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Gamers are Sexist, Arrogant Pigs.

On 06/11/2013 at 06:29 PM by Blake Turner

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 And they wonder why gamers aren't taken seriously.

  Seriously, "Forty-five percent of all players are women. Today, adult women represent a greater portion of the game-playing population (31 percent) than boys age 17 or younger (19 percent)." So yeah, no females play games.

 Seriously guys, grow up. Just because you can't get laid doesn't mean women are evil. It means that you're ugly and you have your sights set to high. I hate guys who get angry at a girl for turning him down and then picks on "ugly women." That's irrelevant but true. Man say that for women life is easy - yeah, for the attractive ones. It's pretty easy for attractive men to. It's us ugly fuckers who have it tough, and I'd argue ugly women have it tougher. Anyway, back to gamers being miserable cunts. Wait a second... I need to make a word about the word cunt. You are probably offended by me using the word cunt. For some reason, the word cunt is an expletive, and you're not supposed to say cunt. I find it funny that cunt is a word for female genetalia. I can say dick until the cows come home, but if you say cunt, apparently you're the devil. Apparently vaginas are evil and penis's are just dandy.

 Anyway, back to gamers, and games in general. Those posts mentioned before were in response to a comment about how there weren't any games aimed towards women at E3. You know what? She's absolutely right. We saw men being manly and doing stuff only men give a fuck about. There are women who like that stuff, there are women who don't. Why aren't we trying to reach other demographics? Teenage girls are just as stupid as teenage boys, and just as easy to exploit. Make games for them! And not shitty shovelware like Twilight the game, a proper, decent game catered to people who don't have an unnatural fetish for guns. Focus test people outside of your regular circles. Bring new demographics into gaming. Gaming culture is like the middle east - socially backwards, harbouring retarded hatred of women, and being aggressive about shit that doesn't even impact them. Also, like the middle east, it's the minority that make the majority look bad.

 Since I'm ranting about gender politics, I'm going to say one more thing. If you have ever insulted an entire gender based on the actions of one person, you're a dick. If you say "all men are the same," or "all women are the same," replace the gender related words with race related words and see how much of a pig you come off. All of us have the capacity to be an asshole, it has nothing to do with gender.

 Anyway, this was just a rant because that post made me angry and I'm tired.





06/11/2013 at 07:11 PM

I thought those posts were funny. Laughing

But seriously, think about it.  Should the gaming industry try to develop games for every fucking person in the world?  Who does that?  What is a "guy" game?  Women are free to play any damn game they want.  Many women play the hell out of "guy" games.  I wish some of these "feminists" and "white knights" would stop the bitching.  If they don't like it, they shouldn't buy it.  Simple.  Or, how about doing something constructive and make their own damn game instend of trying to force the industry to cater to them?  To even ask the gaming industry to make more "girl" games is sexist.  Who is anyone to decide what women want to play or not?   I know plenty of women who play current games just fine and are excited for the new games coming out.  The sad thing is, even if there were more "girl" games, the number of girls & women joining the community would not change.  To assume it would is bullshit.  Where are the facts?  What game can be made that no women couldn't resist?  Laughing

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 05:57 AM

Wow. Really disagree with you there. No, we should not cater to everyone, but we should at least cater to someone other than 17 year old fucktards who have no brains. In the AAA sphere, all you have is testosterone filled bullshit. Most girls I've talked to don't like that. Any female game I know prefers RPGs, MMORPGs, and indie games. This is in my experience anyway.

 However, gaming culture is heavily skewed against women anyway. Gaming devs could at least make it a little bit easier to get into.

And surprise: Women do like different things to men. Who watches chick flicks? Who watches twilight, the vampire diaries, soap operas and all that shit. Is that designed for men? Do men watch that unless they're on a date? No. You're comment about being sexist is foolish.


06/12/2013 at 08:23 AM

Your stepping on your own toes here.  Who watches "chick" flicks?  Men don't watch "chick" movies?  Those in and of themselves are  sexist comments. Laughing  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 10:09 AM

I know. I meant... gah. Brain fart. They aren't marketed towards men. I want some games to be marketed towards women. Both genders can enjoy them.

