E3, I'm surprised. You've announced a lineup of games that actually seem innovative and don't require intelligent people to bash their heads against hard surfaces as a pre-requisite to play. I mean, there's Killzone, CoD, and Battlefield, but for the most part, I'm pretty pleased with this year's announcement lineup. These are the top 10 games that really get my oil pumping, if you know what I mean.
It's Kingdom Hearts 3! I mean, come on! If you don't go weak at the knees seeing your favourite childhood Disney characters meet up with your favourite childhood Final Fantasy characters, then obviously you're a Heartless. Or a Nobody. Either way you're controlled by Organisation XIII and you're obviously evil.
Anyway, the first two games were fantastic, filled with amazing callbacks to past Square Enix games and awesome Disney locales. With Disney now owning the rights to Marvel and Star Wars, the possibilities are phenomenal. Although, please, for the love of god, don't make us visit Lightning.
Read the rest of the article here! Alternatively, you could go the rest of your life not knowing what the rest of the list contains. Wouldn't that suck?