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On 05/31/2013 at 10:36 AM by transmet2033

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It was '01/'02 and I was in school.  My friends told me about this awesome thing called emulators.  So, doing what all of my cool classmates did, I installed a snes emulator on the family computer.  I fell in love.  I was suddenly able to play all of these old games that were utterly fantastic.  All of the snes games that I never owned...  This is the point that I truly fell in love with Nintendo.  Growing up we had a nes, and eventually a snes.  Since I did not have any money, the games I played were fairly limited.  We had a big family, so my parents spent money on necessities rather than videogames.

My first experience with Super Metroid was at our cousin's house.  I played less than 5 minutes, immediately after the elevator into Norfair.  It was this brief time with Samus that I fell in love with the series.  Nowadays I can remember every detail from that experience, but there was a time that I had forgotten.  I had forgotten about Metroid until a friend told me to download the game and play it.  I did, and became super excited when I took that elevator down to Norfair.  I remembered again, and for the next few weeks, I could not be torn from the screen. 

Shortly after I had finally finished Super Metroid, I had heard that there were a couple of new games coming out, Metroid Fusion and Metroid Prime.  Since, I did not have a job because I was still young, I had no hope of playing Metroid Prime.  So, I cheated again, and downloaded Metroid Fusion.  I completed the game enough times to get every single ending.  It had become an addiction.

I am still addicted to Metroid, and that addiction is bubbling to the surface again.  Last week I finally finished the original Metroid, and was blown away.  The game has faults, but they can be easily overlooked when you look at its legacy.  Metroid opened the door for so many fantastic games.  The influence it has can still be seen today.  I have been working my way through Metroid: Other M the past few days.  I think that the gameplay is excellent.  They did a great job of translating the 2d feel to a 3d plane.  The biggest problem is that they like to interrupt the gameplay with cut scenes on an annoyingly frequent basis.  If I knew how to skip them, I would be very happy.

My emulating days are behind me, but since I have job, I have purchased copies of both Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion.  I play either Metroid Fusion or Zero Mission on a yearly basis.  Now that I think about it more, maybe it is not an addiction.  Either way, the Metroid series is precisely why I fell in love with gaming.  I sit here longing for the day that Metroid V is announced.  Until then, I will finish Metroid: other M and play through all of the other games, again.



Travis Hawks Senior Editor

05/31/2013 at 10:49 AM

I hope the Prime games fit in to your heart somewhere.


05/31/2013 at 10:58 AM

I do love them very much.  I was supremely pleased with what Retro did with those games.  They were very solid, and surprisingly felt like Metroid.  The fact that Retro kept all of the core concepts was utterly amazing.  I will most likely play them again some time after I finish Other M.

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

06/01/2013 at 09:34 AM



06/01/2013 at 02:31 PM

My brother is the only person I know who hates prime compared to the sidescroller.


05/31/2013 at 11:09 AM

I tried playing the original Metroid the other day. The only thing I don't really like about it is how it starts you off with 30 health when you continue. It's rather tedious and difficult getting back to full life. I hope to beat it someday without the Justin Bailey code. It may have it's flaws, but that game was revolutionary.


05/31/2013 at 11:17 AM

It is all about planning your energy tank pick ups.  I beat Ridley, then died twice to get to the beginning, then picked up an energy tank when I entered Kraids Lair.  I did not have to farm for health pickups at all then.  Then I picked up my last energy tank right before I entered Tourian.


05/31/2013 at 11:57 AM

Super Metroid is one of my all time favorite games. Had a hard time with the original. But since Zero Mission is basically just a remake I count it as the first,lol. Metroid 2 Return of Samus on the original gameboy was pretty good too. I really like the first Prime but I had some issues with the other two. I have Other M but have not around to playing it. But I'm with you, where is Metroid V ? Come on Nintendo bring it already! I' would like to see it done in the style of a third person action shooter. Basically a sci-fi Zelda.


05/31/2013 at 12:07 PM

I am just such a fan of the 2d games, that I would prefer Metroid V to be like that.  At the same time...  any new metroid would be greatly appreciated.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/31/2013 at 01:13 PM

Yeah, I never played the series until Prime and Fusion, then bought Zero Mission later, too. I also played the first Metroid on Prime's disc and Zero Mission's cartridge.Played Super Metroid a bit through emulation, and rented Echoes a few times.