Philly Kuts

06/11/2013 at 07:36 PM

I think Anita Sarkeesian makes very valid points in her Feminist Frequency video series on Tropes in video games and in the mainstream  movie/entertainment industry. What I find shocking is the very hostile response she has recieved from a very vocal, extremist, presumably male faction of the gaming community for simply presenting a feminist perspective on gaming and the sexist problems residing in the industry.  Let's face it if the video gaming medium ever expects to grow it needs to be more inclusive and sensitive to diffrent perspectives and paradigms including a feminist one.  I mean really, how many save the princess or damsel in distress story lines can an adult gamer, such as myself, take.  Critical thinking exercises such as the Bechdal test, bring great fuel to the feminist argument that video games are incredibly sexist. We as gamers need to shout down the voices of the internet pitch fork mafia whoose knee jerk and in some cases violent responses toward Anita have cast a dark shadow upon the perception of who male gamers really are. 


06/11/2013 at 08:05 PM

You'd be surprised by the number of women I know that can't stand that lady and her "documentary". 

Philly Kuts

06/11/2013 at 08:23 PM

Of course there are women who don't like Anita and never was I trying to say all women feel the way she does about this subject. However,  I always think it's good to hear different arguments especiallly feminist ones concerning the subject of how women are oftentimes portrayed in games and in other forms of entertainment in a negative and sometimes sexist light. Granted as you say they have a choice not to play the games, but I for one wouldn't mind hearing more female voices on Xboxlive  or in my multiplayer games. Too often I've been in the chat room in FPS rooms and so many sexist goons take pots at females in order to exibit their juvenile and distorted "manhood" But hell playing online is an exercise in futiliy if you expect not to encounter  loudmouth idiots. 


06/11/2013 at 08:36 PM

Anita's "documentary" is skewed.  She went into videogames looking for shit to complain about.  She didn't play those games mentioned in her videos, so she has no attachment to them.  She just goes into trashing them, the people that work hard to develop those games, and the people that enjoy them.  The industry is a joke to her.  She calls "sexism" at every chance she can.  She's shows you the pics and clips she carefully choose to prove her agrenda.  There is no conversation in her vids.  It's her just talking.  What about some interviews with creators of the games she blast on or any creator of a videogame for that matter?  It's propoganda.  

Philly Kuts

06/11/2013 at 08:53 PM

I don't take all of what Anita presents in her series as fact (although I believe she makes many valid points), but rather as a compelling argument  that stimulates spirited discussion such as the one we are having here. Anita is a social scientist (e.g. a soft science such as antropology or psychology )whereupon her methods of "proving" something rely more on qualitative analysis or conjecture rather than adherence to the scientific method of hard science.  In the social sciences nothing is definitive nor absolute and there will always be grey areas from which one can cherry-pick "facts" or mere speculation to bolster their argument.  

It saddens me that Anita has disabled the comments on her videos, which is an action she claims she took due to the magnitude of online harassment harbored against her. I agree that a Q & A session with Ms. Sarkeesian that adressed the sentiments of her videos or that maybe involved a panel of game developers would be fun to see.



06/11/2013 at 09:11 PM

I double majored in Sociolgy and Psychology and I have a useless Liberal Arts degree to prove it.  I know propoganda when I see it.  There is no science to what she's put together.  Period.  She's just manipulating facts and to prove her assumptions.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 05:59 AM

It's propoganda because you disagree with it. That's the cry of internet idiots everywhere. Honestly thought you were better than this.


06/12/2013 at 08:25 AM

Dude, look up the word propoganda.  I thought you were better.  At least come off trying to be.  You're an intelligent person.  Follow the facts and not the trend.  You watch that chicks videos and you come back. Laughing

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 10:16 AM

Yeah. I commented as soon as I woke up. I got back home and I was like "I'm going to go and edit some comments before he gets back on-" sees billion comments from you. "Fuck."

