Well Im yet again at a sleep war with myself. Which I cant to say is super bad, I feel time passes me by faster at night and Im ready for it to be Sunday already. Its so close now! I actually went today and paid off my AC Bundle and as well paid off The Last Of Us SE so after Sunday Ill be waiting for that release which got a midnight release here. Ill be def going to that to get my copy.
Have I mentioned lately Im ready for E3? Well just in case, IM FUCKING READY! I dont know how much more I can take of the rumors, of idiots who think they know everything and slam people because they think their a fucking god, and I just wanna see the PS4, it is a crime :(.
Apparently Castlevania Lords of Shadow is getting a Ultimate Edition but so far its only for the PC. Im kind of upset about it too. I would like a PS3 one and I just highly doubt it will come to that. Ya know how much I love these types of editions. Speaking of which...
Im still waiting for Borderlands 2 to announce the GOTY edition. I know thy announced this chest full of goodies recently and at first I thought it was some limited edition for the GOTY one but its just random items from and for the game.
Thought Id share that. Im still aiming at September really for the GOTY edition but if its longer then I shall wait. I have waited this long, I refuse to give in. I waited for Skyrim and they pulled through finally.
Im thinking of Pre ordering Rune Factory 4, Ive never played any of the previous titles but everyone says they are like Harvest Moon just with fighting. Sounds to be right up my alley. it release 8/13/13 atleast that is what gamestop says so my August game list might just grow some more.
Im still letting my points collect on PowerUp Rewards and Im currently at 16,914. It wil prolly be more by the end of this month but hey Im quite proud of myself. Ive saved this far without using any. Gonna keep with aiming at not spending till the end of this year.
Anywho Im off to lose my mind, Ill be in my corner in the fetal position!