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Games: A Concept, What?!

On 06/12/2013 at 09:49 PM by Super Step

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I'll give you my top three anticipated.

Xbox One

Not only was this technically the game I was most excited about, but apparently MS will release it free at launch ... and then charge you DLC for the roster. That would not bother me at all though, I actually think that's a cool marketing gimmick, and a cool way to demo a fighter in a digital marketplace.


Now, this is a weird one, in that I have literally never been this excited for a Final Fantasy before. That's because, as it seems to be a non-JRPG action title, I will actually get to experience one in full as someone who rented FFX and thought it was beautiful, and who owns Golden Sun, but never felt like getting too far into it either, because turn-based combat and random encounters are just not my bag.

I understand that longtime fans will be upset with the change, but some on here seem to be fine with it, and it means I get to experience a full-fledged Final Fantasy title, story, pretty graphics and all, without feeling like I don't want to continue due to a certain style of combat. Heck, I actually prodded myself through quite a bit of Golden Sun because I wanted to see where the story went, so actually getting a JRPG story without the gameplay sounds great to me.

Of course, all of my context for the FF series' storylines after VII come from videos made by online personality, TheSpoonyOne (who I will see next weekend at Screwattack Gaming Convention) bashing their ridiculousness, but I don't care, cause "look, pretty!"

Y'know that game The Bouncer for PS2? I loved that game. My next door neighbors and I played through as much as we could with no memory card all the time. When comparing my taste to yours, apply salt.

Playstation 4

I'm sure those of you with PS3s or 360s are familiar with inFamous, since looking up the gameplay from the first two, this seems to be more of the same, but dammit I skipped this generation and to me it looks friggin' sweet. And I actually like that Nirvana cover at the end of this trailer, too.

I left out PC and Nintendo titles because well, aside from Mega Man being in Smash Bros. being cool, nothing at the newest Nintendo Direct particularly excited me, and while I am still not ruling out buying a new PC at some point, even in place of a new console, I've just been paying way more attention to XBOX ONE and Playstation 4.

But I would love to hear what games you're excited for below, regardless of what hardware they're coming to.





06/12/2013 at 10:19 PM

I was really pleased to hear a re-launch of Killer instinct, one of my fave fighters ever, I still play the snes orginal and Gold on my 64, I hope they bring Thunder, Riptor and Cinder from the original back and still include Tusk from Gold!

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/12/2013 at 11:08 PM

Yeah, Gold was awesome. I think it led my older brother to break one of my controllers way back when, but I still liked it. lol


06/12/2013 at 10:43 PM

Paying for each character? Hmmmm. Guess it wouldn't be so bad if buying every last combatant cost around $59.99 (Aka,the standard rate of a new game) but I feel as if microsoft could easily be sneaky with this.

Besides, something about Sabrewolf's new design kinda urks me. For me he was the most bad ass in Killer Instinct Gold! Personal opinion of course.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/12/2013 at 11:10 PM

Yeah, I'm hoping the full version just comes out for PS4 to begin with at some point.

Sabrewolf didn't look that different to me, but it's been a good long while, and I want to say my favorite was either Fulgore or Glacius.


06/13/2013 at 12:40 AM

I just hope to god they don't screw up Orchid's design, or I'll be fucking FURIOUS. Seeing what they did with Jago doesn't give me much hope. :(


06/13/2013 at 10:32 PM

Yeah "new Jago" isn't doing much for me either.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/13/2013 at 02:21 AM

I gotta be honest, I personally think they made him more badass.

Personal opinion though, they definitely changed the design.


06/13/2013 at 10:34 PM

I like the 3D model but the blue color? Not quite sold on it. Small gripe though and rather easy to correct! (Also,give Sabre his metal claws back. I'm talking about Gold of course.)