 Anyway, I disagree with most of the things this woman says. She doesn't really fact check much. However, I also disagree heavily with the backlash against her. Everything is about how women shouldn't play games, or how we should simply not acknowledge their existence within our medium. It kind of makes me sick to be honest. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/11/2013 at 07:56 PM

I would not have minded a Legend of Korra fighting game done in the style of those Naruto ones I see Game Grumps playing one bit. These twitter statements are appalingly ignorant and I for one think female protagonists can easily be interesting (my love of the Avatar series is proof).

However, this is a business and so jgusw has a point in that the type of games the 45% are playing will be a large determining factor in what boxes female characters do or do not appear on. Of course, there is always the potential for interesting switcheroos a la Metroid, or for someone to pull a Jackie Robinson with female gamers, introducing an awesome game with a great female protagonist that sells unexpectedly well. But if there's a type of game that undersells to adult women, I can't blame a business for not pursuing that demographic as ardently.

Personally, I would suspect things like JRPGs would have a much larger share of that 45% than things like FPS would. If I'm wrong though, it would be a welcome change to see primary female protagonists in FPS, and if I'm right, it would be a welcome change to see more primary female protagonists in JRPGs for both consumers and publishers.


06/11/2013 at 08:04 PM

The thing that many people seem to ignore is that women play FPS.  Of course there aren't as many women playing the genre as men, but the women are there and it's not like there are only 6 of them.  I know women that play FPS and other "guy" games.  Just last week, I found out one of my female co-workers love playing Left 4 Dead.  I only felt sexist because I assumed she didn't.  Who am I or anyone to say what women will play or won't play?  That's where the sexism is.  To say women don't like current games is like saying, We have women in a nice little box and all figured out.  Isn't that what feminism is really about?  

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/11/2013 at 08:07 PM

That's exactly what I mean though. If that many women play Left 4 Dead, and they're the primary purchasers, then definitely throw in more female protagonists.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/11/2013 at 08:12 PM

And I agree that labeling a genre a "guy" or a "girl" game is sexist, as obviously both can play and enjoy the playing style, I was just saying from a business standpoint, you would need to make sure there is a market before building a game around a female protagonist. But in any case, throwing the option to play as one can't hurt.

Edit [7:24pm CST]: Of course, males not being douchebags online could also help the FPS female population grow.


06/11/2013 at 08:27 PM

I think we are seeing more female protagonist.  More games let you create your character.  It's not like it was 20 years ago.  Laughing  It's sad, because so many people are complaining as if nothing has changed.  

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/11/2013 at 08:38 PM

I think so too, but not necessarily as the main protagonists. I think they're sidelined in several genres that have a main storyline as one of the major draws. But it's great to see Remember Me and other games actually built around a female protagonist, and there's definitely more females in the market, meaning the trend will continue.

It's just that in the meantime, I can't ask a company to make a big deal out of a female protagonist if its majority market is still teenage boys that refuse to play as a "girl" (again, even if the overall market is largely women, that won't necessarily mean breaking it down to a certain genre will give you the same demo stats). Yeah, they need to grow up, but a business needs to see profits at the same time. Ideally, there will be enough female gamers and males like me who don't care and just want to be immersed in a game and story whoever I'm playing as to support more games with females as the headliner, and there will be, but if Sledgehammer Sludge 42 or whatever has a 93% male fanbase, I'm not going to cry foul when it's a guy on that box, either.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/11/2013 at 08:41 PM

And in all honesty, I will just stop talking, because I am having to base all of this on limited data, because I don't know what the demos would look like broken down into genres and game series, etc. so I am speaking from a hypothetical context. I'm just laying out how I feel about "what if" situations.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 06:05 AM

I get that women play fps. I really do. But what you're saying is the equivolent of "There are tons of people who aren't dying of cancer out there, so lets not bother looking for a cure." It's backwards logic. Of course some women like fps. Not all of them do though. I know some people who would get into gaming but don't like the content of most of them.


