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Hi,political correctness! Er,I still hate you!

On 06/10/2013 at 06:24 PM by BrokenH

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"Mackey's back? Great Caesar's ghost,there goes the neighborhood!"

~Al Bundy

"No matter how clean you play it or nice you say it, you’re going to offend someone. Might as well simply be honest with yourself and put out something “you” are happy with!"

~Personal quote

So, Bob is writing for joystiq now. I figured “Captain Mackey” would surface again at some point because if you know anything about cheesy Saturday morning cartoon villains, they never stay M.I.A. for long. lol.

It’s not I have contempt for Bob as a writer. Many of his articles have been insightful and well put together. Strange as it is, Mackey and I enjoy many of the same games. (Everything from Parasite Eve to Persona 4) However, his constant pandering to radical feminism and attempt at sensationalist response gouging never endeared me to him as a person. When you add all this on top of Mackey organizing a troll posse to grief yours truly it is difficult for me to forgive him much less tolerate him.

When Bob’s on his podium he often insults gamers too. I’m not saying we should be above reproach. Yes, I’ve known some gamers who were pretty serious assholes. The issue I take with how Mackey does it are the broad sweeping generalizations. Put simply, if you like more modern Japanese games and aren’t bothered by the occasional fan-service it feels as if Bob is trying to say you are some sort of “pedo-riffic shut in” who lives in a dungeon filled with hot pokers,sex dolls,metal studded wooden dildos, and kidnapped Asian school girls.  It’s as if Mackey cannot grasp the concept someone can like Quentin Tarantino grind-house flicks,porn,Lollipop Chainsaw,Arcana Hearts,3rd Bithday,Onechanbara Bikini Samurai Squad,and Hyper-dimension Neptunia without being some sort of sex offending sociopath.

"If you like this picture in any way you're a sexist and a pedo!"

~Bob Mackey logic!

As much as I know gaming sites need hits and traffic I still wish they could achieve their goals without hiring paid trolls to goad and mock the audience. The fact Bob pretty much makes a living insulting gamers at large to get reactions without being asked to check his sources or back up his facts perplexes and frustrates me. To me he’s sort of like the liberal version of Rush Limbaugh. (Aka, he’s still a radical nut job but he was at least smart enough to side with the social movement that is the most popular.)

What I put in parenthesis is the problem I have with Mackey. Aka, I wonder if he would be such a hardcore white knight and a hardcore feminist if being “politically correct” wasn’t so trendy right now. If the dude-bro machismo of the 80’s was still going strong I bet Bob would be wearing a ball cap and belching the alphabet!

Okay, before I make someone mad let it be said I believed in what feminism used to stand for and I do in fact believe in civil rights. I’m tired of today’s feminists trying to claim that “not supporting modern feminism” is somehow pro misogyny and pro sexism. I do not “hate” women. I do not have a problem perceiving them as equal human beings. (My closest female buds know this!) On the same flip of the coin I refuse to exalt women above me and pander to them just so I can get a gold star. Many of today’s feminists want their cheesecake and to eat it too. They’ve been born into an age of privilege when being a feminist is “hip” and “swag”. This is the era of keyboard activism when most feminists love to bitch about stupid trivial nonsense (Fan-service in vidya games oh no!) yet they are too afraid to do anything about real women being tragically oppressed in places like Iran. These fakers ride the coat-tails of the true heroines & heroes of yesterday who won equality for them in the past. Aka, the people who were feminists when it was not popular to be so and when associating with said movement carried an actual risk. Far fewer feminists today are willing to sacrifice their personal comfort and safety for a benign cause. It’s much easier to sit upon the cushy security others have built for them.

