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Primal Eyes: Ben talks about all things Aya Brea!

On 06/01/2013 at 05:09 PM by BrokenH

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Last month a friend loaned me cash so I finally paid him back today. I wanted to take care of that before splurging on a game. I don’t have many things in the way of material possessions and raw resources but I have my honor and my word. That has to count for something!

Though I wanted to get Razor’s edge this month I was stuck having to peruse the much cheaper psp game collection. The 3rd Birthday jumped out at me.

I know many people had “problems” with Aya’s newest adventure. (Then again, many people had problems with Parasite Eve 2 back in the day) However, the gameplay looked really fun. Though I’m not 100% thrilled with PE evolving into yet another 3rd person shooter, the power to jump into the bodies of other soldiers on the battlefield adds another layer of strategy previously not accessible in games of this genre. (Unless you count the terrible Mindjack)

I’ve been told the story in 3rd Birthday makes no sense yet I’m left to wonder if excited mitochondria could really make living creatures rapidly mutate into monsters in the first place. Many fantasy and science fiction shows & games I’ve enjoyed aren’t exactly plausible. You cannot truly argue the first Parasite Eve is any more grounded in scientific facts than its’ sequels. Yeah, mitochondria are “real” but I doubt they have the power to completely rewrite someone’s DNA at such a rapid pace. To say 3rd Birthday is somehow “too outrageous” or “impossible” is a moot point on account the other two games are equally farfetched. Should we expect our fiction to always be “super realistic”? Doesn’t that somehow defeat the point of what “fiction” is?  I mean we are dealing with mutating monsters, psychic powers, a diva who can make her audience combust into flames, and a giant super fetus. Who goes into that expecting the plot to play out like a real life scientific documentary?

But I digress. Parasite Eve 1 is “still” one of my favorite games of all time. I recall Aya fighting against a flying Melissa on a fast moving carriage when suddenly the horses pulling it burst into flames. There are many epic and creepy moments like that throughout the whole game and as much as it pains me to say it, I doubt I’ll enjoy 3rd Birthday as much as I did PE 1. (And for the record I liked PE 2 as well. Sure, it had goofy creature designs and shot itself in the foot by trying too hard to imitate Resident Evil, but it’s still a fun suspenseful romp while it lasts! Heck, it even has branching choices and multiple endings.)

That aside, I’m not a “fan-Nazi”. This means even when a franchise changes I will not hate on it “just because”. For example, I’m glad I took a risk and picked up Resident Evil 6 despite all the negative flak it got. While it doesn’t compare to RE 4 for me it was a fun and robust game. The fact RE as a series gradually settled into a more action packed routine never got under my skin on account I noticed it as early as RE 3 Nemesis. (And to a lesser extent RE 2 as well. To me, RE 1 was the scariest  because of its’  “isolated mansion” motif. The first game made me feel alone and cut off from the rest of the world. I really REALLY want to play the game-cube remake of RE 1! Seriously capcom, re-release it for the 360,PS3,and Wii U! It‘s a gold mine, Im telling ya!)

 Let’s face facts. Sometimes game reviewers love to crucify a new game just so they seem more witty, deep, informed, and hip. RE 6 may not have been a perfect 10 but it sure as hell wasn’t a “3”!

Similar to RE 6, I believe 3rd Birthday became a martyr because of petty nationalist pride, the unfair expectation of being over-hyped, and political correctness. Personally, I never gave a crap about Aya’s clothes taking damage.(Aya was promoted as a “sex symbol” in the other two games as well. If you don’t believe me feel free to look up the promotional art for PE1 or play PE2 up to the obligatory shower scene!) I also knew S/E had to recon the story because they lost the rights to the PE novel and the movie. Aka, the 3rd Birthday couldn’t be too much akin to the previous entries. Lastly, this is a psp release. Aka, I know there were limitations the design team had to work around.

My biggest gripe? Pretty much how Maeda (Aya’s science loving nerd-friend) was turned into a perverted lech! Not that I have problems with “comedy-relief-horny-side-kicks” per se, but Maeda wasn’t like that in PE 1 so why is he like that now? Such inconsistencies give the impression the team working on 3rd Birthday wasn’t familiar with the first game. However, I defeat my own argument simply because we’re dealing with a reboot as opposed to a continuation. (Geh, my brain-meats doth hurteth!)