06/12/2013 at 08:28 AM

You compare gaming to cancer? Laughing  Gaming is a HOBBY/ENTERTAINMENT.  Cancer kills people. LOL!  You can't be serious.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 10:33 AM

No, I meant the reasoning. I'm not saying they're even remotely related.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 06:02 AM

MMORPGs tend to have a rather large amount of female gamers according to studies.

 Also, I get that. So why not make a cheaper game to try and reel in other audiences. It may not sell well at first, but it would be an investment that would eventually become profitable.


06/11/2013 at 08:35 PM

Well let's be serious. Game companies only see demographics and pie charts and rarely see real people as customers, just customers. So as businesses they will always appeal to who they believe to be the majority, teenage white males who like guns, sports and tv -- and occasionally  knights, wizards and dragons. Of course we don't all fit these demographics, but publishers aren't going "listen" to us anyway. It all reminds me of the MS conferenc when the Battlefield 4 audio went out and the announcer yelled at the audience to be quiet. "You all shut up and love our games, it's got guns and splosions just like our research said you loved". Of course he didn't actually say that, but that's kind of how I feel when I see a torrent of military shooters and hack-a-thons year after year. I love my shooters and action games, but a little variety would be nice. Look on the bright side, just buy games with girls in them and go on facebook and say "Put more girls in these games". 

Peach is a playable character in new 3D Super Mario World on 3DS.

Aveline will be playable in the new AC black flag pirate game.

Lightning in Lightning Returns, albeit very sexified outfit. Urm..nevermind.



06/11/2013 at 09:03 PM

It doesn't matter.  The feminist would find something to complain about.  "Lightning is too sexy", so I guess female characters should be ugly.  "Aveline isn't the ship captain", so I guess women should rule everything.  And, "Princess Peach is wearing a dress", so women can't wear dresses anymore.  You can't win.  They won't let you. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 06:07 AM

Dude. The feminists aren't out to get you. You remind me of Brian Ghattas right now, arguing with everyone about your paranoid delusions. Change 1up to feminists, and it's pretty much the same.


06/12/2013 at 08:38 AM

Dude, do you even read the comments against gaming.  Many of the arguments are bullshit.  Over half of it is taking stuff out of context.  Why apply a "popular" current ideal to games that were made 10, 20, and almost 30 years ago?  They act as if there has been no progress.  Check out that Anita chick's videos.  Many of the games that are called out aren't even western games!  Not only does she insult the people that worked hard and enjoy those games, but she imposes an ideal on another culture [Japanese].  What, now people in other countries can't make whatever game they want?  Stop drinking the cool-aid and THINK.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 10:24 AM

Again, sorry for being an idiot. It was early in the morning and I saw angry comments. Natural reaction. Anyways, I shall try and argue reasonably with you from now on, because you are a decent person, and I'm not a morning person lol.

 No, we can't change past games, nor should we try. We can't stop old time movies using black face, but we can acknowledge that by modern standards, it's a bit racist. We can change the future though. Not that a complete overhaul is needed, we just need a mix of games that cater to ALL audiences. We don't even need to change up the gameplay. We could experience Catherine from a female perspective. We could play Persona through the lens of a transgender student. Stuff like that is all we really need. Some variety for people who can't identify with having a love of guns.



06/12/2013 at 10:38 AM

I totally agree with that.  I just hink this feminist movement against gaming is overstepping a few boundaries and are causing more problems than actively bringing solutions.  You look at any small gaming developer.  They didn't like where they were, so they broke off from a major company, created their own team and created the games they wanted to play.  I don't see why the feminist can't do the same.  I guess they just want to change things and not do the work.  Undecided

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 10:42 AM

To be fair, a lot of them have. As I said the problem is that they don't have the funds to market them to the audience they are trying to reach.


06/12/2013 at 10:53 AM

There got to be a way.  There are people that create games by themselves in their spare time and put up sites to ask for donations and show their progress.  There are even developers that create games for the older consoles (GEN & DC) and their games are mentioned in gaming mags like Retro Gamer.  One of the games that was developed for the Genesis did so well, it's being HDed and put up on PSN and XBL.  It's a long short, but if it's so important, it's worth taking the chance.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 10:56 AM

Yeah definitely. I actually pretty much agree with what you're saying, and if I hadn't been tired and read what you said probably, I probably would have noticed that a lot sooner lol.