Before I get called out, I want the gaming medium to evolve. I want to see more believable multi layered protagonists from both genders and I totally appreciate innovation in both narrative and game-play. However, I don’t think the world will end if we still have our God Of Wars, Twisted Metals, Saints Rows, Lollipop Chainsaws, and Dead or Alives. Should a “public decency board” be able to speak for all of us? Considering classic books akin to Tom Sawyer have already been edited in some cases to be “less offensive” this is a dangerous possibility. We should NEVER let extremists from the far right or the far left decide what is unacceptable or acceptable for everyone. We have the right to decide it for ourselves on an individual basis. (So long as we’re not hurting innocent people or impeding upon their rights with our personal choices)

Lastly, I don’t have an issue when gamers such as Mackey have different tastes from me. What I take issue with is when these same people try to judge me as a person for what I like just because it isn’t what they approve of. Also for those it concerns, please stop trying to make me feel guilty for being a heterosexual male. I had no more choice in being male or straight than someone else had in being gay or being born with a vagina instead of a penis. I can’t change my biology, my gender, and my desires just to be more “special”.

Just for the giggles!



Julian Titus Senior Editor

06/10/2013 at 07:06 PM

I have problems with Mackey too. I had to unfollow him because he gets annoying. It's funny you mention him being a gaming Rush, because I really feel that's the way Jim Sterling sees himself, and that's a man that I simply can't tolerate in any way, shape, or form.


06/10/2013 at 07:17 PM

Sorry I originally spelled it "Ross",Julian. lol. "Rush" is simply an odd name for a person. Could work for a fast robot dog or speedy cybernetic cat though. lol.

But yeah, Mackey is a sensationalist and I've noticed Jim's fallen a bit into that mold himself. (Aka, they both talk down to the "common gamers" to get angry responses just so it can spark a site traffic flame war.)

I wouldn't even mind "friendly debating" but many of these kinds of journalists have a "If you disagree with us you are ignorant shits!" mentality.

Julian Titus Senior Editor

06/10/2013 at 07:58 PM

I'll admit, "gamers" are becoming something of an issue for me lately. The ones that can never be pleased, and complain about everything all the time. It becomes very tiring, especially for me as a person that simply loves video games and tends to avoid being overly snarky or negative. But Sterling and Mackey come at it from an angle as if they themselves aren't gamers and don't get excited for video games.

And if that's the case, maybe you need a different line of work, eh?


06/10/2013 at 08:08 PM

Totally,Julian. It's also odd Mackey had a history of liking anime and Jrpgs yet he would always give low scores and cynical remarks to those very same things. Bob definitely suffers from xenophobia. I keep wondering if he accidentely watched some really violent and gross hentai and it scarred him for life. lol. (Could have been Bible Black or Return Of The Overfiend)

As for Jim,it's kind of sad. Aka, I used to agree with him a lot more but ever so gradually he became more snarky,judgemental, and overly critical of the gaming industry. I still recall him insulting the guys who tried to do a kick-starter for Negative tropes versus males in gaming. I don't see what's wrong with that. Aka, if someone is going to address the negative tropes versus females argument isn't it fair to do it for guys too?

In Jim's defense, he seems to be a full-time satirist.(He's done entire articles writing the opposite of what he truly believes in. lol.) Mackey on the other hand actually concurs with what he himself writes 100%.

Cary Woodham

06/10/2013 at 07:38 PM

I'm not very politically correct either, I guess.

There is a very prolific game reviewer and journalist out there who shares a lot of the same tastes in games as I do as well, but I don't care much for him either. 


06/10/2013 at 07:41 PM

I feel ya,Cary. I like to see myself "in the middle". Aka on most issues I'm non extremist. I kinda hate being tugged in either direction. Must we always choose a side or be seen as entirely wrong or unquestionably right? Not everything works in absolutes.


06/10/2013 at 07:56 PM

If you don't mind me asking... what brought this about? Is Bob back up to his old tricks again?  I hope the trolls aren't gathering over at BO News lol. Sealed


06/10/2013 at 08:10 PM

Nope,he's just at Joystiq,Aaron. lol. Still, he's getting paid for being himself and that always makes me cringe. Normally I encourage people to be themselves but in Mackey's case I really want him to become someone else. Tongue Out


06/10/2013 at 08:44 PM

Mackey probably still keeps tabs on you somehow, he's probably reading this and going off to some dark corner of the net to make fun of you. That really pissed me off when he did that. If he doesn't like you he could just be a normal person and talk about you behind your back in private, not go somewhere on the net where anybody can see it. He's quite the sensationalist and tries to get by with it by pretending to be progressive and feminist. But he uses the label wrong and gives feminists a bad name, he's just an asshole kid on the internet that somehow was lucky enough to establish somewhat of a presence.

