So Fable 3 is supposed to be better then Fable 2 right?? Well to be honest its not, and im going to tell you why, if you have not seen Angry Joes reveiw of this game i beg you to do so its the funniest reveiw i ever seen he literally had me in tears laughing.

So back to my reveiw first off the graphics in this game is breathtaking and from the looks of the towns, countryside to the great looking characters, the voice acting is another great aspect, they obviously took careful planning and time for the voice acting and its halarious, and the music is awesome and fit for the setting of the game so question is, with all this going for it what could be wrong right.

So whats wrong?? Well its the gameplay, and although the game itself controls fine, its for starters the inventory yes the inventory, first off in order to equip or give or interact you have to go to the sanctuary and as an example if you want to give something to someone you have to talk to them and pause and you both go to your sanctuary and you have to walk around the items are on podiums and find your item you want to give them then when you do it it vanishes from the podium and goes to there inventory, then if you want to find out if the item even got to him you have to go to his sanctuary and look through his podiums to see if its there, and if you have to do this a bunch of times your spending an hour just dealing with inventory, its quite bazaar and makes no sense at all.
Then theres the map menue which again takes you to the sanctuary and you look at a map which quite frankly doesnt look anything like the actual town, so you go from the map back to the town and you still have no clue where your at cause it looks nothing like it did on the map, and god help you if you try following the bread crumb to your objective cause half the time its wrong. It really is a mess that just about ruins the game, and not to mention the loading screens everytime you go anywhere its like your srarring at a load screen through half the game.

So the bottom line is this could have been an awesome game everything but the gameplay is there but unfotunately the gameplay is the most important part, so it may sound like im being a bit harsh and maybe so im a Fable fan and have been since the very first game, with that said the game does have some very good things about it, first off the game is very easy to blow through and its possible to go through the entire game without loosing a life, but the good part for me is the end where you are running the entire kingdom and this is where the game actually does good just a word of caution when you do become king you better make sure you have all you want to buy cause that option is gone once you become king, but its almost like two games in one, the ruling part is really fun and your decisions really make a difference and you can really see the choices you made early in the game come to light so warning tread lightly. But overall the game is fun its not terrible its just that the item and map menue can really get old fast and the loading screens in this day and age is un exceptible so the bottom line is if you can tollerate the long load times and the bazaar item menue theres fum to be had and if your impateint and easily aggrivated then you may want to look elsewhere but in my opinion for $6 at gamestop you really cant go wrong and i would recommend playing it.
( 3.5 out of 5 ) Rating