06/11/2013 at 10:11 PM

Ah, I don't buy it completely. By "it" I mean the spew that women cannot enjoy comic books and video games as they are right now. However, I admit I've been luckier than most in befriending females who enjoy the same stuff I enjoy. Aka, they like dragons,fire balls, pointy metal things, guns,zombies, and sexy scantily clad sorceresses just as much as the rest of us do.

  As for Anita, just watch her tropes series. She comes off as someone who played games merely to support her skewed arguments as opposed to someone who grew up with games and loved them all her life. I don't hold her gender against her but when she says things like "legos are sexist" and that Princess Peach is a negative helpless damsel stereotype (Despite the fact Peach has her own game in which she saves Mario) it's difficult for me to sympathize with her. Many of her arguments are weak straw-men.

For the record, trolls attack everyone. To a feminist they'll say "Get back to the kitchen" and to me they'll say "Hey dude why are you a basement virgin in your 30s? Have a small penis that can't get it up?". Their maliciousness isn't limited to women who play games, really.

  All that said, I do believe female geeks get grilled harder in the geek community than male geeks. Aka, when a female geek is wrong about a single stupid trivial fact or dislikes a popular game the majority approves of, fan boys rage out of control and call her a big fat "faker". In all my years as a gamer and nerd no one has questioned my authenticity. I bet that would be drastically different if I had tits and a vagina though. Making it more difficult for females to be geeks & gamers is very counterproductive because otherwise it's a sweaty nerd den sausage fest. (No thanks)

As for "female-centric-games" what would they be? We already have many games with tough and capable female protagonists but even then "someone" will bitch about something. Also, what about female gamers who really enjoy stuff like Farm-ville and Cooking mama? Are they part of the problem just because they like "stereotypical gurly games" that are somehow blatantly sexist? (Aka,assigned gender roles! Oh noez, Cooking Mama is tellin wimmenz to go back to teh kitchen! Patriarchy conspiracy confirmed!)

My point is females are a diverse demographic as varied as our own. I don't think there is one right way to make games that would appeal to "all women". Some female gamers like Gears Of War 3 and some of them like Dance Dance Revolution. Good luck hitting a sweet spot that pleases a whole gender. Even as guys we cannot agree on games we universally approve of! Does every "bro" dig Madden,COD, and Halo? Yes, many do but I certainly don't nor do most of my same gendered buddies.

People that spend their whole lives looking for negativity are gonna find it because they trick their own minds into seeing it even if it is not actually there.


06/11/2013 at 11:53 PM

"females are a diverse demographic as varied as our own"

Well said! the world would be a very boring place if we all had to pretend otherwise, beautiful and buff people are always presented in mainstream media, that represenation can easily be debunked by simply looking out of your living room window (unless your holed up in your basement Ben!)


06/12/2013 at 12:10 AM

I actually have a second floor apartment. lol. Shocking, I know. Tongue Out But yeah, female gamers come in all types and temperments. I doubt there's a "magic formula" that appeals to all of them just as there is no magic formula that appeals to all of us.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 06:11 AM

Ben, I know they do, but that shouldn't stop us from trying to reach demographics that don't like this stuff.


06/12/2013 at 08:50 AM

No one's saying don't try.  I don't like the idea that this supposed "movement" implies there should be a complete overhaul.  Things were already changing.  If the femininst don't think it's fast enough, then maybe they should make their own fucking games.  Will any of them do that?  NO.  They just complain and shit on the games I love.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 10:20 AM

Ok. I don't want a complete overhaul either. I'm content with having games that cater to that demographic. I just want  developers to think outside of that tiny little box and include other people.


06/12/2013 at 12:38 PM

There are many places trying to do that already. The problem is many women in fact like stereotypical games catered to them. Aka, they are fine with stuff like dating simulators, digital dress up dolls, and facebook games. (Heck,even I like some of this stuff! Hey, don't judge me,bro! lol.)