To lay it out bluntly, I’m willing to give 3rd Birthday a fair chance! I’m coming into it after the hater aide brigade already bashed it and based on what I already know I expect it to be a sexy and fun 3rd person shooter at the very least! (Besides, there are worst atrocities out there in the real world other than pixilated fan-service!)




06/01/2013 at 05:44 PM

Parasite Eve is one of my favorite rpgs. That game shocked me way back when. Especially that opening scene at the opera. I didn't really care for the second one or Third Birthday, but I wouldn't say it's a bad game. Ignore the haters.


06/01/2013 at 05:54 PM

What tripped me out was the rat transformation scene. I was like "Holy-Sh^t!". It probably scared me more than the arguably more terrifying opera scene. lol.

I agree the first game was the best. However, I enjoyed PE2 almost as much though it was quite different. (It helped I had liked RE and Silent Hill)


06/01/2013 at 06:40 PM

I've stated how much I like Parasite Eve many times. First game I bought for PS1 and I still have it. I have PE2 and 3rd Birthday and have no regrets. While I do wish they had not strayed so far away from what made the first game shine,both sequels have merit. The part about realism in fiction made me think. You suppose there are people who think that DNA can be used to change people into superhuman creatures? They must think The Hulk was a documentary,too! And Spider Man as well. Damn those radioactive spiders!


06/01/2013 at 07:48 PM

PE 1 is my favorite too,Celt. I still enjoyed PE 2 for what it was. lol. It's a shame 3rd Birthday didn't do better sales wise because I totally would have went ecstatic over another PE game on the "big consoles" from this generation. Then again, for S/E selling 3 million friggin copies of something is still a disappointment to them! Crazy,,just crazy.


06/01/2013 at 10:18 PM

I agree, Para Eve 1 = favorite = win.  Have fun with 3rd Birthday, although- given Para Eve 1's awesomeness.... well. I'll await your review, lol.


06/01/2013 at 10:39 PM

I'm sure I'll enjoy 3rd Birthday.....I just don't expect it to hold a flame to the original. lol.


06/01/2013 at 11:01 PM

I've held off on Third Birthday myself, being a huge fan of the original PE. That was the first game I ever pre-ordered. Still, I don't think I can stay away forever and will take the plunge. Hopefully it will be before it's $100 on eBay.


06/01/2013 at 11:23 PM

Psp games are mostly still very affordable on Amazon,Andrew. However, I'm buying them up fast because I know it's an older system & an overall price hike will begin at some point. Valykria chronicles 2 is already climbing rather quickly for example...


06/01/2013 at 11:39 PM

Might want to jump on VC2 quickly then. However, you can also buy the downloadable version of that game on PSN.


06/01/2013 at 11:57 PM

Yeah, I know VC2 is one of the better games on the psp. It's kind of a rat-race though because there are so many other good games too. Gar!


06/02/2013 at 03:05 AM

That's the one upside to the digital age: If you're willing to only have a digital version, then you don't have to pay exuberent prices for out of print or rare physical copies!


06/02/2013 at 11:59 AM

I usually prefer physical copies but once a hardcopy game is hundreds of dollars I'll gladly compromise with a digital download. lol.


06/02/2013 at 01:31 AM

Resident Evil 1 really does do it well, like you I'm a res 4 camper, that game had scary as hell moments and the monsters on that one are the scariest to date (cant remember what they are called but those black blob things near the freezer section get me everytime). Revelations also did a pretty good job for the scares, the boat sections were seriously epic, its just a shame the 'action segments' were no where near as strong!


06/02/2013 at 02:55 AM

I still want to play Revelations,Adam. I've read from many sources it tried really hard to go back to "traditional RE" yet retains the smoother modern gameplay. Also, who doesn't want to see Jill in a skintight wetsuit? lol.

RE 4 is my favorite RE so far. I think it did a good job of capturing some of the creepiness of RE 1 despite being a lot more "open".

