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PS4 thoughts

On 06/11/2013 at 12:55 PM by transmet2033

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It is quite possible that I am going crazy, otherwise it is the caffeine.  Starbucks' Sumatra is so good.  The past week has been quite crazy for me.  We have been slowly moving, and getting acquainted with a wonderful new neighborhood.  On the downside, my high tech coffee maker is still packed away, and so I have had to go out for my morning brew.  The other problem with moving is the surprising annoyance of moving your internet.

The other day I was thinking about how I have nothing new to say.  I come to the site, and read the blogs, but cannot think of anything that I can add so I move on.  I think that this happened a while back when I started up at and I never got back into it.  Well, it just so happens that thanks to Sony being awesome, and the caffeine, I may have way too much to say... 

My biggest issue with Microsoft's policies had to deal with the online verification.  The used game policies were always on the backburner, or less important in my mind.  It is always nice to have the option.  By the time Sony announced what their policies were on DRM and used games I did not care.  They already had showed me all of the reasons to buy a PS4.  Bastion is such a fantastic game that I am excited for Transistor, and it is coming to the PS4.  So is FF Versus XIII, I mean XV, and Kingdom Hearts III.  So when they did announce the used game and DRM policies, it was just icing on the cake.

I currently do not see much of an issue with the PS+ requirement for online multiplayer.  I have already been paying for my XBL Gold account, so that is nothing new.  I have actually let my Gold subscription lapse because I no longer see the benefits of it.  I believe that Sony set up PS+ for this purpose anyways, and always planned to make us pay for online multiplayer.  Thankfully PS+ seems like such a good deal that it should be a fairly easy transition. 

I did pre-order a PS4 last night, the moment that I could.  Now comes the difficult part, what game should I buy first?   




06/11/2013 at 01:09 PM

I'm no the fence about preordering a PS4.  I'm usually don't get consoles on day one.  But, since I'm only planning to get a PS4, I just may preorder it. Undecided


06/11/2013 at 01:12 PM

I got a ps2 2 yeara after it came out, I got a ps3 1 year after it came out.  I see day one ps4 as a logical progression.


06/11/2013 at 01:51 PM

I've been going the other way.  I got a PS after it was out a year, I bought a PS2 about 2 years after it released, and I finally got a PS3 last year. Laughing


06/11/2013 at 01:52 PM

Even if MS dropped their price for the Xbone I would not get it. They're anti consumer/anti privacy/and anti mom & pop store so I'm not going to support them regardless of attempted bribes and incentives.

It's gotten to the point that people getting an Xbone might as well say "Hey, this is okay. Take my freedoms away and crush the little guy in our economy. Y'know that pathetic sod with his own quaint little game-store or game rental place!"

Not to mention the Xbone is anti-indie.(Not a good policy to have considering today's indie developers are tommorow's big studios. Aka, we "need" people coming up with new ips and new ideas. It's essential to gaming.) Talk about trying to screw everyone over in one bloated package.

Again, buying an Xbone might as well be contributing to the funding of the death-star. Only outright stupid and ignorant tools would support microsoft now.


06/11/2013 at 01:58 PM

I don't know if I'd go that far myself, but I'm definitely avoiding MS this generation. My brief flirtation with the 360 turns out to have been an aberration; I've been buying all my games in the past few years on PS3 rather than 360, along with Wii games, because Sony already caters to me better. With Microsoft's horrible policies, there's no reason for me to support them anymore.


06/11/2013 at 02:12 PM

I didn't mean to be so blunt,Andrew. By and large I'm not a rabid fanboy. It's just ms is so anti-consumer, anti indie,anti independant retailer, and anti privacy at this point I can't make excuses for them anymore. I love my 360 but there's no way I could ever support something like the Xbone.


06/11/2013 at 03:11 PM

I understand, Microsoft's Xbox One policies are blatantly consumer-hostile and actually look like something an EA executive might have dreamed up. I don't need corporate supervision while I play my games. I am not a criminal.


06/11/2013 at 02:45 PM

I bought an Xbox 360 three times just to play halo.  I think that I have finally had my fill of it, and will be able to abstain from it for at least a couple of years.  I am also missing the ps3, so many wonderful exclusives.


06/11/2013 at 02:47 PM

I thnk that a $300 price tag would make it tempting, but I do not think that I could do it at this point.  PS4 has all of the games that I want and more, Halo is not enough for me anymore.


06/11/2013 at 03:09 PM

Besides, Halo fans can play Bungie's Destiny on PS4.


06/11/2013 at 03:16 PM

especially since Destiny is supposed to be the best on the PS4.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/11/2013 at 04:33 PM

I'm pretty excited.  I'm looking forward to Watch Dogs a lot.  I know it's a multiplatform game but I'm going to be playing it on my PS4.  NExt year will be the year though.  I will probably buy a Wii U for Windwaker and Mario this year, and then buy a PS4 for Xmas or my birthday in January. 


06/11/2013 at 06:32 PM

I have gotten to the point were I keep an eye out for what games are coming out, but I do not follow them very closely.  So, I tend to skip trailers and such.  I saw a little bit of the gameplay last night, but largely ignored it.  So, I am not quite sure if I would actually enjoy Watch Dogs.


06/11/2013 at 05:22 PM

I am considering a pre-order on it as well. That way I will have it on day one. The games lineup sold me,as well as the focus by Sony on us. That new focus on gamers and quality games makes all the difference to me. 


06/11/2013 at 06:29 PM

I do not want to go overboard on games to begin with, so narrowing myself down to just one game on launch day is daunting.  I think that when I got my ps3 the only game I got was Resistance until I beat it.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/11/2013 at 08:57 PM

I would pre-order it out of sheer delight in their smackdown press conference, but my money is still for other things until futher notice (had to get the car fixed today; costed about a PS4; my student loan interest has probably gone up again as well) and last generation, which I stayed out of completely so far has taught me a lesson from afar: don't buy a new console at launch.

That "only red ring is the circle button" ad Sony has is very clever in that regard, but should I really trust a verion 1.0?


06/11/2013 at 09:46 PM

I just got overly excited.  In a couple of hours it will be 24 hours, and if i still want it, I will probably keep my pre-order in place.  


06/12/2013 at 12:29 PM

My Gold membership expired on Sunday and I've yet to pick up a new card. Only when this happens do I realized how different the two consoles are online. With my PS3 we've been watching all the good E3 coverage,including the press conferences. Without a Gold membership I can't do diddly squat on 360. Can't even get onto YouTube. All my apps are non-functional until I renew. Guess it becomes a trade-off because multiplayer does seem to run more smoothly on XBOX Live.


06/12/2013 at 12:35 PM

Unless I am mistaken, it is just the multiplayer that is linked to the PS+ account.  So you should still be able to use netflix and all of the other online features even if you do not have PS+.

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