I want that Last of Us edition!
Updates and Buys Vol 6.
On 06/14/2013 at 06:01 PM by Nicoleb1989 See More From This User » |
I know I havent been around a lot lately, I apologize, AC is stealing my attention for the most Part and I picked up another game tonight that might be doing that even more. I however have tryed to stay informed and update best I can even if it is from the shadows. I have like everyone lese been paying attention to E3 and while it has cleared up somethings and made things worse in other ares I cant help but feel like, it was different this year. You know how a lot of us, even myself have complained saying E3 has been quite a drag these past few years? This year....it feels different. I dont know why, I dont know if its is because of the new consoles or what but it has felt very different, for me atleast it has. I will say that Sony didnt fail me, they relieved my fears of used games and the always online crap. Im shocked though that they are taking such a different route though. Normally you would think that they would all be following suit but no, its jsut MS, being fuckheads. Im sorry, after they have acted so stuck up and anti game consumer Ive been a bit on the go fuck urself stance about them.
Anywho as I previously stated in a past blog I got my PS4 preordered but Im still trying to think of games I wanna buy at launch. Im still unsure because Im trying to still configure what will be launch titles but one has caught my attention and its bundled on GS with the PS4 so that kind of says launch title to me, well it shows up and then disappears so idk. The Order: 1866
This game has a great vibe to me, the enemies are Im guessing werewolves and I read overall the enemies are supose to be inhuman so I think more then the werewolves will make an appearance. If it turns out to be a launch title, I shall def be one of the first I buy.
Im gonna talk more about E3 stuff in another blog I aim to write today.
My recent buys!
Well as all of you know I pre ordered TLOA Survival Edition and it cost around 80$. I feel like I actually spent hell ton more after I opened it. I couldnt believe the size of the artbook -_- Im quite happy with my purchase!
All 3 of the main goodies!
The one thing I love most is the big ass artbook. It has a lot of stuff and is freaking huge to get for 20$ more. Im not gonna say anything more about the game, Im gonna wait until Im a bit further in it or have it beaten for review.
I finally was able to re buy this game, Ive been quite excited to dive back in it. When I first had it I loved everything about it and I still do.
Im jsut gonna say I bought this game, if you have never played it and you own a 3ds, you should be ashamed, i mean severally,lol J/K but it is a really good game!
I hope everyone is doing great ^_^