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Stop Complaining About Review Scores!

On 06/05/2013 at 11:57 AM by Blake Turner

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 Gamespot gave The Last of Us an 8, and a bunch of ignorant, entitled buffoons who haven't played the game think the reviewer should lose his job because they have a pre-conceived notion of how the game will turn out. Well, so much for gamers being mature.

 This annoys the hell out of me. People: Game reviews are opinions! Just because you're opinion differs does not mean a man should be fired. What's worse is YOU HAVEN'T EVEN PLAYED THE FUCKING GAME! You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about and you're "opinion" is meaningless. Seriously, I know your mother tells you that you're special, and that you should always voice your opinion, but you really shouldn't. If you have no knowledge of the subject, KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT! You aren't contributing, and your ignorant knee jerk reactions just reinforce theory we had about you being dropped on your head as a child. Seriously, saying a man should lose his job over a score that happens to be lower than some others. You should lose your job for being an insensative, inbred dick. Seriously, I hope you go bankrupt, and have to resort to eating your own limbs to survive, you petty piece of shit. Let's see how you like it. 

 Goddamn this frustrates me. Seriously, are we ever going to grow out of this? The world thinks of gamers as socially inept children, and for the most part they're right. We aren't going to lose that stigma while you idiots are acting like children. You're like that fat kid who wants to be seperated from your parents because your mum couldn't afford to buy you the newest toy. Grow up. Stop acting like children, and start acknowledging that other peoples opinions count for something. You aren't the only person on the planet.




06/05/2013 at 12:19 PM

An 8? How is that bad? I'm assuming it's out of 10?  That's a great score! Some people are just idiots. It's the text of the review that matters. Not the damn score.

I just looked at the comments. Wow. lol. Don't worry so much about it man! When that EA engineer called the Wii U crap there was an article on there that got like 20,000 comments or something. They were saying stuff like a nuclear holocaust was better lol. That's what kind of community your looking at.  A bunch of idiotic trolls.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/05/2013 at 12:32 PM

It just annoys me that this guy is copping so much flak for trying to be honest with his opinions. People don't acknowledge that other people matter, which is reall apalling.


06/05/2013 at 12:23 PM

You've got to remember that gaming is now infested with a shitload of 12 year olds and that's where a lot of this is coming from.

My favourite has always been when they write "user reviews" for games that haven't been released yet or claim that they finished all 3 versions of a multi-plat game and proceed to let us know what was wrong with the two versions they don't actually own systems for.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/05/2013 at 12:34 PM

 Yes, but this was every single comment on the review. Very few of them would be 12, and I'm damn certain most of them are at least 16. They have no excuse for their ignorance.


06/05/2013 at 12:47 PM

Mob Mentality? If they were in a movie they'd all have pitchforks and torches.

I actually cannot fathom why people get emotional about games they don't own and haven't played. It's not like someone made crude remarks about their mother or kicked the dog.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/05/2013 at 01:04 PM

It is a Naughty Dog game, and a PS3 exclusive, so everyone feels the need to defend it. Doesn't make it any less retarded though.


06/05/2013 at 01:26 PM

Oh yeah it's from Naughty Dog, I'd forgotten about that. That reviewer should defo lose his job then. LOL


06/05/2013 at 12:24 PM

unless they are an awful writer, they will have backed up their reasoning for that score.  Unlike  the user reviews on Metacritic,  10- i think that this game is really an 6, but there are too many 0s so I want to try and balance it out.

I am slowly realizing the brilliance of RPSs wot I think, and Kotaku's "yes, no, not yet."  It forces you to read at least a portion of the review to understand if you should play it or not.  Plus, games that score 80% tend to be pretty darn good. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/05/2013 at 12:30 PM

Yeah. The website I write for uses "Buy it" "Try it" and "Deny it." There is no score, just an indication of whether that game is of a decent quality or not. RPS is my favourite gaming website hands down, with Kotaku being my least, so it's interesting you mention those two.

 The problem is that IGN and Game Informer gave the game a 10, so people think every site should give it a 10.


06/05/2013 at 12:37 PM

I am a big fan of RPS and am indifferent about Kotaku.  There are things that I like about Kotaku, and there are things that I do not like about Kotaku...  the same with IGN.

After reading that review and looking at a few of the comments, I doubt that many of these people even read it.  I think that they only watched the video. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/05/2013 at 01:06 PM

 Eh I don't even bother with Kotaku most of the time. IGN is extremely hit an miss, but I still go there. I do love PC Gamer though. That's my second favourite website for gaming.

 And yep, I highly doubt most of them did that. They saw the score and started complaining.


06/05/2013 at 01:11 PM

Critics have such a tough job sometimes. You can't please everyone,nor should you try. Whatever score is given to the game I'm still gonna buy it. Won't effect my enjoyment of it one bit. If someone gets fired for not giving the score you want to see then why even read the reviews? That fellow needs to just pretend he  lives in a world where his bottom is special,and better than the others. Mommy said so! She did I tell ya!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/05/2013 at 02:23 PM

It sucks for critics, especially on popular websites. This is ridiculous though, Gamespot usually give scores lower than IGN and Game Informer. Game Informer gives a 10 to damn near every exclusive game, and they're kind of shit from a journalistic standpoint.


