The Phoenix Wright games are my favorite game series on the DS. I'm so glad we're getting the 5th one on the 3DS in the US. I'm a bit bummed it's download only, but I'll still get it anyway.
What I've Been Playing
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![]() On 06/05/2013 at 07:05 PM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
Kind of turning into one of those ghosts around here, been busy lately. Thought I'd post a few thoughts on some games I've been playing though.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Magic is the only way to play these games
Yeah, I just now finally got around to playing Skyrim. With how much I loved Fallout 3, you'd think this would have been a day one purchase for me, but fantasy just bores the crap out of me. I'm fine with it in Dragon Age because it has that Bioware magic and Zelda because Gorons and Zora are so much cooler than anything those other fantasy worlds have. So I decided to wait for the complete edition when all the bugs are out and I can get all of that sweet DLC.
I started it up yesterday and have already pumped nearly six hours into it. I thought it would be closer to Oblivion quality (meh) than Fallout 3 quality (fucking incredible), but it's actually closer to Fallout 3 quality. Not as good, the leveling's too simple for my taste and discovering new areas doesn't have that feeling of awe Fallout 3 gave. But it's still a lot of fun, I'm taking the Hank Scorpio strategy with everything I see.
New Super Mario Bros U
I held this game off WAY too long, primarily because I didn't have a Wii U until recently. Now that I do though, I'm loving this game. I'm not far enough to say it's the best of the NSMB game yet, but I'm having more fun with it than I did in the first few worlds of the other games. The flying squirrel suit is a little uninspired, especially since it makes too much sense. I would have preferred if they had a mouse or elephant suit where the ears were used to glide. Other than that, no complaints, level design has been top notch with just enough gameplay twists that haven't been done before in Mario.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2
I'm not that big on Call of Duty, but I saw how the Gamepad works for local co-op and decided I need to try that for zombies. That part alone is definitely worth the $23 I paid for it. Which is good because the single player is designed for people with ADD while the regular multiplayer can best be summed up by this:
Seriously, with the amount of health you have, if you surprise someone, they're automatically dead while if you get surprised, you're automatically dead. Just not my thing. Zombies meanwhile is great. One match I can survive 10 rounds, the next I'm dead before the first ends. And I dig that. Haven't done too much of it co-op, but using the pad and TV for seperate screens is all kinds of cool.
Phoenix Wright: Justice for All
I really like these games. I've been catching up on them lately, but they're great. Well, more like half of them are great. Inside court, finding evidence to prove witnesses are lying is so intense and satisfying, but investigating is pretty tedious and the only reason it shouldn't be thrown out is because of how much it develops the story. I'm at the fourth case now and especially love rival lawyer Franziska von Karma. She has a funny way of reacting to out of control witnesses and the judge by whipping them which goes great with Phoenix's witty remarks. Really all the characters are great and the story is told in a great way which even with the minimal amount of gameplay, makes them a lot of fun to play.
Oh, and one more thing: Fuck Assassin's Creed 3.