Then you have the rest of female gamers who are just like us. Aka, girls that like Skyrim,girls that like Final Fantasy,girls that like Lollipop Chainsaw, girls that like Gears Of War, and girls that like Mass Effect. Some of these series have in fact "changed" to cater to more females already. (For example, Gears Of War 3 has playable female characters and one of ME 3's biggest selling points was promoting female Shepherd more than male Shepherd. Final Fantasy "always" drew in females because of its' dramatic spectacle and bishonen pretty boys.)

The problem is there are schisms even within the feminist movement itself. For example, you have feminists who do shirtless "slut walks" (Yes, that's the term "they" use) to promote empowered sexuality then you have feminist who think any kind of titillation,nudity, and sexiness what so ever is some kind of huge patriarchal conspiracy to keep women down. Aka, even if you managed to please some of them others would still be pissed off. It's a very no-win situation.

Lastly, feminists really don't speak for "all women". Think about it. What if I said I spoke for all gamers yet said many things you personally disapproved of? Would that be fair? Not really. "You" have the right to speak for "you". Nuff said!

When feminists start to organize more relief efforts for truly oppressed women in 3rd world countries I'll begin to give them a lot more credit. However, usually they just bitch about petty bullshit."Bouncy boobz in gamez,oh fucking noez!" Yes, the world must be ending. (sarcasm)

It's true some games are chalked full of puerile humor,exploitation, and objectification. However, there are many games that don't pander to that same crowd. Personally, I like having variety. Sometimes I like ditzy cheese fests like Lollipop chainsaw or Mortal Kombat but on other occasions I want a more deep and thoughtful experience akin to Nier or Bioshock Infinite. Can you imagine how boring games would be if they all had a set of strict guide lines to follow so as to not offend "anyone"? It would be terrible.

Lastly, the only reason I bring up "feminists" is that the woman "trolled" in your example happened to be apart of feminist frequency. That doesn't make her a bad person but it does mean she's associated with someone who really is not a "true gamer" despite playing games for research. Besides, I'm sure those same trolls go after certain males they dislike too. If you can admire one thing about trolls it is that they don't discriminate. lol. They're usually assholes to everyone.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 02:01 PM

Yeah. I know. The person they're attacking is an idiot. She really is. I'll say it outright. However, no one seemed offended by what she was saying, merely that it was a woman saying it.

 Also, those aren't the only two crowds out there. There may be women who want a deeply personal tale about something they can relate to. Can they relate to bro's or the military? Some can. Most - not so much.

 Also, dating sims rock. Seriously. They're hilarious and insane and I love them.


06/12/2013 at 02:10 PM

Persona 4 is pretty much a glorified dating sim and it's one of my favorite games of all time. lol.

Probably the best way to get more female perspectives is to indoctrinate more females into the game development work-force. The problem is "female geeks" seem to have to try much harder to prove their authenticity than other "male geeks" do. I've seen female gamers on youtube get death and rape threats for trivial little mistakes or trivial disagreements. That disgusts me. I've never been threatened with "forced sex" or "murder" just because I did not like Skyrim or mispronounced a minor character's name from Star-Trek. Granted, the people that made the threats were probably 12 but still....


06/11/2013 at 11:16 PM

After a reading this blog:

I have to agree with quite a few of Maddox's points, for example when did you see a picture of a gun on the front cover of vanity fair. Videogames are still mainloy played by guys so it's natural that guys will be targeted. Games are already made for women, but they differ in their style and approach. There are numerous quick games/ apps that revolve around shopping, fashion and friends etc that are hugely popular with females. I don't see why the central gaming community should change it's policy on content just to appease feminism.... and all the whining is going to change jack shit. Money talks, merit walks! I do think there are serious issues with negative influence on society with certain games but in my opinion that comes down to proper parenting, a well balanced and educated individual will be able to seperate fantasy from reality and their relationships with women probably won't be negative or disruptive. Unless she steals the remote, then it's payback time!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 06:13 AM

 Games aren't primarily played by males. 43% I think I said are females. That's a huge number of people! And you could get even more people in if you increased the demand of female oriented games.