06/05/2013 at 03:17 PM

I agree that Game Informer is highly biased. They are in the pocket of big game companies and do not rock the boat ever.


06/05/2013 at 02:17 PM

I am hoping the best for Last of Us, but I never put much into what the rating games get. I extremely dislike some games people think are 10's and vice versa. I was impressed with the Demo and that is what matters most to me.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/05/2013 at 02:20 PM

Yep. I really hate GTA IV, and I really like some games that get 6's and 7's. Scores aren't as important as the text associated with them.


06/05/2013 at 02:45 PM

Somebody did something similar to a poor female reviewer for giving animal crossing a great score. If you wanna see the true side to a lot of humans just go on youtube and you will. Even when I write review blogs I know people wont always agree and I respect others for feeling how they do. Im still excited for The Last Of Us, for me it looks to be a great game.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/06/2013 at 01:33 AM

Yep. I saw a gamer girl do the "feminism" thing the other day, but she fought for both sides and talked about equality over anything else, and everyone still told her they were going to rape her and murder her and shit like that. Youtube disgusts me sometimes.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/05/2013 at 02:51 PM

It's all subjective, but like mothman, I have to think a lot of commenters there might skew younger or are trolling a bit.

At least, that's what I have to believe to keep sane.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/06/2013 at 01:35 AM

Unfortunately, that's not the case. I have an account on Gamespot, and I've seen a few of those commenters hanging around. The majority of the accounts I'd seen before were ages 16-22, and most of them weren't trolls - they genuinely believed this shit.


06/05/2013 at 03:32 PM

Dan Amrich of the One of Swords podcast (ex Gamepro. Official Xbox Magazine writer) did a great rant on this exact subject with many of the same arguments you made. Hilarious that people have opinions even about things they know nothing about. LOL

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/06/2013 at 01:37 AM

Everyone has opinions about shit they don't understand. That's why people hate video games and gay marriage. The problem is not havng that opinion, but expressing it in an extremely hostile way, and taking such offense at another person's opinion, especially in something they themselves haven't tried.


06/05/2013 at 05:37 PM

You would think people would have stopped complaining about this tactic already. I knew The Last Of Us was going to get a few "low" scores. People need to do more with their lives than whine about something they should have known was coming online. It's the nature of the Internet. Websites have been doing this tactic for years to get hits because they know people will run over and complain about it. Gets them everytime. It will happen again when GTA V, Beyond: Two Souls, Watch Dogs and others arrive.

My only complaint about The Last Of Us is that it releases 3 days later than it should. I hope Sony isn't going to be like Nintendo and release their exclusives on Fridays now.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/06/2013 at 01:40 AM

I haven't payed it, but if it's mechanics are anything like Uncharted 3, then it deserves an 8. If GTA V is anything like IV then it deserves a 6 imo.

 If a reviewer can back up his opinion, you have no right to complain. If he fabricates stuff, or write an incredibly positive review and then gives it a 6, then yeah, he's a bad reviewer. This guy wasn't.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

06/05/2013 at 06:06 PM

Oh, what the fuck people? Really? I'm stoked for The Last of Us and normally would say you're taking this reaction too far, but when they're saying a guy should get fired for calling a game most people are giving scores that signify amazing and he calls it really good, yeah, go fuck yourself. 

Cary Woodham

06/05/2013 at 07:33 PM

I don't use scores when I review a game.

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

06/05/2013 at 09:39 PM

This Blog:


Lost 1/2 star due to no online multiplayer.


06/05/2013 at 09:53 PM

i think that it should gain a half star for not having online multiplayer shoe-horned into it.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

06/05/2013 at 10:32 PM

What the hell are you guys talking to it? You did the multiplayer when you left a comment.

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

06/05/2013 at 10:58 PM

I got confused since I was sitting on whatsacow's couch when I scored this blog. I assumed it had offline only and I was typing into a Word document. My bad.

Revised score: 

(out of a possible )

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/06/2013 at 01:44 AM

Well, I originally had splitscreen in here, but my publishers told me to take out so people who wanted to play multiplayer were forced to buy another copy. 


06/05/2013 at 10:12 PM

And the case with this game is that if you average out all the scores including bad ones it still comes out to a 9.0--as if even this means anything. I read a few articles about how the game repurposes the use of violence in games and that it sets a precedent for the next generation. It's like video games are growing up finally with this game. Adam Sessler influenced my opinion, not on a review score which was 5/5, but the discussion about the games use of violence. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/06/2013 at 01:46 AM

Exactly. Adam Sessler is a god, and we should all obey him. I haven't watched that yet, I might have to.

