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Clearing My Head (Xbox One) and What I've Been Up To

On 05/30/2013 at 02:11 PM by Chris Yarger

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What’s this? Three posts from me, in ONE day?

Yeah.. Work has been extremely slow. Slow enough that I’m posting an actual blog up along after posting a Community Poll (#7) and a Dark Souls Video (#6). If you haven’t checked the video yet, I’d definitely recommend it since I took out the dual Bell Gargoyles boss(es) like a fucking champion!

So I decided to let my head clear a bit before I posted about the Xbox One (again). I’m still looking at it in a negative light, but not nearly as negatively as before. I say this now simply because we don’t have the full details in regards to either PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. Sure; the X1 has to be online at least once every twenty-four hours, but I think that’s simply so it can update auto-magically on its own. I don’t think I’ve read anywhere that if it isn’t connected at least once every 24 hours then it won’t allow you to play games.

The Used Game fee pisses me off undoubtedly. But at the same time, Sony stated that the PS4 will be able to play used games but they’ve been rather shifty when further pressed on the matters. If I were a betting man (in which I am), I’d say that Sony is going to be in the same boat as Microsoft in terms of their stances on Used Games. The only reason I say this is because of:

  1. Sony hasn’t offered full details on the matter
  2. EA suddenly pulls all of their Online Passes without an explanation

I guess my logic is probably flawed to many of you, but to me it seems sensible I suppose.

And while I’m speaking of EA and their Online Passes, did you all hear that they started revoking them for some of their older games? Here’s a list of games they nixed the Online Pass for as of today:

  1. Alice: Madness Returns
  2. Bad Company 2 (VIP)
  3. Bulletstorm
  4. Dragon Age Origins (Stone Prisoner DLC)
  5. Dragon Age 2 (The Black Emporium DLC)
  6. Kingdoms of Amalur
  7. Mass Effect 2 (Cerberus Network DLC)
  8. Medal of Honor
  9. Shift 2
  10. Skate 3 (Skate Share Pack DLC)


While it’s not perfect in any way, shape, or form, it’s still a start. They should’ve just gotten rid of them all, but I suppose it takes time. I don’t know if they’ll be offering any refunds to those who bought the passes or not, though I highly doubt it considering that it’s EA we’re talking about.

I also read an article that Microsoft has stated that its controllers have been rigorously tested and have a life expectancy of 10 years. At first I was like “Damn, 10 years!?”, then I realized that I’ve been using the same 360 controller for the past 7 years and I was slightly disappointed. Why talk up the new hardware whenever the old hardware is still consistent?

I’m not sure what to think of the new Kinect.
Ok, that was a lie.
I think it sucks.

It has to be connected at all times and serves as the powering device for the console.
I just want a Power Button, dammit!
And privacy is also concerning. I really don’t want watching TV with my Wife while some stranger is hacked into my Xbox and fapping away. That’s just weird and strangely uncomfortable.

In the end though, I suppose I am simply just going to wait it out for E3. Hopefully the games will be able to sway me in one direction or the other. As it stands though, I’m heavily considering the PS4, but who knows. There is plenty of time for Microsoft to throw their hands in the air and declare “We fucked up!” and suddenly make some drastic changes to their system. In an ever-changing world, anything is possible I suppose.



I’ve been playing a lot of Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge as of recently. It’s different, and I definitely miss the older Ninja Gaiden games. The first two were great; the third one is just odd whenever it comes to its story. I really don’t understand why Ryu is working alongside a government agency suddenly. Either way though, I’m enjoying the frustration it has been offering me. I wanted to completely smash my controller yesterday while playing, but I held back since that wouldn’t solve anything. I eventually beat the Day 4 boss, but it took me nearly an hour to topple it!

Since the XboxOne Reveal, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m going to put myself and my gaming habits on a 1-2 year plan. Simply put; while the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are working out the bugs and building their library, I’m simply going to backtrack through the PS3’s library and play all of the great games I’ve missed over the years. I started this Plan over the weekend by buying the entire Uncharted series. I haven’t played them yet, but I plan to!

According to my Plan, I’m going to hit my 100,000th Achievement Point before I really start working on the PS3’s library.

Currently I'm at 98,770 so I’m getting close…


So yeah, I’m going to quit rambling now. Have a great day and weekend everyone!



Super Step Contributing Writer

05/30/2013 at 02:19 PM

Well, Microsoft did recently say you will be able to shut the console completely off, so privacy concerns are a bit less (and would be if you unplugged the console or took its internet connection away) so there's that for privacy at least.

I do think PS4 will follow at least a couple shitty XONE policies though, in terms of used games, I'm with you there.

We'll see at E3.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/30/2013 at 02:35 PM

Honestly man, I'm just not sure what to think of the next gen as a whole. I'm really hoping that E3 can restore a bit of faith. I can't remember any other generation of consoles in which has spurred such distaste in companies.