It's weird how many fans see RE 4 as the first death blow for the series. At least for me there were certain parts in it scarier than Nemesis and RE 2. (Regenerators and the boss fights stand out the most)

Cary Woodham

06/02/2013 at 12:02 PM

Back when I started college, I had a sorta kinda girlfriend who looked EXACTLY like Aya Brea.  So it was kind of weird a year later when Parasite Eve was released, seeing her likeness in the game and all.  My friend joined the Navy and became "Super Aya Brea," but this was before email got big so we kind of drifted apart unfortunately.  That's one bad thing about college, I guess.  It's easy for people to drift apart.  Oh well.

I stopped playing Parasite Eve after a scene with horses burning up.  I didn't like that part, and neither would my college roommate's girlfriend if she saw it.  So that was that. I know, I'm a big baby. ;)


06/02/2013 at 12:35 PM

I feel ya,man. I lost touch with all my friends from college too. It's kinda cool the girl you knew looked like Aya. I wonder if she ever cosplayed as her. lol.


06/02/2013 at 12:16 PM

Keeping aside Parasite Eve, since I have never played any of the games, I can see your point with people complaining about that there's no "realism" or thinking certain situations are too "autrageus" on not only videogames, but in media. Sure, I like some realism, but at the same time it's great to turn your brain off and enjoy what's being shown on screen, and at the same time it could depend wheter a scene it's well done or if a scene is enjoyable even if we think in our mind that "no one could have survived that". Just an anotation since I started to see many cynical nerds with those attitudes regarding "realism" and all of those things.


06/02/2013 at 12:27 PM

Realism has it's place,Alejandro. But I don't think everything should be realistic. Often times I enjoy hammy over the top antics. For example, I know the protagonists in Resident Evil have survived ridiculous situations when realistically they should be dead by now. However, that never stopped me from loving the series.

Certainly Parasite Eve threw around some real scientific terminalogy but truthfully it was still a blend of urban fantasy and science fiction. And you know what? That's okay! The game still had an original premise even if it doesn't carry water when held up under logical scrutiny.


06/02/2013 at 04:11 PM

I played the first game long ago as a rental and I do remember walking away from it generally suprised. Aya Brea didn't wow me in the looks department but I did find the story and combat interesting to be out of the norm when it came to standard RPG's of the time. I liked the modern setting and how her attacks were done with a varied form of ATB type RPG actions.

thanks for reminding me to keep an eye out for this game during my retro game hunts.


06/02/2013 at 04:32 PM

PE is worth a download or buy. There's also the incentive to play through it multiple times. PE 2 is the same way!

Chris Yarger Community Manager

06/03/2013 at 07:01 AM

I've been wanting to play this game, but I still haven't bought a PSP yet. I heard all of the negativities surrounding this game, but that still isn't enough to deter me from trying it at least.

Keep posting your thoughts and reactions to it though, I'll be interested to hear what you think of it!


06/03/2013 at 11:22 AM

I'll be honest as I can, Chris!


06/03/2013 at 12:39 PM

I remember a rumor that Madonna had bought the film rights to Parasite Eve. Turned out to be hocum,but it got me hopeful a bit. That would be such a cool movie with the right actress playing the part of Aya. I vote for Natalie Dormer. I saw her as a blonde recently on the show Elementary. She has the look and the attitude to pull it off nicely.


06/07/2013 at 08:32 PM

There was a movie but rumors indicate it wasn't that good. Who knows,maybe Madonna would have made a better film than the original. lol. Guess we'll never know.


06/03/2013 at 09:13 PM

Anyone who thinks Aya wasn't fan service doesn't remember her in her little miniskirt number iduring the desert chapter in PE2.


06/07/2013 at 08:30 PM

Ha! Ha! Ha! And she was so pale,Chris. Would have been funny if she eventually got  sun burned. Luckily we were spared the "Apply lotion/skin ointment now" quick time event that would have been included if PE2 had been made during this console generation.

Joking aside, I've actually enjoyed 3rd Birthday. Kinda surprised by just how much I'm enjoying it.

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