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New additions and what I been playing

On 06/02/2013 at 01:14 PM by GeminiMan78

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Sup Pixl B's !

I went to Gamestop yesterday not really expecting to leave with anything, but I found a used copy of King of the Fighters XIII and it was about 10 bucks cheaper that it was the last time I saw it so I got it. I have been a fan of this series since the begining. Back in the mid late 90's you would likely find me at the arcade, and usualy I would could be found playing Samurai Showdown 2, Super Street fighter 2, or King of the Fighters. Probably the coolest feature of this game was having a team of three characters, and you basically got three rounds to win instead of two. And part of the strategy was picking the order to use them. So I poked around in the training mode last night and I like how it feels. The character are huge, super detailed, and the animation flows like water. Gotta brush up my skills a little then take my team online and see if I still got some chops.

Then this morning a had to make a trip to Hell aka Walmart, and I found a new copy of Bulletstorm limited edition for $15. I think Mothman wrote about this one not long ago and it sounded pretty fun so I snagged it.

I booted up Metroid  Other M yesterday after sittin on it for about a month or two and I went into it open minded and optimistic. Well so far I'm not impressed. The voice over is bland and honestly I liked Samus better as the enigma. As the mystious orphan raised by an ancient alien race and destined to be a lone wolf. Not a petty brat with a chip on her shoulder. Story aside the gameplay just feels way too fragmanted. Like they could not decided if they wanted to it to be a side scrolling shooter, third person action, or a frozen in place FPS (WTF?). If it ain't broke don't fix it. If they want to save this series they need to cross Super Metroid with Zelda Twilight princess and give us a third person action shooter with platforming, exploration and puzzles. Its too obvious a formula.

Then I decided to go back to Borderlands 1 and start up a game with Brick. I have only beat it with Lilith and Mordicai and since I have not played it in a while I kind of wanted to see just how different it was from Borderlands 2. Very different. It had has a grubby, dirty, rough feel. BD2 is much more bright and polished. The original is still a lot of fun, but some aspects of it are a bit archaic. Like weapon makes and levels are inconsistant. Sometime this is a good thing, some times bad. Action skills are much more refined and useful in BD2. Mordicais Bloodwing is just not that useful. Liliths Phase walk is not bad, but more of a defense ability vs offense. Much like I underestimated Salvadore's Gunzerking skill, Brick's Berserk skill is crazy freaking useful. He rapidly regains health, takes very little damage, and his punches can deal more damage than some of my best guns.

So yeah as much as I hate being a homebody spring is over with here in the NO, its hot as hell. Although today it has cooled down some, it is raining and probably will all day.

 Till next time, Laters!




06/02/2013 at 01:21 PM

I bought the digital version of KOF XIII when it was on sale. I was one of the liucky recipients of those $10 PSN vouchers Sony was giving away earlier this year. I like it, but I'm more of a Mortal Kombat/Arc System Works kind of guy when it comes to 2-D fighting.

I liked Other M, but it is a flawed game. However, I've enjoyed it more than Metroid Prime 2 and 3. I have always wanted a 3-D third-person Metroid done in the style of 3-D Mario or 3-D Zelda.


06/02/2013 at 01:43 PM

I really like the first Metroid Prime, I felt they really managed to capture the "atmspere" of Metroid. I had two issues with Prime 2, one being a design choice the other being technical. Consumable beam ammo was just taboo as hell to me. I just didn't like it. The tech issue had to do with doors not opening when they should. It was a mild annoyance in Prime 2 but it got even worse in Prime 3 which to me was unforgivable. Also I felt Prime 3 was really short, and well it just felt rushed like they ran out of time and money. Plus the Wii contols would get stuck sometimes leaving you staring at the ground or the ceiling with an enemy take pot shots at you.


06/02/2013 at 01:53 PM

I can tolerate bad voice acting but it's only because I grew up with RE 1's Jill Sandwich jokes and Tidus's really awkward laughter sequences. lol.

One thing I don't understand about Other M is being forced to become stationary (unmoving) when going into the fps viewer mode. I can forgive Other M for other things but when game-play is effected I have to say something.


06/02/2013 at 06:06 PM

To me it was like they were trying to salvage the scan visor mode from Prime, you had to switch back to the combat visor. But it just does not work. I really don't mind the idea of exploring Samus's back story, but their characterization is way off and the presentation is just weak. Do it right or don't bother is my take on it. God, FFX laughs! Just awkward and creepy from what I remember, one of many reasons why that game is on my shit list of most loathed and hated games of all time.


06/02/2013 at 02:41 PM

My sister refers to Wal-Mart as Hell also, and yet she shops there all the time lol. I don't think I've ever played KOF. I was mostly into Mortal Kombat, Street FIghter 2, and Killer Instinct. Samuari Showdown was cool though.

I saw Metroid Other M at Gamestop for $10, and was gonna get it for my brother, but I don't know man. I hear so many conflicting things about that game. It seems like most people mention the plot and Samus's speech in a negative light. I'd rather have her silent too.