05/30/2013 at 07:26 PM

Be aware that as long as it is plugged in and attached to the internet M$ can probably turn it on anytime they want. Trust no one, unplug everything and never ever do anything naughty in front of the camera. Big Bill is watching. LOL


05/30/2013 at 02:20 PM

Some of these memes are great. lol. I agree that Sony might be hiding some "fine print" about how they handle used games. What can I say? I'm slow to trust companies in this day & age. If both the Xbox One and PS4 "suck" at least I can buy a decent pc,Chris. (Because at this point all consoles will become is inferior pcs with more restrictions & less applications than standard pcs. Uh, no thanks.)

  I'm really hoping microsoft and sony try to atone and change up their game plans based on user feedback.

 That said, at least for me, the PS4 is still in the lead. (And will stay that way until sony tries something really shifty. Which I'm kind of expecting.)

Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/30/2013 at 02:39 PM

Thanks Ben, I did a lot of digging to find the best suited memes! lol

And I know what you mean about being slow to trust. I'm hesitating with both systems, but more-so with the X1 than the PS4. I don't think it was ever this bad whenever the 360 and PS3 were announced. Sure, people were divided into Fan-Sects, but I don't think people necassarily 'jumped ship' like that are with the upcoming generation.

How about you and I get together sometime, make a console solely for Gaming and Netflix (Because Netflix is fucking awesome, I can't deny that lol), and we'll market it to the masses as the PlayBox?


05/30/2013 at 07:38 PM

That's all I need,bro! Games and movies! A console that watches my every move,listens in on my conversations, demands mafia compensation to play used games, and goes into a cardiac arrest without a 24 hour online check up simply creeps me out! Is this the first Terminator? Machines are revolting against us!


05/30/2013 at 02:44 PM

I agree with your plan. I like it so much that I'll take it a bit further and not buy ANY of these new consoles coming it lol. I was trying to tell my friend about the horrors of the Xbox 1, but he kept defending and denying. There is a lot of disturbing shit in regards to that console, but I'm over it now. If anything I'll just build a new PC next time.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/30/2013 at 02:48 PM

I may also be skipping the next-gen, but I'm just trying to remain hopeful!

And I was debating on PC gaming, but I always hear about how much trouble people have at times trying to patch games and some games not compatible with certain graphic-cards.. I don't know if I want to endure the frustration or just play a game guarenteed (To a point, discluding bugs/patches) to work on a console without any hardware changes being needed.


05/30/2013 at 02:57 PM

Have fun with Uncharted when you get around to it. They're great games. Although I still haven't finished the first one since it gets rather....scary.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/30/2013 at 03:06 PM

Scary as in horror? Or scary as in design/bugs?



05/30/2013 at 04:43 PM

Horror. Well, not really horror, more supernatural bullshit that pops up on you in dimly lighted hallways


05/30/2013 at 03:40 PM

The best part, is how microsoft seems to have contradicted or backpedaled on nearly eveything that they have said since the reveal.  So, I cannot say that I trust anything at this point.  Also, sony's silence is a little worrisome, but they should open their mouths in a week and a half.  

I have found that all of this chatter and talk of new consoles is really helping me work through my backlog.   I think that I may be excited over the possibilities of the next generation.  Hopefully I will be able to finish the backlog before reality sinks in.


Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/30/2013 at 03:49 PM

My plan is to wait a year or two so any bugs can be worked out of the next-gen consoles, because let's face it, everything comes with bugs nowadays. Hopefully I'll be ready once the new versions of the next-gen are coming out! I just want to spend some time though and play all of the great PS3 games I've missed. I'm really excited to try out the Uncharted games as well as Resistence, InFamous, etc.


05/30/2013 at 03:54 PM

I may find myself buying anothe ps3 in the near future.  I want to finish the resistance games, uncharted 3, the last  of us, kingdom hearts 1.5, MGS4, 3d dot game heroes, tales of xillia, ni no kuni, guacamelee, dragon's crown, and whatever ones I am forgetting...  Now I am wondering why I did not register for a ps3.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/30/2013 at 04:00 PM

All  of those are great games I need to add to my list!


05/30/2013 at 04:00 PM

If these new consoles don't appeal to me, at least I'll have more time to dig deeper into my backlog and all the games I've missed this gen.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/30/2013 at 04:02 PM

It's a good plan. Hopefully we'll make some headway come E3 in regards to the consoles and their rumors. I'm just hoping for some good news. I'm trying to be as optimistic as possible, but in times like this, it's rather tough.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

05/30/2013 at 04:30 PM

I can't help myself.  I want a PS4.  I'm ready for the new generation.  The game libary will be thin, but I'll still have my other systems too. 

