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VG Movie Week #3: Street Fighter

On 06/12/2013 at 10:17 AM by The Last Ninja

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The movie that stars great actors as lame fighters

Street Fighter II garnered incredible popularity in the early 90s (mainly because it was a great game). The game offered many characters with their own personalities and moves. This popularity led to someone suggesting that they make a Street Fighter movie, and Capcom let him. The result is a very cheesy movie that does little to capture the characters of SF lore. Fans were disappointed and frustrated. 

The movie was released in 1994 and was distributed by Universal Pictures. General Guile (played by Jean-Claude Van Damme) is the main hero of the movie, and M. Bison (Raul Julia) is the villain. Oh, and there's a bunch of other people too, but it's not worth mentioning all of them. I'll get to specific fighters in a moment. 


The plot goes something like this: Bison is bent on taking over the world and making it his own utopia. Guile is the Allied Nations regional commander, and during a TV broadcast let's the whole world know that Bison is a fat loser. So Bison takes control of the TV broadcast and tells Guile that he has 3 days to secure a US $20 billion ransom, or he will kill all the hostages. Among those hostages is one of Guile's closest friends, Chalie Blanka. So Guile gets his team together and they go to Shadaloo to try and find Bison's base and kick his butt! 

Along the way, we meet many of the SF characters (in fact, the only one who is absent in this movie is Fei Long). Some of the characters look pretty close to their original form from the game, whereas others you cannot even tell who they are. Early on in the movie, we are introduced to Ryu and Ken (played by Byron Mann and Damian Chapa respectively), but they just don't feel like they should. Ken should have been more of a hothead, and Ryu did not act as honorable and noble as he always is portrayed in the SF comics. Even in their martial arts gis, these two did not seem to fit the roles. Sagat, instead of being a tough guy, was an old man (well, not super old); no muscles ripping off of this guy. 

chun li

There are also some inaccuracies with the movie when you compare it to the game. Guile is an Allied Nations regional commander with a French accent; in the game, he is from the USA. E. Honda is from Hawaii; in the game, he is from China (they're not the same). Dhalsim was demoted in the movie to a doctor who could not fight to save his life; in the game, he's one of the street fighters and he's from India. Of course, liberties are always taken when they convert a game into a movie, but still, I couldn't help but notice these blatant changes. 

I also have to give them props for going a great job with the appearances of some of the characters. E. Honda and Zangief were perfect; they looked just like they did in the game (I think Zangief looked the best). Vega also looked good with his mask and his claws. Bison takes Chalie Blanka and turns him into a monster; he becomes the green dude with long orange hair we all know and love. He's finally revealed at the end of the movie, and he looks great. 


                                               Not the face!

Bison is in a class all by himself. His costume is pretty good, but the character himself is just a goofball with a cape. For one thing, Raul Julia has some hilarious facial expressions in this movie; his eyes can get really big and his long face doesn't help. There were times when Bison was mean and villainous; at other times, he was cheasy and humorous. His big eyes and long face did not help make him more menacing. I have to give props to Julia, though, because he really put himself in the role and you can tell due to his overacting. 

The movie is riddled with cheesy lines (I'm not going to mention any of them). But the cheesy lines are nothing compared to the terrible fighting. Don't expect any Jackie Chan-type fighting here; this is B-movie fighting, and the B is for BAD. Where was the fan service here? Not one hoduken was thrown; no one did any special moves (except for Guile doing his blackflip kick twice, and that was the best part). Chun Li only has one fight scene, and in that scene, she kicks Bison's butt. At the end especially, the action drags on and on, and you say to youself, "When will it end?" Bison and Guile have a final showdown, and Bison somehow becomes super-charged with electricity and can fly. Cool. No, because all he does is fly back and forth with his fists out (like Superman) and hits Guile. Seriously, Guile, you can't just move out of the way? He should have let Chun Li fight Bison. 


The fighting was bad, and so was the acting. I guess they did the best they could with what they had. Van Damme disappoints; the whole movie, he's just some tough guy with a French accent. Chun Li was disappointing too; they should have made her role more important. We don't get to see Cammy fight much, and that was disappointing. Dee Jay is in the movie (mainly for comic relief), but we never see him fight; instead, he's a coward that tries to get away at the end with Bison's money. Zangief is also comic relief; he's just a big stupid guy. 

