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PS4...Welcoming me to the Dark side

On 06/11/2013 at 09:28 PM by NintendoFanJon

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So E3 just pretty much happened and the overall reception from this year was that Sony kicked ass and stole the show. Yes much to everyone's speculation Sony came out on top by telling gamers what they wanted to hear. Sure there was a slight blip on the PS4 radar with PS+ online, but it's a small blip in an otherwise growing trend where online is just better structurally than it was years ago and that it just makes business sense. 

And while you can count by hand how much Sony kicked Microsoft's ass to the ground and left it weeping for daddy Bill Gates, Nintendo took a backseat approach to the onslaught and how did they fare? About the same as expected. 38 minutes is what it took...for games we mostly know about. While Sony touted new games like Infinity or KHIII, Nintendo seemed to take the proverbial safe route.

Even titles that you could potentially be excited for (Bayonetta 2 and Smash now with MORE MEGAMAN!) ARE 2014 RELEASES! And it seems that Nintendo is keen to just pump out sequels with really few innovations.  Take for instance Super Mario 3D World!


Or take for instance the announcement of retros newest development!!!! It's another DONKEY Kong Country 2D side scroller!!! Wait...really!? Oh you added Dixie !? Why don't you add kremlins!!!??? seriously no K. Rool!? Why Nintendo!? Why!?

I guess one positive is that X continues to look amazing. Also I liked that Wind Waker HD has addressed some a fast sailing option for those who had no patience for it. Also the tingle quest that was originally on the original and required GBA to GCN connectivity has been reinvented for the Miiverse for Wii U.

Still there was potential for Nintendo to have something exciting. There could have been a more grand title for Mario to platform in HD with. There could have been more news on Yarn Yoshi. Or how about just something new in general? How many people clamored for a new F-Zero? How many people thought hey maybe Nintendo will pull something like a new Punch Out? I mean no one saw  that coming when it was announced...where was something like that? There is still time, but I think it's settled in finally.

Nintendo, it's hard for me to do this. For a better part of 15 years ever since I was 8 I never lost faith in you. I never questioned you. I never once said to I want Nintendo to at least try to make a good game...well it's not you Nintendo. It's me. I've grown up. You'll always have a nostalgic place in my heart, but unless you drop in price (Seriously the PS4 is only $50 more than the deluxe Wii U)  or give me some reason to believe in you again...then I sadly cannot buy a home console from you this generation. Sony has enticed me. It's flowered me with extravagant promises you cannot possibly fulfill. I've gone over to the dark side.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/11/2013 at 09:38 PM

yeah the PS4 is awesome and the Wii U is playing it too safe.  I'm still going to get a Wii U first to play Mario and WW though.  I can't NOT buy a Nintendo.  Since I was 8 too I have been into it, and I just can't change. 


06/12/2013 at 12:14 PM

Yeah I'll buy a wii U eventually after a price drop. Until then though I think that the PS4 is a day one must buy.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/11/2013 at 09:43 PM

Yeah, I feel about the same way and it's very bittersweet.


06/12/2013 at 12:15 PM

Yeah I mean it just felt like Nintendo has just given up being competitive whatsoever.


06/11/2013 at 09:47 PM

Xbone is an epic fail in my opinion and ps4 will rule the consoles and i cant say much for Nintendo untill they get with the competition i will pass.


06/12/2013 at 12:16 PM

Well I don't believe Nintendo is ever getting back into this race. They just seem to think that Sony and Microsoft just aren't worth competing against, but it can't be any further from the truth.


06/13/2013 at 04:27 AM

Well if you look at the numbers game for Sony, Microsoft,  and the Wii the Wii has sold more units then all the other systems and maybe the under the radar approach by Nintendo maybe the way to go.


06/11/2013 at 10:19 PM

Nintendo still has Space World in Tokyo where they do their own thing. So they might be saving up for that. I don't think they attend Tokyo Game Show? Who knows, Nintendo might announce more games with Nintendo Direct down the line. 


06/12/2013 at 12:18 PM

I believe they still do the Tokyo Game Show. I have mentioned this to a few of my buddies in talks of Nintendo and yeah it does seem they do more at Space World and The Tokyo Game Show. E3 is like an afterthought for them.


06/11/2013 at 10:23 PM

Funny, I saw microsoft as the corporate "dark-side" this generation. Then again, the PS4 is sleek & onyx....just like Darth Vader!


06/12/2013 at 12:19 PM

Well While Microsoft certainly is villainous enough to be a sith I think I took the whole approach as to the Dark side has more power and promise. I really  like the PS4 and it's sleek shine!

Nick DiMola Director

06/11/2013 at 10:42 PM

I think it's likely that we'll be hearing some more from Nintendo soon. This was a very safe presentation and very tailored toward the crowd at E3. Chessa pointed it out to me just a little while ago, but it's something I didn't even consider. Everything shown here is multiplayer centric, which is great for the booth at E3. More people get to play, the lines are shorter and move quicker and you don't have people missing the nuanced details of a single player experience.

I'm guessing that anything they might have that's a single player gig is going to be done in another Nintendo Direct with an accompanying private press event where journalists have a bit more time to take in the experience.


06/12/2013 at 12:26 PM

Yeah I mean there's definitely going to be more....but I feel like even in terms of games that probably would be single player might turn out to be duds. Most of the single player fare fans are clamoring for aren't going to happen right away like say a new star fox, metroid, or new HD Zelda. They took a safe approach to things and I hope it pays off for them, but it doesn't pay off really for me.


06/11/2013 at 10:43 PM

I have no problem with Retro working on DKC.  I think that they spent enough time on Metroid.  I would love another Metroid game from them, but I think that they should keep moving on and resurrecting old, unused IPs.  I can never see them making a brand new IP.


06/12/2013 at 12:28 PM

Well I mean I'm not even asking for Retro to do a Metroid, but just do something new ya know!? LOL I mean I remember way back in the gamecube demo days when they were making that dinosaur thing and scrapped it. I'd like to see that return...or just anything new from Nintendo really.

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