06/12/2013 at 09:01 AM

I have slowly realized that gaming as a fandom is kind of a joke. Venture outside gaming sites like 1up or Pixlbit and you'll find a large portion of gamers seem to be the same kind of douchebags I avoided in high school and blocked on Facebook. And I can tell you right now that is not just males.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 10:30 AM

Oh yeah I know. Gamers aren't even the worst. I think metalheads are worse IMO. The difference is that their artform has been accepted as art. Ours hasn't, and we can't afford to have these dickheads making us look bad.


06/12/2013 at 12:53 PM

Kev has a point. lol. Sad but dead on accurate.


06/12/2013 at 09:26 AM

My only issue with this is it leads to extremist "outlets" that go all the way in one direction to cater to a certain demographic. Examples: magazines like Jet, Ebony, anything written and produced by Tyler Perry,TV networks like Lifetime (This channel is one big made for TV movie portraying men as abusive, rapist ,child molesters) Spike, BET,ect.

I agree to a point that game developers need to evolve and stop playing it safe with the same old formulas and useing violence and sex like a 10 ton crutch. The fact is there is a lot of variety out there and women who like to play video games like the same games that men like. The group of women who would be the target with gearing games at them are not likely to play them in the first place. Unless you want to make games about applying makeup, painting nails and playing dress up which to me would be the most mysoginistic thing you could do.


06/12/2013 at 09:53 AM

It's funny that you mention BET, because that is what this kind of reminds me off.  BET was suppose to be a network for black people to watch oppose to television that was believed to have no representation of black people or their representation of black were negative stereotypes.  You watch BET today and it's full of negative racial stereotypes of black people.  This feminist movement on gaming is sort of like that.  They use gender steroetypes of women & men to support what argument of what women & men want they want to play or should be playing.  The same games they say women don't play are many of the same games I don't play and I still know plenty of women that play "guy" games.  Does that mean I'm a woman or are they men?  It's all bullshit.  When you start defining what women aren't going to play because their women, or what they will play because they're women, then you've made a sexist comment.  It's funny feminism fought to be equal to men and do & have the same as men and now this new feminism against gaming is change the activity so that more women might join.  

Forcing the industry to change is retarded.  The best way to get things going in the right direction is for the feminist and their supporters is to develop their own games.  That's what developers do.  Form their own team and develop games.  No one is stopping them.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 10:28 AM

I agree with you there actually. We should have more women in the industry, and they do make some great indie titles (some are a bit extremist, but pushing anything to the extreme is kind of stupid). The problem is no one will fund those types of games so that they will actually reach people. That's what the real shame is.

 @Gemini man: No, their are millions of games about makeup on the IOS. I don't mean gameplay wise, just content wise. As I said before, why not mass market a game like Catherine but from a woman's perspective? Even doing little things like that would help tremendously.


06/12/2013 at 10:50 AM

I agree with your catherine example. I personly thought this was what made the Mass Effect games so revolutionary was it made the games accessable to prteey much anyone.

As for the IOS thats kind of my point,  most "casual" gamers are playing on tablets and phones, a lot of which are female who are not lilkely to own consoles. The people making these games know this and give them what they want. There are radio stations and tv networks already capitalizing on mysoginistic programming that their core audience is oblivious too because they are are just cooky cutter personalities who think this is what it mean to be female. Just like what Spike does to  men.


06/12/2013 at 10:59 AM

My wife said something similar to me this morning.  She told me, "The women I know that play games on their phones and tablets aren't "gamers".  They are not going to go out and buy a console for gaming".  If it wasn't for me, my wife admits she wouldn't play console games either.  She got into it from watching me.  She's currently playing Mass Effect 2 and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.


06/12/2013 at 02:58 PM

@jgusw  Exactly. If you start trying to make for a cetain demographic you are going to fall into sterotype land. PEOPLE who like video games like video games, race and gender should really not be a factor unless like say like Mass Effect you can find a way to do it without being biased and cover all the bases.