06/13/2013 at 12:41 AM

This pretty much lines up with my list of highlights on the games front. I also thought Destiny looked cool, too.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/13/2013 at 02:19 AM

Don't get me wrong, it looked good, but shooters need to prove themselves through gameplay to me at this point, cause I've seen an overabundance of trailers for them. That's not Destiny's fault, and the trailer is cool, I'm just not as excited as everyone else for it yet.

As for Jago, I can see why his design upsets you. Doesn't even have the same color scheme. Edit: well, never mind, he does in that Gold screenshot up there, compared to all the One screenshots I've seen.

Ok, I guess I'll just be the odd man out to like the redesigns. I also liked the look of the new consoles, VCR talk be damned, so there ya go. lol


06/13/2013 at 02:13 AM

Yeah, I mentioned the games I was most excited for in my last blog: MGSV, FFXV, Mirror's Edge 2, and Destiny.

Killer Instinct sounds good, but the free-to-play thing has me convinced that it is not a serious competitor to other 3D fighters like Street Fighter IV or the new Mortal Kombat. I just can't imagine them releasing it free-to-play if it had that kind of depth.

So you loved The Bouncer? That game is pretty infamous for being one of Square's worst games at a time they could do no wrong! I've always wanted to play it though.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/13/2013 at 02:28 AM

I am aware of its infamy, that's why I made the joke about taking my opinion with a grain of salt, but at the time it looked damn amazing, I seriously could not have fathomed something looking better, and I don't mind repetitive beat-em-ups. Plus, back then, I really did love cutscenes, and it had some good ones I thought. Keep in mind, I was literally ten or younger when it came out; of course, when I played Rise of the Robots as an adult, I realized how awful it really was, despite liking it as a kid for about the same shallow reasons I liked The Bouncer, so I would not be surprised to come to the same conclusion with The Bouncer if I play it again now.

And I also wonder about just how "deep" KI will be, especially with the starting out free, but I think that is Microsoft's way of trying to win some core gamers over. I hope the game is good, even if I don't want a One in the foreseeable future, because I want the franchise to sell and continue.


06/14/2013 at 06:32 AM

I think the Bouncer might have just been derided so much because Square fans were probably expecting an ambitious RPG and not a beat-em-up. Again, I haven't played it, but videos make it seem alright. If anything it at least seems worth a good laugh.

I too want the Killer Instinct franchise to succeed and continue. It's a shame MS sat on the licence for a decade before finally deciding to do something with it on I console I want nothing to do with!

On a related note, the game is made by Double Helix Games a studio with an grab bag of questionable titles. None of them seem to be fighting games. I by chance just played Front Mission Evolved two days ago. It's not bad so far. But yeah, I guess the more I look into it the less awesome Killer Instinct is going to seem.

Cary Woodham

06/13/2013 at 05:26 AM

Over the weekend I plan to write my own blog about my favorite games of E3.  I hope you can take the time to read it and find out what I liked!

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/13/2013 at 03:18 PM

Sure thing.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

06/13/2013 at 07:24 AM

I can't say that I was honestly all that impressed with the new KI. I mean come-on, you get more playable characters in DEMOS then you do with this game. But it's free, so I suppose I can't complain too much.

One of the coolest games (in my opinion) from E3 was Dead Rising 3. The amount of detail that was present with the number of zombies on screen at once was just astounding. If I were to get the Xbox One, then that would be the game I would be picking up first!

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/13/2013 at 03:32 PM

Since everyone and their mother, dog, brother, sister, cat, grandmother, grandfather, great grandfather, great grandmother, aunt, uncle, cousin, second cousin, third cousin, friend, acquaintance, and Sir Ben Kingsley has been pointing out how great Dead Rising 3 looks, I decided to watch the gameplay footage: I too am impressed by how much is going on on-screen without noticeable detail loss, but I'm still just not that into zombies. I can see why everyone would be stoked though. Now the question is, will it have a make your own zombie feature so you can turn your family, friends and Sir Ben Kingsley into zombie representations?

