I have problems with Mackey too. I had to unfollow him because he gets annoying. It's funny you mention him being a gaming Rush, because I really feel that's the way Jim Sterling sees himself, and that's a man that I simply can't tolerate in any way, shape, or form.
Hi,political correctness! Er,I still hate you!
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![]() On 06/10/2013 at 06:24 PM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
"Mackey's back? Great Caesar's ghost,there goes the neighborhood!"
~Al Bundy
"No matter how clean you play it or nice you say it, you’re going to offend someone. Might as well simply be honest with yourself and put out something “you” are happy with!"
~Personal quote
So, Bob is writing for joystiq now. I figured “Captain Mackey” would surface again at some point because if you know anything about cheesy Saturday morning cartoon villains, they never stay M.I.A. for long. lol.
It’s not I have contempt for Bob as a writer. Many of his articles have been insightful and well put together. Strange as it is, Mackey and I enjoy many of the same games. (Everything from Parasite Eve to Persona 4) However, his constant pandering to radical feminism and attempt at sensationalist response gouging never endeared me to him as a person. When you add all this on top of Mackey organizing a troll posse to grief yours truly it is difficult for me to forgive him much less tolerate him.
When Bob’s on his podium he often insults gamers too. I’m not saying we should be above reproach. Yes, I’ve known some gamers who were pretty serious assholes. The issue I take with how Mackey does it are the broad sweeping generalizations. Put simply, if you like more modern Japanese games and aren’t bothered by the occasional fan-service it feels as if Bob is trying to say you are some sort of “pedo-riffic shut in” who lives in a dungeon filled with hot pokers,sex dolls,metal studded wooden dildos, and kidnapped Asian school girls. It’s as if Mackey cannot grasp the concept someone can like Quentin Tarantino grind-house flicks,porn,Lollipop Chainsaw,Arcana Hearts,3rd Bithday,Onechanbara Bikini Samurai Squad,and Hyper-dimension Neptunia without being some sort of sex offending sociopath.
"If you like this picture in any way you're a sexist and a pedo!"
~Bob Mackey logic!
As much as I know gaming sites need hits and traffic I still wish they could achieve their goals without hiring paid trolls to goad and mock the audience. The fact Bob pretty much makes a living insulting gamers at large to get reactions without being asked to check his sources or back up his facts perplexes and frustrates me. To me he’s sort of like the liberal version of Rush Limbaugh. (Aka, he’s still a radical nut job but he was at least smart enough to side with the social movement that is the most popular.)
What I put in parenthesis is the problem I have with Mackey. Aka, I wonder if he would be such a hardcore white knight and a hardcore feminist if being “politically correct” wasn’t so trendy right now. If the dude-bro machismo of the 80’s was still going strong I bet Bob would be wearing a ball cap and belching the alphabet!
Okay, before I make someone mad let it be said I believed in what feminism used to stand for and I do in fact believe in civil rights. I’m tired of today’s feminists trying to claim that “not supporting modern feminism” is somehow pro misogyny and pro sexism. I do not “hate” women. I do not have a problem perceiving them as equal human beings. (My closest female buds know this!) On the same flip of the coin I refuse to exalt women above me and pander to them just so I can get a gold star. Many of today’s feminists want their cheesecake and to eat it too. They’ve been born into an age of privilege when being a feminist is “hip” and “swag”. This is the era of keyboard activism when most feminists love to bitch about stupid trivial nonsense (Fan-service in vidya games oh no!) yet they are too afraid to do anything about real women being tragically oppressed in places like Iran. These fakers ride the coat-tails of the true heroines & heroes of yesterday who won equality for them in the past. Aka, the people who were feminists when it was not popular to be so and when associating with said movement carried an actual risk. Far fewer feminists today are willing to sacrifice their personal comfort and safety for a benign cause. It’s much easier to sit upon the cushy security others have built for them.
Before I get called out, I want the gaming medium to evolve. I want to see more believable multi layered protagonists from both genders and I totally appreciate innovation in both narrative and game-play. However, I don’t think the world will end if we still have our God Of Wars, Twisted Metals, Saints Rows, Lollipop Chainsaws, and Dead or Alives. Should a “public decency board” be able to speak for all of us? Considering classic books akin to Tom Sawyer have already been edited in some cases to be “less offensive” this is a dangerous possibility. We should NEVER let extremists from the far right or the far left decide what is unacceptable or acceptable for everyone. We have the right to decide it for ourselves on an individual basis. (So long as we’re not hurting innocent people or impeding upon their rights with our personal choices)
Lastly, I don’t have an issue when gamers such as Mackey have different tastes from me. What I take issue with is when these same people try to judge me as a person for what I like just because it isn’t what they approve of. Also for those it concerns, please stop trying to make me feel guilty for being a heterosexual male. I had no more choice in being male or straight than someone else had in being gay or being born with a vagina instead of a penis. I can’t change my biology, my gender, and my desires just to be more “special”.
Just for the giggles!