I still use the term feminist but I have no problem with the equalist term you've always used. At the end of the day they are suppose to be the same thing. Treating women as no less than a man, both socially and economically. For all of human history they were treated as less than a man in every way, in the bible itself it says women were simply born from the rib of a man or some nonsense like that, as if women were an afterthought.

Just because some women are total assholes doesn't mean that the term should be forgotten though. Back during the civil rights movement there were black people that were violent and criminal and did their deeds in the name of civil rights, but it's a good thing we didn't have to change the terms or message being spoken by the peaceful ones. We still have the term civil rights today and it's managed to maintain a positive image and message over time. And the civil rights movement was way more violent and horrible, I don't see feminists getting hosed down in the streets by firetrucks and attacked by dogs. So I'm hoping the same can eventually be said for feminism and it maintains its name and message over the long haul. We shouldn't change the name or ignore the feminists just because some of them are assholes. You'll find jerks in every group.


06/10/2013 at 09:07 PM

That's the problem with any group,Michael. Aka the jerks are the most vocal. You  100% nailed it! Still, I do take some issue with many of today's women.(Despite knowing some really kindhearted and awesome females too.) Aka, women that want independence but still want men paying for dates,paying for movies,paying for jewelery,and paying for the marriage. Also, when it comes time for the divorce most guys get "dicked" big time. 

However, I admit my social status has made me a tad too embittered. Aka, as much as I want to be a "great provider" for a woman I care about it would be very difficult for me to do so "unless" I met one of those wonderfully rare "true feminists" who worked and already had her life together. Aka, a woman who wouldn't expect me to "man up" by flipping the bill for everything. (Don't get me wrong. I believe in generosity but it's hard to be overly generous with material things when you are poor)

There are many socio economic obstacles in my life that make dating more of a chore than it should be. Like it or not, many of us get suckered into social expectations and we do actually care what others think about us. On the dating totem pole I rank as "Gurl, you can do better than him!". Eventually this kind of peer pressure can really screw with otherwise decent relationships.

Regardless, I really prefer the term "equalist". When I throw in a "fem" or "man" into a word structured around civil rights for all people it seems "wrong" somehow.

Lastly, Bob already showed his colors to me and I agree he's not a "true feminist". I think he uses it as a cover just to get more sympathy but deep down he's sexist in a more subtle veiled way. (Aka,white knight syndrome)


06/10/2013 at 09:13 PM

Yeah I don't miss that one. I remember the consecutive weekly stories on 1up on mysogony and such. His veiws or I should say opinions were extreme and it seemed to me like he was just doing it all to get in someones pants. The irony and hypocracy was just rediculous. The way I look at it if he is going to attack the way women are used in games then how about the objectification of pretty boys like Beiber and One Direction to sell crappy pop music. Those girls are not buying their albums for the music, they are buying a pretty face for a sexual fantasy. Its human nature and marketers and advertisers have been exploiting it for years. Its all or nothing or nothing at all. More to the point its about balence. I can't stand extremists and Bob Macky is an extremist or at the very least pretending to be for the sake of hype.


06/10/2013 at 09:22 PM

I think Justin Bieber was built from the ground up to be male objectification. Not to mention he's going through all the usual cliched stereotypes (Aka, from clean cut young innocent lad to spikey haired jean sagging bad boy) The shit is so obviously fake I'm surprised the teenaged girls don't see right through it. However, maybe "beliebers" are like me with wrestling. Aka, they know it's all "scripted" but they still find it entertaining to watch anyway. lol.

