Well its Wensday night and besides being in pain cause i moved offices at our schools Administration building all day ( you know a bad hip ) i have been busy playing Four games wich are completely different but alot of fun.

Tropico 4
Had been playing this non stop for awhile and ended up trading it a while back, so got it again and the funny thing about this game is they have a gold version which has the Modern Times dlc included but everyone i know who ownes the gold version says the saves corrupt on it alot and the game freezes, so me having all the dlc went with the original game which has no problems at all. And this game is still in the $27 to $30 range used which is the same price new for the gold version.

Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Now i have been playing this one off and on for about three or four weeks and must admit its really a pretty cool game and although progress is slow it is a good gamw.

Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen
Now any one that knows me knows that i have been working on this game awhile and Dark Arisen is worth the upgrade, its a huge awesome game that was fine before but even bettet now, this is a tough game that will really test your endurance and is a game i will continue to play until i beat it.

And of course im still playing KoToR and im on Datoween on part 3 of my Jedi training with the Jedi Council, and everytime i think i have deen alot i find something new and awesome, this is an amazing game, and on a side note i want to get Yu Gi Oh For the Xbox

So Dawn of Destiny some how missed my collection since i own every Yu Gi Oh game except this but not for long.