06/12/2013 at 01:05 PM

I'd like to see more women working in the game industry as well. Matter of fact I think the best way to attack sexism is to weed it out in the work-force instead of vilifying games that have already been made.

I watched an interesting documentary in which females working for game studios said it was really difficult to earn respect and to be accepted. To me this goes back to how geek/gamer culture is more critical of females within its' ranks than it is of males within its' ranks. In my opinion that's a more destructive discriminatory kind of sexism. Why should women have to try harder to prove themselves amongst fellow nerds? It doesn't make sense.

Julian Titus Senior Editor

06/12/2013 at 10:45 AM

The sad fact is that games starring female protagonists don't sell as well. I wish they did- I love strong female characters and have no problem playing them. Sure, they tend to be sexed up super women, but most male protagonists are sexed up super guys.

The vitriol that "gamers" (and I use that term loosley--I think these are young teens) spew towards women that play games is amazing to me. What could be better than having some cool ladies to play games with? That's the dream of nerds like me who grew up in a time where female geeks were some sort of mythical creature.

By the by, anyone notice how much ass Ellen Page is kicking in the new footage for Beyond: Two Souls? Excited!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/12/2013 at 11:02 AM

Oh yeah. I'm seriously hoping that The Last of Us and Beyond: Two Souls represent a shift in how women are portrayed in video games. That would be kind of neat.

 And yeah. Every gamer has had that dream since the dawn of gaming. Why are people so opposed to it? Very, very bizarre. I think it has a lot to do with the notion of hating change. It scares people, and having a new demographic enter into a space that has traditionally been for men scares them. Some of them are scared that things they love may be immature and the big bad women will change it. The thing is though that there are still boobs and gore in movies. Just because we have women enjoying our games doesn't mean we will lose that. All I want is some variety and for different people to be catered to.


06/12/2013 at 11:03 AM

I know, as a kid, I dreamt of playing games with women.  I didn't really meet any gaming women until after I got married.  Women gamers are out there, but they seem to be quiet about it.  


06/12/2013 at 01:22 PM

I love the fact more and more women are gaming these days. It can only improve the market by making games more creative. The women I respect who play games are the ones like Raychul Moore who play a bit of everything. If more women gave all genres a chance the way she does,they might find more to it then they ever imagined. As for the word cunt I heard it everywhere I went when I was in Australia. I guess it's sort of like how Brits use tosser and wanker. Not meant to be offensive,but Americans really seem to get bent out of shape when it's used. Doesn't phase me a bit. i was in the Navy,after all!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/24/2013 at 01:54 AM

Fair enough, I completely agree!

 As for the word cunt, America is pretty much the only place that still is overtly offended by it. Americans seem to be offended by everything though, so I just py no mind to them.


06/23/2013 at 03:53 PM

Enough with the stupid cunts. Sorry girlie, no one wants to play with you when you insist on being a snivelling female. Go back to play with your Barbie Dream House & Easy Bake Oven. Interacting with other people, especially without bitching, seems beyond your capacity.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/24/2013 at 01:52 AM

 Wow. I love people who don't read or in fact even loo at my avatar before they post their ignorant comments. Guess what, I'm a dude! You know what else? I'm not a "proper feminist" or whatever. I'm not an anything-ist except equalitist. I think every group on earth should be capable of being a source of humour, but I also think it's retarded that geeks of one gender have it harder than geeks of another gender, like they have something to prove. I know people like you fear for the unknown, since you're an inbred retard who has not and will never be able to talk to a woman. So of course they'll seem scary to you, just like black people and homosexuals and other people, because you simply have an attitude no one wants to deal with.

 So why don't you go pick up a tool and contribute to society since you seem so obsessed with gender rules. When you're severe inadequacy of everything in life gets you killed, no one will care.


07/01/2013 at 12:46 PM

So, I just now got to this blog (got a backlog of notifications here on PixlBit) and man! Things get scary in the comments! Surprised I'll be going now...

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