I kind of wondered if Mackey was trying to get in someone's pants too. I mean we've all been struck dumb when "love" or "lust" was on the brain. However, he's still throwing around the usual rhetoric on joystiq so eh, at the very least he's sticking to his guns. (Even if those guns are loaded with stupid-shot)


06/10/2013 at 09:17 PM

Cannot say that I recall any of his work.  I suppose that may be a good thing depending on the topic.


06/10/2013 at 09:28 PM

Mackey could be "aight" sometimes. However when he started his "This week in misogyny" nonsense there was no stopping the idiocy. Granted "sexism" does exist but often times Bob would mistake "sexiness" for "sexism" and most of his concerns were focused around boob physics,exaggerated proportions in anime concept art, and the tear away clothing feature in titles like 3rd Birthday. Aka, frivilous fantasy escapism stuff not actually effecting real people. Personally I don't always play games or read comic books for politically correct realism. Er, not that the whole of reality is "politically correct" in the first place.


06/10/2013 at 09:47 PM

i remember those now.  didn't really pay much attention to that feature, especially since there was so much other awesome stuff there.


06/10/2013 at 09:53 PM

You weren't missing out on anything "spectacular". lol. Count yourself lucky!


06/10/2013 at 11:26 PM

I think I only read one article of him, which was "This Week in Misogyny", but because I wasn't focused on that ocation, I kinda forgot about the article. But I do remember what happened with the Bo News ordeal, which I remember Mackey was involved, if I recall correctly.

I haven't seen much if him to call him "bastard" or any kind of name since I haven't read all of his articles, but I will never forgive him for that event.


06/10/2013 at 11:50 PM

I wouldn't even have minded if Mackey came onto my blog directly to debate the things I wrote. My biggest beef was him organizing a hate posse behind my back to troll me. He showed one of my blogs to Twink (The Princess Of Misandry. Hey, her choice of a title,not mine!) knowing what her reaction would be. (Aka, extremely negative) Then Twinkie spread that blog around Bo-news.

Finally after all my friends pretty much told Bob he was being unprofessional he finally gave me a snide reply. (And by that point folks from Bo-news already were doing drive by trollings.)

In the end Jeremy Parish stepped in and apologized. Not that Jeremy was to blame but I think it was his way of showing goodwill and smoothing over a volatile situation.

Any "non-believers" can simply visit my old blog on 1up,Alejandro. It's all there! (Then again, I believe you were there as well. I didn't even need to repeat this,heh. The excitement of E3 has me soft headed!)


06/10/2013 at 11:26 PM

Last time Bob Mackey came up, I mistaked him for someone on RadioRadar, but I remembered later, and after thinking about it, I remembered I heard him on 1Up's Retronauts. I never really had a problem with him there.


06/10/2013 at 11:42 PM

Based on my knowledge retronauts was more positive in general. Aka, it was simply the 1up staff talking nostalgically about old school games. If you base your perception on Mackey only on that I can see why you had no problems with the guy.


06/10/2013 at 11:47 PM

Yea, I haven't read much of his stuff.


06/11/2013 at 12:03 AM

Some of Mackey's articles are pretty good. I just cannot stand the guy when he goes into "hyper white-knight activist mode". Also, I'd be more willing to forgive the bloke had he taken the debate to me personally instead of organizing a troll raid to come after me behind my back. It's difficult to honor someone who has no honor. (And I'm self aware of my own hypocrisy now that I'm talking behind his back. Don't you love human nature? lol.)

Anyway, it's ironic and bittersweet Bob & I learned to love many of the same games growing up. I guess that makes us a messed up ying yang symbol when we come together. lol.


06/10/2013 at 11:43 PM

I agree brother.  Enjoyed the blog.  

Just last night I watched the 2nd eps. of that feminist trope in gaming crap with my wife.  Even my wife was annoyed and wanted to punch that fem chick in the mouth and my wife is not what you would call a "hardcore" gamer. Laughing 


06/10/2013 at 11:59 PM

I think the biggest problem with college-grown radical feminists is they think they have the right to speak for everyone. Aka, they don't seem to realize many women are comfortable with their bodies, comfortable with being sexy, and even comfortable with fan-service in video-games.

