these are definitely the three best. I love dark selves too. that part with Link is haunting.
Top Three Favorite Boss Types!
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![]() On 06/03/2013 at 10:34 AM by Chris Yarger ![]() See More From This User » |
Let’s face it, video game bosses come in all forms. Big or small, fast or slow, multi-staged, QTE’d, etc. Most games have them, some easy and some incredibly frustrating. But beating a boss into oblivion has always been my favorite aspect of video games.
Usually I’ll slap together a Top Ten list, but for today, I’m simply keeping it at three. So without any further delay, I present you with my Top Three Favorite Types of Bosses!
3. Dual Bosses
This is a rather unusual pick, but I really like whenever I’m facing off against more than just one boss! There are times whenever one boss is enough to cause a player to rage out and quit the game, but dual bosses can take that to a whole new level at times!
Not only do dual bosses pose an entirely new challenge, they also push the player farther in terms of strategic gameplay. You can attempt to focus on one while keeping an eye on and minding the other, or you can whittle them both down simultaneously, or you can opt to flip back and forth depending on which boss is closest to you.
Dual bosses are great in my opinion, and I really wish games offered them more often!
2. Giants!
Come-on; who doesn’t like a big one every once and a while?
Gigantic bosses are wonderful. They add a whole new concept of gameplay whenever there’s the chance of being stepped upon!
Gigantic bosses are also great because there’s such a wide variety of ways to topple them. Whenever it’s systematically destroying them piece by piece like in Dark Siders II (Guardian Boss), or you have to climb them like in Shadows of the Colossus, there are always different ways to topple the giant!
1. Dark Self
I absolutely love the concept of fighting myself in video games. It all started whenever I originally fought the Dark Selves in Secret of Mana, and my love for them grew even deeper whenever I first saw Dark Link leaning against the lone tree in the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time.
I think the reason I love Dark Self bosses is because they are essentially you. They will use your own attacks against you, meaning that you really have to bring your A-Game and be the best hero you can be in the game. A great example of this is in Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge. In Day 6 of the main campaign, Ryu must face off against his Dark Self. The Dark version of Ryu has all of the same moves as you along with all of the same weapons, magic, combos, and he constantly changes his strategy to match you and best you in combat. The only way to really beat him is to be the better Self. To me, it’s an amazing and epic fight, despite being horrendously frustrating and irksome!
So yeah, that’s my Top Three Favorite Types of Bosses. So what are yours?!