Once again, I have to give props to Julia, who really did his best. At the time, Julia was battling stomach cancer and did not want to take the role of Bison, but later he consented due to his two children urging him to take it (they must have been SF fans). He died two months before the film's release, so this movie was his last performance (not the best way to be remembered). He received a nomination for Best Supporting Actor at the Saturn Awards. 


                  Thank you, Julia, you get an award for this face

Final Thoughts

The movie was fun to watch. . . for the first ten minutes. The cheesy lines fall flat. The fighting is terrible (seeing Van Damme flying through the air with his leg out shouting "AAAAAAAH" doesn't make it any better). Bison is a goofball. Many of the characters are disappointing. And the plot is very typical (evil genius wants to take over the world). The best part of the movie was the costumes for some of the characters (Vega, Zangief, Honda, Blanka, and Bison). 

However, this movie is amazing when you compare it to The Legend of Chun Li, which I heard was absolutely abysmal. I haven't seen it yet, but I hope to some time (I will watch it and weep). It's just a shame. The SF franchise is rich with characters, but the best thing we got here was cheesy acting and cheesy fighting. The movie could not take itself seriously. I'll give it 2 out of 5 stars, and that's being generous (just for you, Julia). 

Thanks for reading. Check back all week for more VG movies. 



Super Step Contributing Writer

06/12/2013 at 11:26 AM

SF movie was bad? Of Course! Tongue Out

Sorry, had to be done. At least they got some of the costumes down, though. And I respect Raul Julia for his appearance, cheesy as it was.

Saw your FF review yesterday; that one I remember being pretty, but boring. I'd have to watch it again though, it's been a while. I only ever rented it.

The Last Ninja

06/12/2013 at 03:35 PM

I respect Julia as well (he did it for his kids). The movie was bad, but I wouldn't say it was completely terrible. 

You should watch the FF movie again. It has some boring moments, but it also has some very exciting ones. Overall not a bad vg movie. 


06/12/2013 at 01:37 PM

It's a shame that film was the last one Raul Julia did. He was such a good actor. He deserved a better send off. I normally enjoy anything Van Damme is in,but this was one of his stinkers. Hard Target was one of his best movies. And who could forget TimeCop? Or even Cyborg? This movie seemed like they really did not give a crap.I did enjoy seeing Kylie Minogue as Cammy in it. She is actually a pretty good actress and very nice to look at too.

The Last Ninja

06/12/2013 at 03:36 PM

Yeah, what a shame Cammy wasn't in her uniform from the game. Am I right? 


06/14/2013 at 11:20 AM

The only thing I like about this movie was when that dude asks Van Damme:  "Colonel Guile. Have you lost your mind?!?!" and Van Damme replies by saying: "NO! But you've lost your balls!!!" Lol. I thought that was hilarious and the perfect way to cap off his speech.

The Last Ninja

06/14/2013 at 12:33 PM

I think his speech was a cool part of the movie. He wasn't going to give in no matter what; he was set on leaving to save the hostages. That was great. The rest of the movie, however....


06/14/2013 at 12:43 PM

SF really is best when it stays within its' manga,game, and anime boundaries. If you try to take it into "real life" it's difficult to spin it in a way that's not utterly ridiculous. The best way to approach it would be to design it like a really old Kung Fu movie as that's where its' inspirations lie. Also, focus it around Ryu as the main character. Guile shouldn't be hogging the limelight!

The Last Ninja

06/14/2013 at 04:51 PM

I once ready through the SF manga, and it was really good! Honestly, SF would have been better as a TV series so they could flesh out the story and characters, but of course, it would have to be done right. I agree that Ryu should have been the main focus of the movie, not Guile. Ryu has always been the main character of the SF series. 


06/18/2013 at 09:05 AM

I heard that Van Damme pushed really hard for a sequel but they wouldn't do it after the first movie was so terrible lol

The Last Ninja

06/18/2013 at 10:50 AM

He must have really enjoyed playing the lead in that movie. Just imagine how worse the second movie would have been; it might even have topped the terrible Double Dragon movie lol

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