Nope have not missed you one bit... LOL.
Update 6/4/13: Long break, but I'm back now
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![]() On 06/04/2013 at 12:44 PM by Ranger1 ![]() See More From This User » |
Did anyone miss me? Probably not, there are lots of other really good blogs on here to keep everyone entertained.
What have I been up to in the past five weeks? Work. Lots and lots of work. Getting the park up and running and looking good for Memorial Day weekend takes a lot of time and effort, not to mention long hours. In addition to that, we rolled out the official Maine State Parks geocahes, led nature programs for almost 1000 school kids, plus weekend public nature programs, and are currently updating safety stuff to keep us in the good graces of the Bureau of Labor Standards and OSHA. All but that last bit is pretty fun, and keeps me in shape. That last bit is mostly time-consuming busy work that keeps me from getting the park maintenance done that keeps everything looking nice and running well.
During that time period, I didn't get much gaming in. I went to work, came home, walked the dog, ate dinner, and fell asleep on the couch in front of whatever I was trying to watch on TV, whether it was live or streamed from Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc. That's changed now, but I'll talk about that in a little bit.
The geocaching thing is really cool (follow the link to find out about geocaching if you're not familiar with it). Our geocache info is here. This is the big project Andy and I were working on that I mentioned in a previous blog. As of right now, this is the only legal geocache in the park. Unfortunately, people place these all the time without asking permission (even though guidelines posted on the official website tell them not to place without asking permission first). Frequently this encourages people to go off-trail. Not cool, people, not cool at all! However, geocaching itself is very cool when done responsibly.
There have also been lots of cool wildlife sightings and pretty wildflowers blooming, but I'll save those for another day (mostly because I haven't uploaded the pics to my flickr page yet).
What I really wanted to talk about today is breaking my gaming slump. Yay! For the last five weeks, I pretty much just played Bejeweled 3 on my laptop to relax. Then, two weeks ago, I rented Tomb Raider from RedBox. I wanted to see if I really wanted to spend the money on it. The answer is an emphatic yes. And lovely Amazon happened to have it for 29.99 as a lightning deal. I never hit that right, so I guess it was meant to be. I got in a little here and there, and then last night I decided I needed a good gaming session. I was having a great time, let the dog out around 8:30 PM, and then the next thing I knew it was 12:45 AM. Can't remember the last time I got that engrossed in a game. I got to the part where Lara is headed off to rescue Sam, and I kept getting killed by bad guys, so I decided it was time to go to bed, I think it was around 2:00 AM at that point.
I also ordered Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box from Amazon a while ago. Finally played it for the first time on Sunday. I like logic problems and puzzles, so I really enjoy the Professor Layton series.
Last but not least, I found a $25 gift card to Bull Moose Music in the bottom of my bag that I got for Christmas and totally forgot about. Jason and I went into Portland last Friday before I went in for my closing shift at the park and I spent half an hour poking through the place. I got a media remote for my 360, Casino Royale on Bluray, and a very intriguing PS1 game called Blazing Dragons. I have no idea if it's any good, but Terry Jones from Monty Python had a lot to do with it, and he and Cheech Marin both do voice acting for the game. Even if the game sucks, it was worth the $9.00 for the novelty value.
So what's every one else been up to?