yeah, it's a GREAT game. pretty soon it'll open up too and you'll be able to go where you want.
My Journey Through Knights of the Old Republic so far.......
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![]() On 06/09/2013 at 11:10 AM by leeradical42 ![]() See More From This User » |
So as must of you know i have started a game of KoToR and must say i am so amazed at how good this game is, now keep in mind this is an editorial on my thoughts of the Xbox version and is not a reveiw, so now that we have that understanding, let me share my story and thoughts with you, the story takes place roughly 4,000 years prior to a New Hope during the Jedi civil war. With Darth Revan having been recently killed, the second in command Darth Malak is now in charge so its up to me to.
Now my game begins on the attack on Endar Spire a huge rebel ship that is knocked out and being borded so as i awaken from an apparent sleep induced for long travels im awaken by a soldier named Carth insisting that we need to get off and edcape to a planet called Taris so we fight off sith soldiers and make it to the pod and escape to Taris.
So once on the planet it time for the buissness at hand which is finding Balista after visiting a cantina and a few side quest i find a sith soldier suit that will gain me access to the undercity. Once in the undercity i meet a Twilek named Mission and her Wookie named Zalbaar which join my party and then at one of the end passages i fight a boss a huge Rancer after getting killed a few times i finally prevail and continue on, then im ask to join a Swoop race wich is kinda like a pod race and and told if i win the first prize will be a s who just happens to be Balista the Jedi Knight i have been looking for.
So i win the race and they decide to say i cheated and reneg on the prize and Balista uses the force to kill him and i free her and its really funny in this part because she refuses you beleive that i saved her and is actually convinced that she saved me which leads to some very funny conversations lol, anyway she is very strong and senses that i may be able to use the force and when we leave i will go in front if the Jedi Council to learn my future as a pissible Jedi, so the we head back to the cantina and talj with a bounty hunter with a plan to get off the planet which i might add will not let anyone off or on the planet and with a special code i can use a ship and escape and this is where i am in the game as of now.
So this game is awesome it has been along time since i have been so ingrossed in a game as much as this one and am excited everytime i load it up to play, and if you have never played it, please do cause you will be shocked at how good it is.