As for KI, yeah it's bare bones, but I think that's because they're using it as a test for how much people like that style of buying a game by adding the features into it through DLC ... and the fact KI is a guinea pig does worry me, cause why is that game the test subject? Uh oh. Could it not be that good?


06/13/2013 at 08:42 AM

Yeah, the new FF makes me kind of sad. I want an RPG, not an action game with RPG elements. It's just not the same anymore. They abandoned ATB style after FFX in favor of these pseudo-experience RPG flavor games. Their top 3 biggest selling titles were 7, 8 and 10. I feel that they need to get back to making games in those styles where battles were more strategic. I dunno. I'm just musing. I may sit the next one out because I don't like where the series is going - ie: games influenced by Call of Duty and high fashion.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/13/2013 at 03:34 PM

I didn't really see the COD influence, maybe because I've been bored by what I've played of COD games and this looked really cool to me, but I know what you mean ... even if obviously I'm on the exact opposite side of the fence about the gameplay change as you are.


06/13/2013 at 04:17 PM

That's fine. I don't have a problem with that style because other people enjoy it. As for me, I started RPG's with FF IV & VI on the SNES back when they were called II and III. It would be nice if they would return to menu based fights. These days, it seems like the company wants to turn the series into an action game.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/13/2013 at 06:45 PM

See, that thing with the linearity and lack of towns/shops would actually bother me too, because that's probably my favorite part of JRPGs and Zelda, is that time where you get to just breathe in the game, and take in its expansiveness.

The menus though, are the reason I cannot play JRPGs with much satisfaction. I've just never really enjoyed that style of combat in video games, even if I can enjoy it in a game of chess (if I actually play chess, which is also rare).

But like I said, I can definitely sympathize with a game series being taken away from its longtime fans in a sense, and I'm not going to pretend you shouldn't be disappointed, but at the same time, that's exactly the reason I'm so excited.I'm not saying that to metaphorically dance on the grave of people who like a certain style of combat, but as someone who's been seeing Final Fantasy from afar for so long, I can't say I dislike the decision to cater to me in the actual gameplay style.


06/13/2013 at 10:51 AM

I know that they did not show any gameplay, but The Order: 1886 has my attention.  I like the bright colours of the new shooters and would not mind killzone and destiny at some point.  infamous is on my list, eventhough I never played the 2nd, and only finished a third of the first.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/13/2013 at 03:41 PM

The Order: 1886 looked good too; as long as it's not a zombie game, and I'm right about it being a Van Helsing type organization that hunts all kinds of mythical beings (looked like a werewolf jumping at the guy towards the end of the trailer), I'm all for it.

Killzone would have made my list, especially cause I liked what I played of 2 so much, but I just was more excited by the inFamous trailers I saw.


06/13/2013 at 11:18 AM

All three of these are games I'm looking forward to as well. Especially FFXV,as I'm a huge fan but not a purist when it comes to them. I welcome new changes in order to keep things fresh. That is interesting about Killer Instinct being released that way. Then you can pick and choose the roster of fighters you want. I'm all for that. My most anticipated games are MGSV and Watch Dogs. For current gen it's GTAV and Beyond:Two Souls.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/13/2013 at 03:43 PM

MGSV and Watch Dogs are definitely among my most anticipated as well.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/13/2013 at 11:34 AM

Unfortunately, with KI the actual dev is pretty shit. Like they mainly make shovelware, and all of their games appear on bottom 10 lists of the years they came out. Hopefully, Rare steps in a bit so they don't ruin this great franchise.

 Yes, FFXV looks amazing. I've been looking forward to this game for 3 fucking years, ever since it was announced as versus. Damn it looks sweet!

