I saw a pic on Reddit the other day stating that the $50 yearly fee leads to $300 in free games.. I thought about it a bit then I realized what I've been missing out on. Dammit!
I'll probably pick up a subscription here in the near future!
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![]() On 06/03/2013 at 09:02 AM by TheMart22 ![]() See More From This User » |
Happy Monday everyone! Man those weekends sure as hell go too quick.
So this was a pretty big weekend for me gaming wise. I decided Saturday night that I was going to trade in some games and use that to (finally!) buy a bigger vita memory card. This I did (16GB) and with my newfound memory, I decided it was time to jump on the Playstation Plus bandwagon. Wow am I happy I did. I downloaded Sleeping Dogs for the ps3 which was promptly added to my mental backlog and Gravity Rush, Wipeout and Blazblue for the Vita. Of the three, I put the most time into Gravity Rush. This game is pretty amazing. I find the combat really enjoyable and the overall aesthetic is very pleasing. I put about three hours into it and I can see me finishing it this week.
I also played a couple of races in Wipeout and the speed is as satisfying as I remember from the original back on PSOne. I didn’t get a chance to play Blazblue as I was waiting for it to download but I’ll probably have a few matches tonight to check it out.
Next on my download list will be Uncharted: Golden Abyss once I finish Gravity Rush which I hear is also very good.
Overall, I’m really satisfied with PS+ and for me it’s well worth the $50 yearly subscription fee. Whatever your feelings may be as to whether the games are indeed “free”, it definitely is a nice service that offers a lot of value. I’m excited to see what other games are added to the program and it may just hold me over to not buy any more games until September (GTAV and Killzone Mercenary most likely).
Outside of the new games I picked up, I also put about 10 more hours into Yakuza 4. I think I’m at around the 70% completion mark now and it’s still going strong. The story is starting to build up momentum and the character development is interesting. Even though it is taking a lot longer to complete than I originally anticipated (I think I’m at around 35 hours overall now), it’s well worth the time investment. Gameplay is satisfying and the mini-games for me add a lot to the mix. I’ve probably put 4 hours into the poker mini-game alone.
Yakuza 4 - Coming to a venue near you SOON!
Other than all this gaming melark, the best band on the planet (IMO of course) Bloc Party were in town Saturday night and were amazing. I actually managed to get the playlist off their soundcrew so I think I’m going to put together some sort of picture frame consisting of the playlist and the tickets. Time will tell if it looks any good.
Anywho thanks for listening Pixlbits. I hope everyone had as productive a weekend as myself.
I love PS+, I downloaded Sleeping Dogs a few days ago. I played it some to see what it was like and it was fun for me. I want to get a Vita but at the same time Im trying to wait and see if it gets a price drop. In Japan they have had a price drop on it so maybe its not far behind for getting one over here.
Love PS+! I played a bunch of random games I probably wouldn't touch because of it. There is a bunch of games for the PS3/Vita/PSP and it also presents a new digital backlog (which isn't a bad thing). Every Tuesday that's the first thing I check, is what freebie game is being released. For $50 bucks a year you can't go wrong
The only bad thing about PS+ is the fact that eventually, they'll shut down the servers. So with it, I'm worried about all those downloaded games. Maybe they'll come up with something to transfer your accounts or just let you keep those games for free. It just sucks that if you let your subscription expire for whatever reason, you lose the ability to play what you downloaded. Plus, I'm too stubborn to upgrade to a PS4 for a long time. lol
Yeah, I don't mind so much as its only the "free" games you'll lose access to. Anything you paid for you can keep so I guess that's fair. This whole server thing does suck though and I think will be a much bigger issue in this next gen. I think that console/game developers want us to lose access so they can resell the games in a few generations time in some collection. Ugh
I think PS+ is great and quickly pays for itself. They added Deus Ex: Human Revolution this week, which is one of my favorite games of this gen. I've played it, obviously, but the European PS+ had it months ago and so I'm hoping some of the other games they got show up over here, like the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, which I've wanted to get to keep putting it off. Maybe soon...