What’s this? Three posts from me, in ONE day?
Yeah.. Work has been extremely slow. Slow enough that I’m posting an actual blog up along after posting a Community Poll (#7) and a Dark Souls Video (#6). If you haven’t checked the video yet, I’d definitely recommend it since I took out the dual Bell Gargoyles boss(es) like a fucking champion!
So I decided to let my head clear a bit before I posted about the Xbox One (again). I’m still looking at it in a negative light, but not nearly as negatively as before. I say this now simply because we don’t have the full details in regards to either PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. Sure; the X1 has to be online at least once every twenty-four hours, but I think that’s simply so it can update auto-magically on its own. I don’t think I’ve read anywhere that if it isn’t connected at least once every 24 hours then it won’t allow you to play games.

The Used Game fee pisses me off undoubtedly. But at the same time, Sony stated that the PS4 will be able to play used games but they’ve been rather shifty when further pressed on the matters. If I were a betting man (in which I am), I’d say that Sony is going to be in the same boat as Microsoft in terms of their stances on Used Games. The only reason I say this is because of:
- Sony hasn’t offered full details on the matter
- EA suddenly pulls all of their Online Passes without an explanation
I guess my logic is probably flawed to many of you, but to me it seems sensible I suppose.
And while I’m speaking of EA and their Online Passes, did you all hear that they started revoking them for some of their older games? Here’s a list of games they nixed the Online Pass for as of today:
- Alice: Madness Returns
- Bad Company 2 (VIP)
- Bulletstorm
- Dragon Age Origins (Stone Prisoner DLC)
- Dragon Age 2 (The Black Emporium DLC)
- Kingdoms of Amalur
- Mass Effect 2 (Cerberus Network DLC)
- Medal of Honor
- Shift 2
- Skate 3 (Skate Share Pack DLC)

While it’s not perfect in any way, shape, or form, it’s still a start. They should’ve just gotten rid of them all, but I suppose it takes time. I don’t know if they’ll be offering any refunds to those who bought the passes or not, though I highly doubt it considering that it’s EA we’re talking about.
I also read an article that Microsoft has stated that its controllers have been rigorously tested and have a life expectancy of 10 years. At first I was like “Damn, 10 years!?”, then I realized that I’ve been using the same 360 controller for the past 7 years and I was slightly disappointed. Why talk up the new hardware whenever the old hardware is still consistent?
I’m not sure what to think of the new Kinect.
Ok, that was a lie.
I think it sucks.
It has to be connected at all times and serves as the powering device for the console.
I just want a Power Button, dammit!
And privacy is also concerning. I really don’t want watching TV with my Wife while some stranger is hacked into my Xbox and fapping away. That’s just weird and strangely uncomfortable.

In the end though, I suppose I am simply just going to wait it out for E3. Hopefully the games will be able to sway me in one direction or the other. As it stands though, I’m heavily considering the PS4, but who knows. There is plenty of time for Microsoft to throw their hands in the air and declare “We fucked up!” and suddenly make some drastic changes to their system. In an ever-changing world, anything is possible I suppose.

I’ve been playing a lot of Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge as of recently. It’s different, and I definitely miss the older Ninja Gaiden games. The first two were great; the third one is just odd whenever it comes to its story. I really don’t understand why Ryu is working alongside a government agency suddenly. Either way though, I’m enjoying the frustration it has been offering me. I wanted to completely smash my controller yesterday while playing, but I held back since that wouldn’t solve anything. I eventually beat the Day 4 boss, but it took me nearly an hour to topple it!
Since the XboxOne Reveal, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m going to put myself and my gaming habits on a 1-2 year plan. Simply put; while the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are working out the bugs and building their library, I’m simply going to backtrack through the PS3’s library and play all of the great games I’ve missed over the years. I started this Plan over the weekend by buying the entire Uncharted series. I haven’t played them yet, but I plan to!
According to my Plan, I’m going to hit my 100,000th Achievement Point before I really start working on the PS3’s library.
Currently I'm at 98,770 so I’m getting close…
So yeah, I’m going to quit rambling now. Have a great day and weekend everyone!