06/02/2013 at 06:24 PM

Yeah I only go to Hell when I really have to, lol. Plus its just fun to say that.

As for Other M, I only paid $8 for mine and I don't really feel I got my moneys worth. Honestly I'm like maybe 2 hrs into it, but the way it plays is just very akward story stuff aside. You probably would be better off putting that $10 toward the Prime Trilogy, although I'm not sure what its going for lately.

I was never too keen on Mortal Kombat, I enjoyed watching other people play it, but I didnt' like the controls. Same with Killer Instinct. I was already a fan of a lot of the SNK fighters so KOF was amazing to me because it took characters from Final Fight, Art of Fighting, some others and put them all together. They were broke down into preset teams of three and in KOF2 and every title since you could pick any three characters you want for your team. And since all three fighters have to be defeated you have a chance to turn things around if you have a bad start. Plus you were getting more rounds for you quarter.


06/02/2013 at 03:54 PM

Got the Limited Edition of KOF XIII, i like it more that Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter X Tekken, it's odd but i don't play it as much since i've been playing Borderlands 2 on PC and killed Handsome Jack a few days ago.

I'm on my summer Holiday from University so i have time to finish a bunch of RPGs i have stacked. 

I have all the Metroid Prime games, i may get the collected one if I can find it. It's a shame atmoshere took a shift out of the whole solitary feel but they all hold up, at least to me.

Gotta love those cheap used games Cool


06/02/2013 at 06:45 PM

I have a big nostalgic soft spot for 2-D SNK fighters. They just rule.

Congrats on Borderlands 2 ! Now you only have 5 more characters, True Vault Hunter mode and Ultimate Vault Hunter mode to get through. Never mind an easy 35hrs worth of DLC not counting the final massive DLC dropping on the 25th. That game will eat you soul, lol. 

I'm already bitter about Final Fantasy, Castlevania, and Contra. I don't want to see Metroid drift into the void of misdirection and mediocrity too.


06/02/2013 at 07:11 PM

My History with KOF has always been mixed, never my fav but apart from the outrageous bosses i had always held it in high regard. Samurai Shodown i only played once way back when, i know they've made quite a few more since.

Metroid is on the edge of Mediocrity , I lost faith in FF long ago.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/02/2013 at 06:19 PM

i've never played the prime games.  I'm waiting for HD versions maybe.  I heard they are awesome though. 

I loved Samurai Showdown.  That game was the bomb. 

Doing more programming than playing here, but I'm gonna chill with the ipad version of KOTOR later.


06/02/2013 at 06:58 PM

The first Prime was really cool. But they just kind of went down hill from there. 2&3 are not bad, I just have some issues with them that some folks can overlook.

Samurai Showdown my was game game back in the day. Especially Samurai Showdown 3. Me and my best friend would pool our money, get 5 bucks worth of tokens and battle each other till it was gone. We beat it the same way too, taking turns when one of us died. The final boss was rediculous. I got serious respect for anyone who has beat a Samurai Showdown game at lv4 difficulty.

Cary Woodham

06/02/2013 at 09:31 PM

Other M is my least favorite in the Metroid series.


06/02/2013 at 09:40 PM

I plan to give it a chance, I'm only a couple of hours into it, but so far its not lookin too good. 


06/02/2013 at 10:49 PM

I am almost finished with Other M.  I can say that there are bits that I really like, and bits that I really hate.  Not being able to skip cutscenes is something that I hate.  I really like the combat, until they force you to switch, on the fly, to missiles.  

In the end, I wish that they would stick to sidescrolling, or FPM.




06/03/2013 at 02:45 AM

Its just akward and unintuitive. It makes me wonder if their testers were spazzy A.D.D. suffurers or were just really stoned,lol. Who thought it was a good idea to run with this concept? The droning attempt at film noir narration is just the icing on the cake. 

Chris Yarger Community Manager

06/03/2013 at 06:43 AM

Enjoy Bulletstorm! I was debating on picking it up a couple of weeks ago, but I decided to settle with the Uncharted series. I really liked Bulletstorm though, I definitely want to play through it again at some point and check out the multiplayer as well!


06/03/2013 at 09:18 AM

Thanks, I plan to check it out when I get home tonight. It looks like a lot of fun.


06/04/2013 at 12:11 AM

Haha, I haven't played any of those games you mentioned. Laughing


06/04/2013 at 09:48 AM

Ahh man, say it aint so! lol.. There are several SNK anthologys on PSN with almost all of the KOF and Samurai Showdown games on them.  


06/04/2013 at 03:55 PM

KoF wasn't really my cup of tea, but I did enjoy SS back in the day! I really should track the PS2 version down.


06/04/2013 at 08:39 PM

I got the SNK anothology for PS2 and I'm not positive but I think you can get it for PS3 too. Its much cheaper than the compilations on PSN. I got Samurai Showdown 2 & 3 on my Wii for $8 each. SS3 is personaly my favorite in the series, I used to play the hell out of that game back in my arcade days,lol.

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