to make the game more action orientated which to be honest isn't as cool as Blood Money for my liking but none the less it's an insanely cool game.


05/31/2013 at 11:32 AM

I do like how more games now involve the player actually having to use cover instead of running up the middle and shooting everything (I still like this option too). I do like that feature of being able to run up to something for cover, pop up, shoot, and back into hiding. I don't play any 360 games so it's interesting to see that it came from Gears.

Oh Kill.Switch. I had a love/hate/really hate relationship with, but some aspects were enjoyable. 


05/31/2013 at 03:42 PM

Two games that i do like very much is operation flashpoint dragon rising and red river and the main reason is its a combat sim other words one shot in the head game over and it uses cover very realistically. 


05/31/2013 at 04:13 PM

That level of realism would be a real challenge. I used a ton of painkillers while playing Max Payne 3. I think I'm an addict now!


05/31/2013 at 05:03 PM

Rehabilitation time huh lol.Tongue Out

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