 Infamous is really damn good. I really think you need to catch up on those games, because holy damn they look amazing.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/13/2013 at 03:44 PM

Well damn, maybe that's why they're making it the guinea pig for what type of DLC will fly with consumers: they know the dev is bad. I hope Rare steps in, too.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/13/2013 at 05:00 PM

To be fair, this type of stuff has been going on for pc for ages. This seems like the dodgiest case of it though, only giving one character and making you buy the rest. They should learn from games like League of Legends, that give you a rotating roster every week, and if you find someone you really like, then you shell out cash for them, or unlock them.


06/13/2013 at 12:14 PM

I'm definitely interested in infamous and slightly curious about FF XV.

I'm not sure I'll like any new FF at all since I like to strategize and select what my characters are going to do then watch it play out. Seeing how fast I can press X and Y in rapid succession while holding down the left and right triggers and manipulating the right stick with your nose leaves me cold.

As for anything coming out on the Microsoft platform I don't care what it is or how nice it looks because they are dead to me.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/13/2013 at 03:50 PM

I don't know who you saw playing with their nose, but give them a medal ... of shame. lol

And I know people who enjoy turn-based will feel put off by the series, but for me it's like being welcomed for the first time. The JRPGs I've gotten farthest in were Pokemon Blue and Paper Mario, and I actually did think those were fun, but for the most part, yeah, I'm looking forward to XV.

I feel the same way about the One, I won't be buying it, but they do have some cool exclusives I hope make the jump to something I'd consider.


06/13/2013 at 04:58 PM

Yep if the tutorial for the game spends an hour showing me a thousand different button combinations for combat I tend to glaze  over and shut the game off never to return. Block is a killer too. If the game spends any time showing me how to block I know I probably won't get very far. LOL Like I'm waiting to see if he's about to attack and press the block button. Nope, just attack as fast as I can and hope he dies before I do.

If I can spam X to attack and another button for magic I may stick with it and just grind my way to success.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/13/2013 at 06:30 PM

Well, I dislike grinding in either case, frankly, but at least with an action game I feel like I'm more involved and not just choosing from a menu.

And this is where we find out we are on the exact opposite side of the fence on action game vs JRPG preference. lol


06/13/2013 at 06:48 PM

LOL We already knew that Joe. I'd just rather be a General than an enlisted man. :P

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/13/2013 at 06:54 PM

Hey, I wouldn't mind being in charge of a unit in an action game, just make sure there's a few simple button commands and I'm not just sitting on the sidelines for ten minutes wondering if I want fries with my orders. :P


06/13/2013 at 10:12 PM

From games I'm-not-sure-if-i'll-play-but-look-great, I got interested in MGS5, FF XV, InFamous Second Son and Watch Dogs (which I could play since it will be released on the Wii U). I don't want to come as a Nintendo fanboy, but everything they showed really interested me and and the new Smash Bros is a game i'm looking for.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/13/2013 at 10:17 PM

Hey, I was a huge douchebag of a Nintendo fanboy when the Gamecube was out, no judgment here.


07/06/2013 at 10:47 AM

I have to say the only game I was curious about was the final fantasy one, if only I could finish my "online pass watch" blog series that has the game chosen for overview.

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/06/2013 at 07:58 PM

FFXV will have online pass? That sucks. There's a lot of crap I might not look forward to in these new systems, but I'm trying to be somewhat optimistic; these online pass and DRM issues I keep hearing people have aren't helping my optimism, though. Still, I look forward to PS4 for now at least.


07/06/2013 at 10:41 PM

that's the thing: we don't actually know if that game will have an online pass. it's why I chose that game for my "online pass watch" feature write ups, I picked a bunch of games from last years E3 that I was generally intetested in to see if they would end up with an online pass system at launch. And since ffXIII-2  got DLC, it was a possibility in my minds eye. that reminds me I need to finish up my write ups on gow: judgement and bioshock infinite

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/06/2013 at 11:30 PM

Ah, I gotcha. I'm a bit out of the loop, having skipped this generation, so when you mentioned online pass along with FFXV, I thought maybe I was missing a news story or something.

And look forward to the write-ups.

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