I know there are also pro-sex feminists and this probably creates a divide within the movement itself. (Because quite a few feminists still use "slut shaming" as a psychological warfare tactic.)

As for Anita, I would have respected her stance more if she had been a true gamer. The only reason she bought and played a bunch of games was to serve her own ends. Had she done it for fun and personal enjoyment I imagine her outlook would have been much more positive. Aka, based even on her own assessment she was looking for negativity in games as a primary goal. Talk about having a preconceived negative  perception when jumping into gaming for the first time! 


06/11/2013 at 12:31 AM

Exactly.  My wife kept asking me, "Whom are her videos for?"  I really couldn't answer that question.  It's not for gamers.  Any real gamer that's been around for a decade can see through her bullshit.  No matter what game it was, she pulled the "sexism" card.  It annoyed the hell out of us.  I laughed to myself when she pulled the card out on Gears of War.  She called out Dom for wanting to save his wife and upon finding her like a freaking zombie, had to put her out of her misery.  She called it the "damsel in the fridge" or something like that.  She fail to mention or understand that the series is mainly about Marcus who is looking for his father and the 3rd game had some female characters kicking major ass.  Damned if you don't, damned if you do. Laughing


06/11/2013 at 12:41 AM

I really wanted to devote my time and money to support the feminist trope movement, that is until I realized I was reinforcing the stigma that they needed help from a man.  Checkbook closed.


06/11/2013 at 01:05 AM

Anon,you are dangerous,bro! Stop dat "thinking stuff" you do! Why you such a rebel?  Go with the flow,Joe! Give me your money! (Just kidding. lol.)


06/11/2013 at 01:28 AM


Your wife asked a brilliant question. Anita did her tropes series solely for the people who already agreed with her. Everyone else? Er, not so much. As such,is it really going to change anything?


06/10/2013 at 11:58 PM

I thought that guy had been banished to an island out in the Pacific. That truly stinks that he attacked you personally. Does he believe his opinions are the only ones that count? Yours are just as valid. And you have the right to like the things you do without being judged by morons like him. Sounds like modern feminists have learned how to strongarm people. Just because I may disagree with them at times does not mean I'm sexist. That's the oldest trick in the book and has been used for decades. Branding those who do not follow your doctrine as the enemy. Oh,and by the way, I own a lot of those games you mentioned. Guess I'm just a misogynistic pig. But we all have flaws we must deal with I suppose. Great blog,and very well stated and true.


06/11/2013 at 12:09 AM

Ah, some feminists are cool. I've just had negative experiences with a lot of close-minded ones,Celt. I could say the same of Christians too but I've met some really forgiving,kindhearted,and Christ-like Christians as well. I think Micheal wrote a lot of wisdom when he said there are jerks in all groups. But hey, the same applies to "good people" in those groups as well.

Still, I get pissed when people try to attach nasty labels to me simply based upon what games I like. People exhibiting such child-like behavior shouldn't be allowed to be paid professionals.


06/11/2013 at 12:30 AM

I actually have a favorite feminist. That would be Hillary Clinton. She may even become our next president. Some political pundits say it's hers for the taking if she decides to run. She fights dirty and pulls no punches,so you never know! As for Christians,you are absolutely correct. The ones who follow their faith the way Jesus intended are great people. The self centered corrupt ones are the type who bug me.


06/11/2013 at 01:14 AM

Hillary has heart. To tolerate a marriage like she has with Bill requires dedication and steal nerves. lol. It's funny, but I have a feeling she would be a good president. Of course I kind of thought the same thing about Obama so I'm not the best judge of character. (Though thank the divine we didn't have to endure Mitt Romney's reign of terror!)


06/11/2013 at 05:07 PM

Always comes down to the lesser of two evils. That was a clear choice. Funny how you never hear anyone say"Wow,if only that Romney fellow had won. We'd be doing so much better now." He is forgotten and faded away now.


