As you might know, I am Australian. That means that for the longest time, free thinking adults have been unable to view things they are allowed to view on free to air television in a game they paid $100 for. Oh, and games cost more than houses here. Which, I might add, is stupid. I mean we have free health care and an education system that actually works (take that USA) yet a grown man can't decide what content he can consume? When the fuck did we become China?
Anyway, that's been changed. We have an R rating here for video games now, and Mortal Kombat is the first game that was previously banned to be allowed into the country. I've played it, and I'm very, VERY confused as to why this game was denied entry in the first place. I mean, we've had all of the God of War's. We've had all of the Dead Space's. We've had Fallout 3. HOW THE FUCK IS THIS GAME WORSE?! I mean the worst fatality I've seen is Noob's, where he rips the person in half (looking particularly nasty when done to a female, might I add). This is NOTHING compared to some games I've played! This is nothing compared to THE FUCKING BIBLE! Have you read that book? Go read the book of Judges, where a fat dude gets stabbed with a sword, and it describes the fat oozing out. Yet we read this shit to CHILDREN!
What I guess I'm saying is that this game is a massive let down. And that Christianity is stupid. But mainly that this game is a letdown. I mean it's a great game, but I was expecting to be shocked. I was expecting to be mortified. I was expecting to actually see a reason behind the banning of this game. What I got was a game that's tame when compared to an Eminem song.