And yet, while I obviously enjoy these, I can't say I have the love affair people do with them. There is something about backtracking that will always dull my senses a bit, but it is a great series, and until Prime (which frustrated the crap out of me at first, cause I was not used to having the "where to go" indicator be that infrequent in games, even having grown up with them since NES) I had never played much like it.

I wouldn't mind beating them all in order ... especially cause if I ever get past that bitch of a first game, it'll be smooth sailing from there. lol


05/31/2013 at 01:47 PM

At this point, I do not even notice backtracking.  I know Fusion and Zero Mission so well, that I can get a vast majority of the items on the first go around.  I also like using metroid to test my memory, which is probably why I play them so often.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/31/2013 at 03:31 PM

I remember where all the items are and stuff too, but it just feels like busy work to me sometimes. And yet, there's just something about the series that's hypnotic, and it's probably in part thanks to all that backtracking.

You and TheLastNinja are really making me realize how much Metroid-induced cognitive dissonance I have today. lol


05/31/2013 at 03:56 PM

I love trying to find ways to break the sequence, or collect hard to reach items early.  There is an amazing amount of freedom in the game that makes it so appealing to me.  In the original there are only a handful of things that you absolutely need in order to beat the game.  Everything else is optional.  Going for a low percentage changes everything. 


05/31/2013 at 01:29 PM

The original Metroid is one that slipped by me. Never even knew anyone who had it. That's one I'd love to try someday,though. Just to see the origin of the series. Now that I have a Wii I can take on other M.


05/31/2013 at 01:39 PM

I did fairly well on the original, only because I had played Zero Mission so man times that I knew exactly where most of the important powerup were hidden.  

Jon Lewis Staff Writer

05/31/2013 at 04:24 PM

I totally agree with you man. Metroid Prime is my favorite game of all time, and I've been revisiting old games in the series as well. I played through Fusion a few months ago, and Zero Mission again a few weeks ago, and I started Zero Mission again on hard (that game is sooo good, best playing 2D one imo, next to Super). I'm also playing Super over on Wii U virtual console, and thats been an amazing experience. Though unpopular, i did start up Prime 2 on the Prime trilogy and i've been working through that in an incremental pace, when I'm having some downtime. 

But yeah, theres def something to the Metroid formula that I just love. Here's hoping we see a new game in a couple of weeks at E3.


05/31/2013 at 04:49 PM

I love Zero Mission because I know the most ways to break sequence in that game.  I am a big fan of prime 2...  at the same time, I tend to be a fan of the "unpopular" sequels.  Or it could be the dark and light worlds aspect of the game, a link to the past is my favourtie zelda game.

Jon Lewis Staff Writer

05/31/2013 at 04:58 PM

yeah, Prime 2 is still a solid game. Was the only game in the trilogy i 100%, but I was using a guide, lol. 


05/31/2013 at 07:46 PM

How did those emulators work? Was it software someone created? Just wondered about that because my Dad wrote some that reproduced Pac Man and Defender when I was a kid. Or is it just stuff you would download? 


05/31/2013 at 07:49 PM

I used stuff like zsnes and snes9x.  


05/31/2013 at 11:03 PM

I've been a fan of the Metroid series from its infancy. The original Metroid was the first great NES game I played after The Legend of Zelda, way back in the 1980s, while Super Metroid is one of my favorite games of all time to this day. I still have my SNES version of it as well as the downloadable version on my Wii U.

Of the 3-D Metroids, my favorites are Other M and Prime 1.


05/31/2013 at 11:57 PM

I also have my snes cartridge, and VC copy.  I want to say that I am halfway through Other M and it just seems to get better and better.  The story has finally sucked me in.


06/01/2013 at 11:56 AM

I had only played (and own) the first Metroid and the Prime games. Although sometimes it  frustrates me due to not knowing where should I go, I can really see the legacy the first game had as far as games mechanics go and really, atleast the controls really work well. On Prime, I love all three of them. They are inmersive, big,  the controlls work well, they are pretty long and have great graphics and sountrack. Really, expending a lot of money on the now rare Metroid Prime Trilogy pack for the Wii was a great inversion. 


06/04/2013 at 04:34 PM

I only hope they make some more Metroid games. Too good of a franchise to stop now. Possibilities for good stories are abundant,too.


07/02/2013 at 08:42 PM

I really love the Metroid series. I've beaten them all but the first two. I've just been so spoiled by the map systems of the other games lol. But I do want to beat them sometime. Just gotta work up the determination. Prime is my all time favorite though. I hope Retro Studios isn't done with the series, even if they don't make any more Prime games.

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