never played a Silent Hill game. I might have missed the boat, as I'm sure the PSONE version isn't as scary now as when it first came out.
Brokeh's late night moviehs!: SH Revelation
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![]() On 06/15/2013 at 01:29 AM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
"Starring Pyramid Head, the tap dancing sword swinging sensation we all know and love! Now with kittens!"
If you know two things about me it’s that I love Silent Hill while simultaneously not being a raging fan boy. Aka, I often come off as brightly optimistic compared to most of the other more dour members of The Order. (Aka, those individuals whom worship Team Silent as if they’re Lovecraftian gods) Personally I think those people have sticks up their asses but I digress! Is Revelations a pile of blood ridden fecal matter? Read on to find out!
First of all, Revelations has one thing going against it right away. Aka, anyone who has played the games knows Heather is Alessa. When I found that out in SH 3 it genuinely surprised me but since then everyone and their grandmother knows of this twist. I likewise miss Jodelle Ferland. She was great as Alessa in the previous SH film. (Her replacement for Dark-Alessa does a decent job though and even looks a lot like her.)
Negatives out of the way, there are some brilliant moments here. Many of the new monsters introduced reminded me of Clive Barker’s very best creature designs. Considering what a huge Hell-Raiser fan I am, it’s flattery that I’m making this comparison. I really have to give props to the CGI gurus, prop makers, the costume designers, and the make-up crews. Bang up job, ya’ll. Commendations all around!
The people portraying Vincent (Jon Snow!), Heather, and Harry Mason (Eddard Stark!) do fantastic jobs. Additionally, their character arcs are satisfyingly fleshed out. Sadly, Douglas and Claudia (Trinity!) in particular see very little screen time and considering their importance in SH3 the game, that’s a crying shame. Rose makes a cameo too but her part is so miniscule it barely helps to tie events of the first movie to the second movie. (For those of you scratching your heads in puzzled bewilderment ,Rose is the previous protagonist and Sharon’s (Alessa’s) foster mother.) Though Leonard’s role in the grander scheme of things is regretfully brief, the actor who portrays him really steals the show. He’s delightfully conniving and wonderfully insane!
While I had no problems with this new interpretation of Silent Hill, I can empathize with the fans who will inevitably “lose their cool” when viewing it. As endearing as “young Vincent” is for example, he’s not nearly as memorable or impressionable as his older and slyer videogame counterpart. Additionally the fact Claudia and Alessa were childhood friends is never brought up so there isn’t a sympathetic thread connecting the heroine to the villainess like there should be. If this is not insufferable enough, the snootery gauntlet will be thrown down after fans lament the return of sexy undead nurses and Pyramid-Head. (Two adversaries who should theoretically be connected to James Sutherland’s psyche, not Heather Mason‘s. Well, actually Heather “did“ have her own nurse minions to contend with. My bad!)
So is Revelation a failure? If you judge it as a “videogame to film adaptation” it’s surprisingly pleasant. It doesn’t deserve to lament in the same 9th hell as Mario Bros, Double Dragon, and Street Fighter. Be that as it may, Revelation is not quite as good as the first SH movie so it exists within its’ own uncertain purgatory. Naïve horror fans who saw the previous SH movie will be able to appreciate how Revelation wraps up most of the loose ends from its’ predecessor but “hardcore fans” of Konami’s Silent-Hill franchise will probably find many reasons to rip it to pieces! (Then again, don’t they always? When was the last occasion the SH fandom was satisfied? Just Saying!)
Personally, I enjoyed watching this. There are a lot of easter-eggs and nods to other SH games as well (Origins & Downpour in particular) and I was relieved this movie wasn’t as insipid or as terrible as many critics made it out to be.
Watch It! It’s on Netflix!