Hey there! Congratulations on your graduation. It's an exciting time, I'm sure. FFXIII wasn't all that bad on the replay for me. I just rushed through the mediocre first half and then levelled up on the Archelyte Steepe. It got a lot better after that. I really liked XIII-2 as well, that's the only reason I'm gonna play the third one. But for now, I'm going on blackout for that game. No sense in anticipating it when the newest release date is 8 months away. I saw GotF when if first came out and thought it was really sad, too. I never watched it again because of that reason. lol
Whew, about time
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![]() On 06/07/2013 at 02:30 PM by GamerGirlBritt ![]() See More From This User » |
Now that my senior year is officially over, I can get back to things that matter...video games.
First off, my graduation took place last night. It was actually pretty nice. No complaints here.
My ridiculously small senior class. 128 to be exact.
Andddd my best friends. That'd be me on the left.
But on to the good stuff. I finally got Ni No Kuni and realized that it's incredible. Like seriously, it's one of my favorite games ever now. But...as my bad luck would have it, my PS3 finally decided to take it's last breath. Being that I'd still been playing the same original fat one for the last six years, it was bound to happen eventually. I'm not too upset. My dad's working on getting me another one so I'll be back up and running soon but....
I still haven't finished replaying this. I know, I know. It's been a WHILE since I started replaying it, but trust me when I say this game is NOT AT ALL replay friendly. I just keep putting it down. Not to mention the fact I'm gonna have to start over anyway. The only thing that keeps me playing this game is the fact that I'll get to play the much better sequel after it. I know a lot of people still don't like XIII-2, but for some reason I can't quite pinpoint, I'm absolutely in love with it.
But while we're on the subject...
The Lightning Returns E3 trailer was released yesterday. And all I can really say is....what the fuck man? All this did was piss me off right before my graduation. I guess the gameplay looked alright, but the more and more I listen to the inane bullshit spewing from the characters' mouths, the more it dawns on me that none of this is necessary. Even for the basically shitty story it was originally, the first Final Fantasy XIII tied everything together quite nicely at the end. I understand that XIII-2 was kind of needed for Square Enix to "redeem" themselves, which didn't actually work, but this is just getting ridiculous. And that's coming from soneone who doesn't actually hate these games, and understands every facet of each game's story.
WHY does Snow look like this?! WHY does he have on a suit?! And WHY IN THE FUCKING WORLD is he fighting with a weapon?! What happened to the fists man? THE FISTS!
But all rage aside....
My experience with Ni No Kuni prompted me to go back and revisit some of the incredible movies by Studio Ghibli that I kind of grew up with, like Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke. But I stumbled across another one that's critically acclaimed called Grave of the Fireflies.
If you haven't seen this...please do. Unless you hate, hate, HATE sad movies. And I don't even mean kinda sad, or a bit of a tearjerker. I mean, this movie is straight up depressing. I couldn't even go to sleep the night I watched it. I lay in my bed crying for maybe about 3 hours before I finally cried myself to sleep. It's that bad. And by bad, I mean good. But it's definitely not for people like me who takes these things to heart and remain stuck on them for weeks. I don't wanna reveal anything about the plot, because it's best just experienced, but I will say I hate myself for being an American now. Even the late Roger Ebert gave it a 96% rating. I love it, but I'll never watch it again. My heart can't take it.
So, without a PS3 to take up my time, I've been revisiting Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria, which I had never actually finished. I'm surprised at how well it's aged, and the battle system is a lot more intricate than I remember it being. I'm really into this game now, so I think this'll be enough to hold me over for the moment.