06/11/2013 at 12:44 AM

I remember that Mackey guy you are talking about.  I can't say much about him as a person as I never really interacted with him, but I was never impressed by his writing.


06/11/2013 at 01:10 AM

Many say Mackey was "more likable" on retronauts,Anon. Sadly, I cannot confirm that from personal experience. However, the show itself was structured around revering older games so it had a more positive premise from the get-go. Aka, I'm sure "retronauts Mackey" was a more happy,pleasant, and serene indvidual than "Papparazo femi-nazi flame-bait Mackey".

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/11/2013 at 02:46 AM

Ben, don't give up! Women aren't people! They are lesser beings, and they deserve to be treated as such. It says so in the bible! Also, negros and homosexuals - pretty sure they aren't even human. Let's hunt them for sport!


06/11/2013 at 03:32 AM

Yes,Blake! Time to show these degenerates what "white male privelage" really means! I'm gonna enslave some blacks(or other minorities), kill sum gayz, and violate me some wimmenz! (Or at least tie them to the train-tracks. It's a classic!) Bwa ha ha ha ha! (Promptly gets arrested before hurting anyone) Hey, who ratted me out?! I'm white. Release me at once,peasants! (Pouts)

Blake,why is that muscular bald guy in the corner looking at me with lustful desire? Can you translate for me? He said he's going to ride my "hershey highway" in the laundry room. Is that slang for sharing candy bars?

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/11/2013 at 04:02 AM

I think white people have it the worst out of everyone! I mean, the blacks steal from US! The gays hit on US! We aren't allowed to say some words! And, i mean we have a whole thing called white people problems, Do anyone else have these problems?


06/11/2013 at 11:49 AM

How dare gay pplz hit on me?! OMG,can't that tell right away I'm straight? I thought gay pplz had telepathy mind reading so why aren't they using it?

Btw, I'm covered with black pplz. You see, I steal from them before they even have a chance to steal from me. It's to make up for yearz of oppression at their handz! (Or I could just be a klepto stealing from nice law abiding colored folk. However, that would paint me negatively so I'm not going to entertain it as a possibility!)

These posts are pure progress,Blake! I expect supporters to come rolling in any minute now! (hears crickets) Any minute now! (still hears crickets) Damn it!


06/11/2013 at 05:11 PM

I had to mention that episode of Married With Children. The "No Ma'am" episode was hysterical! Al is the only guy who could take a stand for us all! 


06/11/2013 at 05:15 PM

Married With Children was a great parody show. lol. I think it was designed to mock all the "perfect family sitcoms" of its' day. Al is the man!


06/12/2013 at 09:22 AM

I want games and their characters to evolve as well, but the fact is 95% are not going to be able to avoid elements that guarrantee sales. I've already accepted the fact that Shadow of the Colossus is literally a once-a-decade kind of game.

But wait a minute, Mackey enjoys Persona 4 and is bothered by fanservice?


06/12/2013 at 01:11 PM

Kev, I cannot map out Mackey's twisted logic. I don't think any sane reasonable person can. lol. He probably got hired because he was certifiably nuts. Aka, 1up thought it would be amusing to have their very own "loose cannon mascot".

By the way, I recommend Majin: Forsaken Kingdom. Many things in that game reminded me a lot of Ico and Shadow Of Colossus.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

06/13/2013 at 07:42 AM

Mackey is such a bitch...

ha ha

See what I did there?


06/13/2013 at 09:46 PM

Yes,yes I did,Chris! You get to wear the crown of awesomeness for the day! A winner is you. lol.


07/06/2013 at 10:30 AM

I never really bothered with him in what he says or does with his thoughts. It never occured to me he would be that type of person that would rally that kind of cause despite how it could be easy to go too far.

I guess I'm not in touch with this issue for I play what I want and think what I want. The last thing I want is something telling me what I do/play/say/ is something anti-something when in the end it's only a game.

With that said I didn't know being a raging feminist is the "in" thing at the moment. I thought the "in" thing was to tear down someone over soemthing they said/did so long ago.

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