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Every Game for PS4 Announced so Far

On 06/11/2013 at 08:00 AM by leeradical42

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So E3 has been better then expected we have found out that Xbone is an epic fail, and the PS4 will be the system to get so heres a list of all the games anounced at E3.

And on a side note Mafia III is rumored to be coming to the PS4 like theres any doubt what system i will be getting lol.

And heres info on the system. 




06/11/2013 at 11:14 AM

Battlefront, NBA Live, Madden, and the PS+ games stick out to me as must have games. I don't know why, but the Mad Max game screams at me as the next Conan game for this system. I hope I'm wrong.


06/11/2013 at 05:38 PM

They sold me last night. Wasn't even that hard to do,as I was not only pulling for them but disgusted with Microsoft! Mafia 3 would be so cool. I thought Mafia 2 was so well done and a lot of fun. Sony had all the games I was hoping for and more.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/11/2013 at 06:31 PM

I love how Microsoft tweeted that MS5 was an xbox exclusive, and then a couple of hours later tweeted that it wasn't. They didn't delete the original post either, that's how desperate they are.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/11/2013 at 08:04 PM

Oddly enough, Killer Instinct was the game that most excited me, but no way am I buying a One to play it, especially not now.


06/12/2013 at 08:56 AM

A lot of new IPs coming out. Can't say I know much about any of them, but hopefully they will be given more coverage post E3.

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