I'll comment how I commented before:
"Are you sure?" Yes.
"Are you sure?" Yes.
"Are you sure?" Yes, dammit! (presses X)
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![]() On 02/23/2013 at 11:09 PM by GamerGirlBritt ![]() See More From This User » |
The original post date of this blog was 1/27/12. My fellow 1UPpers already know about this regrettable situation, but I figured the story worth retelling since this will be the focus of my next few blogs. Enjoy, while I suffer.
So. Everything on my Playstation 3 is gone. Gone. As in, no more. All because of me not being patient. For some reason, every time I tried connecting to the internet, the system would always tell me "cannot connect to the access point", or some message like that. After trying to get it to work by myself for all of five minutes, I took my problem to the web. The community forums on the official playstation website told me to restore the system to it's default settings. I was a little skeptical about that, because I didn't want to lose all my shit. But it assured me that the only thing lost would be music, network settings, stuff like that. Mind you, that's if you restore the system to it's DEFAULT SETTINGS.
So I navigate to the settings to start the process, and I click on "system restore". Then it asks you like three damn times if you're sure you want to do that, so I'm just clicking so it can hurry the fuck up already. And when I turn the system back on....
Everything is gone. My original fat PS3 is back to it's factory settings.
Naturally, I'm like what the fuck? I'm not upset or anything, just confused. So I proceed to the settings menu again and who would have thought, there's two different types of system restores. One where you reset the system to it's factory settings, and another where you reset the system to it's factory settings AND wipe out your save files, trophy collection, internal memory cards, all that shit.
I was pissed for maybe three minutes and then I got over it. I mean, it is just video games after all. On a scale of things that could go wrong in life, this is definitely on the lower end of the scale. I'm pretty sure I didn't have any extremely valueable trophies that I busted my ass for several days to get, so that's definitely a positive. I'm not sure if there's any way to reverse this, but I'll look into it.
Plus, it'll give me an excuse to replay all these games again. It was bound to happen anyway.
Although....my internal memory card for Final Fantasy VII got deleted. And I 100%ed that game. Oh well, I was gonna end up replaying it anyway.
On the bright side, look what I got:
Yup, a Final Fantasy XIII PS3. Pretty useless I suppose. It was sold to me at close to nothing. I wanted to ask the guy "why in the hell are you selling this", considering it literally runs over $1,000 and he sold it at less than half of that, but I'm not one to talk myself out of a deal. I'm gonna lock this up somewhere so that dazzling metallic finish doesn't get dirty.
The PS3 is really awful with gamesaves sometimes. I had a PS3 burn out on me a few weeks ago. Now I have this hard drive that works, with all the game saves still on it... only it's entirely encrypted. I can, after about 20 tries, get the old PS3 to turn on for about 5 seconds before crashing, and this is after repair attempts involving thermal paste and such, so no luck transferring those saves.
I'm still trying to decide how much I should harass Sony about releasing some solution to transfer data from the HDD of a dead PS3. I called their service line and was told the best way would be to send in my PS3 for repair. Of course, during the repair they'll format my HDD in order to make sure that's not the problem, so you know, game saves would all be lost. The person I spoke with didn't mention the last part until I had declined to send it in several times, so that's fun.
Anyway, yeah. If you have an old BC PS3? That thing is due to die sometime soon due to the lifetime of the thermal paste, and will either need repairs often, or alternatively, completely die, like mine. Back up your saves and such while you still can! :(
The day my PS3 legitimately burns out is when I'll break down. Just the thought is a little....frightening. I could probably deal if it could be repaired, but to die completely? No good. I'm paranoid about such things. When they stopped production on PS2s, I bought another one and took my uncle's (which he doesn't use), to safeguard. Overkill? Yes. Worth it? Yes.
That's fucked up. You're more mature than I was when Eternal Darkness pretended to do that to my Gamecube memory card, I was FUMING haha. Granted, likewise, it was only three minutes.
Of course, in my case, nothing was actually gone; that really sucks :(
And I don't play FF, but that is one SEXY looking console. White with red/pink sketch design. Looks great! I can see why it sells at top dollar, even if I wouldn't pay it, but that's cause I'm broke and am waiting to see if I adopt any PS4s or WiiUs.
This is why I want to get mine backed up on an external hd. I had Mad Catz PS1 mem cards crap out on me (my own fault for being cheap) luckily most of the saves were for fighters and shooters. The only real time invested save I lost was for Alundra, a hard earned 40 hrs or so. I kept all my RPG saves on sony cards. (knock on wood) Ten years on some and they still work.
I think I told you this, but I had my Mad Catz memory cards on PS1 crap out while I was playing Valkyrie Profile and Final Fantasy IX. I bought Sony cards after that. That was a case of penny wise, pound foolish on my part.
I also lost all my Xbox 360 saves when my 360 got stolen, and I lost my PS3 saves when my PS3 YLODd.