 But you're right. Magicka got really shitty scores. I watched TotalBiscuits WTF Is of it, and the gameplay sold me. I love this game that I never would have bought if I followed reviews.


06/06/2013 at 02:21 AM

Sessler is over at under games and still does video reviews.

Jason Ross Senior Editor

06/05/2013 at 10:26 PM

My favorite review complete comes from my Disney Epic Mickey review. If you've played the game, you probably agree that it's actually a really bland puzzle/platformer with a lot of dull back-tracking, lacking a lot of the charm one might expect from a license that has the whole of Disney's forgotten catalog as creative inspiration.

Anyway, the review was linked to on N4G, a gaming media aggregate site. One individual there didn't own a Wii and had never played the game. He blasted my opinion of the game on the basis of my age, suggesting I was too young (I was 23 at the time, I believe) to get most of the references.

It is my favorite criticism ever. The best.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/06/2013 at 01:52 AM

 That brings up a different point that brings me a lot of frustration: The heavy reliance on references and continuity. References aren't inherently bad, but a product should be able to stand without them. Community is a funny show whether you get the references or not. Games (especially indie games) tend to fall into this trap a lot, especially in the form of memes. Some references are barely jokes, they're just stealing other people's material, like in 'splosion man where they steal damn near every one of Portal's jokes. These people are boring and unimaginative, and they deserve harsher criticism.

 Back to the main point: My country doesn't have guns. I can't chastise people who do because I've never used one. If you haven't played a game, you can't judge it. Simple.


06/06/2013 at 03:16 AM

With you there dude! I'd understand more if everyone gave it an 8 but only because expectation can lead to some dangerous hopes which if dashed can result in extreme pig headedness, but if the overwhelming majority gave it a 9/10 or 10/10 I can't see why there would be upset. Any how I like reading how and why scores vary so I actively seek out those 'disagreements'

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/06/2013 at 08:29 AM

The great thing about looking at different sites is that you get different views on a game. Expecting every site to be the same ruins that.


06/06/2013 at 08:26 AM

You should do what I do.  Stay away from the comments on reviews. Cool

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/06/2013 at 08:27 AM

I can't! I read the comments on everything! I can't help it! 


06/06/2013 at 03:37 PM

I stopped reading reviews after they bashed Castlevania 3DS. I really enjoyed that game. Reviews are all subjective, anyway. The only good way I know of is to just rent it at a video store and see if you like it. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/07/2013 at 12:59 AM

 I wouldn't stop reading reviews. Find someone with similar taste to yourself, and start looking a t a bunch of different reviews to get a bigger picture.

Julian Titus Senior Editor

06/06/2013 at 04:02 PM

I think reviews are important, and they've always been my favorite part of games writing. Back in the day I'd flip straight to the reviews section of EGM before reading the rest of the magazine cover to cover. With that said, I think the IGN reviewer is safe since Polygon gave it a 7.5. It was a well-written, well-argued review, and I could totally understand how the score that was given was arrived at.

With that said, most of the problems the reviewer had with the game are things that wouldn't bother me as much. Since I know what I like, I have a good idea of what to expect from this game, but the Polygon review allowed me to brace for some possible annoying elements.

Reading reviews takes some effort from the reader. Read the text, understand what's being said, and then check that against your own tastes and expectations. And also read reviewers that you know, and finding websites that use their whole scale helps a lot. It's sad that people think of a 7 as "terrible" when it really means "pretty darn good".

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/07/2013 at 02:10 AM

I can only hink of destructoid and pc gamer that actually use the entire scale, which is disappointing. 

Julian Titus Senior Editor

06/07/2013 at 08:24 AM

And PixlBit! I have yet to bust out the dreaded half star score, but I have reviewed quite a few 1.5 star games. I've also awarded one 5 star score in the 2 years I've been with PB.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/07/2013 at 09:53 AM

 Yeah! Although so far I've only read positive reviews on this site. Now that I have more time I'll have to look through the archive and see how good this site is with reviews. From what I've seen it's pretty decent!


06/06/2013 at 06:20 PM

Minus the swears, I really agree with what you had said here. It really is underwhelming that there's those kinds of people that can't respect an opinion and think any game over the 70 or 80 score of Metacritic deserves to be an untouchable holy grail. Sure, I may disagree with some reviews (like Gametrailer's one for Sonic Colors), but in the end, it's all opinions, which you can take or leave and it all depends on what's being said and most importantly, that you actually had played the game and you had created your own criteria.

Hope I explained myself very well.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/07/2013 at 02:37 AM

Exactly. Disagree, but respect their opinion. I also think we should get rid of metacritic... it does more harm than good. Or at least, the gaming industry should stop focusing on it so damn much.


06/07/2013 at 06:41 PM

Yeah, they should stop focusing too much on Metacritic. I think it's good to search reviews from various sources, but it's just an score counting site and not the ultimate source to know if a game is good or not. Like I said, the best criteria is that you had played the game and form your own opinion. That said, it's better to stay away from most user reviews from that site.....

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