Chris Yarger Community Manager

06/03/2013 at 07:11 AM

I'm leaning towards the PS4 as well. I just want to go into E3 with an open mind though and base my decision upon the games presented. Hopefully Microsoft will actually show some games this time..... lol


05/30/2013 at 05:40 PM

I was wondering if the always online thing was to keep people from hacking into their hardware and modding them. If you remove the case it will self destruct or something. 

I waited a couple of years to buy a PS3 and received 360 as a gift years after it's release so there were more games on sale and the interfaces and on line stores had been more streamlined. I don't know why we need to move onto the next thing just because we are told to do so. I plan on playing Realm Reborn on PS3 for a few years so it will keep me busy for a while. Not to mention all those free to play MMOs that I've been enjoying for a few years. I'm really just excited for the new Wind Waker this year. Who knows what will happen after E3? FU creepy kinect! Cry

Chris Yarger Community Manager

06/03/2013 at 07:13 AM

I was wondering how the 'modding' would be on the new generation consoles. I'm sure that someone will be able to find a way to disconnect the Kinect (Given there's a power button on the console of course) and find a way around the DRM!


05/30/2013 at 06:13 PM

Yep, both of the new consoles sound unappealing to me. That's all I'll say about that for now. There are plenty of opinions out there, and I don't have the energy to add mine to the list. Especially since I'm somewhat cynical, and anything I say will just sound too negative.

I beat NG Sigma last week, so I'll be ready to continue onto NG Sigma 2 here shortly. I just really love the arcade style action of this series. So it's okay by me if the other games aren't as good as the first. My plan is to just continue to catch up on my library of shame while Sony and Microsoft figure out what they're doing.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

06/03/2013 at 07:16 AM

I loved the original Ninja Gaiden/NG: Black/NG: Sigma (Yes, it was re-released twice lol). I remember spending countless hours hacking my way through that game! Unfortunately, I was never able to beat the second one. I kind of backed myself into a corner at the final boss with no way to buy any healing items, so I was essentially stuck fighting the final boss without anything to heal with and I finally gave up.

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge is really tough though. There are a lot of sections in the game that have showcased my colorful vocabulary to those around me.. lol


06/04/2013 at 12:01 AM

Yeah, I played through all three versions, too. I want to play the second one, but you have to install it on the harddrive. Urgh.


05/30/2013 at 08:44 PM

I had to step away with all the xbox one issues over the weekend. as much as I'd lkke to trash it I too am waiting for E3 to get the final word. hopefully MS realizes their mistake and backpedel on the 24 hr internet and used game sales.

i fear that EA might have something up their sleeve. they maybe revoking online pass (your welcome) vut why do I get a feeling they might try to force origin to install/run on the xbox one/PS4....

Chris Yarger Community Manager

06/03/2013 at 07:22 AM

I'm really hoping that both console's back-pedal on their social features. The PS4 seems way too eager to share crap, and the Xbox One seems entirely too eager to spy on the gamer.


05/30/2013 at 08:46 PM

and speaking of online pass, is the version of razor's edge of NG3 you own/play on the Wii U? been wanting to do a write up of that game on my Online Pass Watch blog series but cnat get confirmation if that one has onljne pass?

Chris Yarger Community Manager

06/03/2013 at 07:18 AM

No, I've been playing it on 360. I have a friend who is a Nintendo nut though and he'll be buying the game soon. Whenever he does, I'll let you know about the online pass!


06/29/2013 at 02:08 AM

Thanks! any help is appricated!


05/31/2013 at 10:42 AM

Very impressive Gamerscore you have. I just broke 10,000 recently and got all excited. It's pretty slow going for me,but I finished Max Payne 3 last night and picked up about 60 points in doing so. As for XBOX One I try not to put on the tin foil hat and get paranoid. But that camera and it's possibilities for spying make me nervous. I don't think that is their intention,but you have to remember there are many devious assholes  out there who think they rule "cyber world" and do devious things just to show us they can. Having an active camera that is that sensitive in my room online is just spooky.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

06/03/2013 at 07:23 AM

I actually remember whenever I broke my 10,000th point, I had just started dating my Wife about 5-6 years ago!


05/31/2013 at 11:39 AM

I really don't like where these gaming consoles are heading. All the talk of not being able to play used games, always connected, having cameras that could be constantly on, it makes me a little angry. I maybe acting like I'm wearing a tin foil hat, but look what happened with PSN last summer.

I have a plan I've been following for the past couple of consoles, in that I'll wait a year. Let both companies figure out the bugs, let the hype settle down a bit, and then buy a console. During this time I might get a 360 just to play some of the exclusives I haven't tried. 

Chris Yarger Community Manager

06/03/2013 at 07:24 AM

It seems as if both you and I are going along the same plan then!

And believe it or not, 360 actually has some decent exclusive content, especially in regards to their Arcade titles!

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