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Whats wrong with turn based combat?

On 06/15/2013 at 02:50 AM by GeminiMan78

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So I'm sure I will be getting a lot of comments about all the great JRPG's that have retained the classic standard for combat on the DS and PS handhelds. But I personally thinks its BS that these games are not being supported on the console plugged into my TV. And yes this "rant" is aimed at FF15 more or less. I suppose that after 13 years I should accept the fact that this series is dead and over. The overly effeminent, feathered haired, glam-goth protagonists really don't appeal to me. But more than anything was seeing that they are not even trying to stay within the genre that gave birth to these games. 

So here is an idea. Lets make Street Fighter into a FPS, Madden in to an action platformer, and Mass Effect into a fighting game. To hell with tradition. Lets just go with what is popular cause it will sell. The A D H D generation gets board to quick for turnbased combat, we need some twitch gamplay to keep them interested. Who cares about a coherent story, they will just forget it anyway.

I hate to see something I really like thats under the radar get totally basterdized once it gets popular and mainstream. I have seen it happen to music, anime, books, and especially movies. In order to find mass appeal it gets watered down, stripped of it unique quirkiness, nipped and tucked until all that is left is a name and a few familiar traits to justify keeping said name.

I suppose much like my beloved beat'em ups and shmups, if I want to play a good oldfashion turn based jrpg I'll have to stick with the retro stuff.

Sorry for this jaded, pessimistic, overly nostalgic rant of a blog, but it seems like instead of our options in terms of gamplay expanding with each new generation, they are getting smaller. I know I'm not the only one who feels like 3/4 of the PS3 liabrary is FPS. I exaggerate that figure, but not by much. 




Julian Titus Senior Editor

06/15/2013 at 03:14 AM

Amen! When they announced that Versus XIII was now XV I was a very unhappy man.


06/15/2013 at 09:27 AM

I have tried to stay optimistic about Final Fantasy, but it looks like Squeenix is going to let Nomura run it into the ground and straight to hell. The trailer looked impressive, but take out the classic FF enemys and it could have been a trailer for Devil May Cry. They should drop the Final Fantasy name instead of shamelessly tacking it on to stuff so the most loyal, hardcore fans will buy it.


06/15/2013 at 04:12 AM

It seems like the TBS games are limited to the handdelds and as far as bringing them to consoles is just not going to happen I cant see anything wrong with TBC but for some reason but game companys seem to think this is outdated and continue to make these crazy battle controls that gets fast and out of cintrol fast i missed the days when strategy was strategy and not how quick you can mash a button.


06/15/2013 at 09:34 AM

If I want to play an action game, I will play an action game. When I play Street Fighter I expect it to be a fighter, thats what it has always been and should always be. So if I'm going to play a JRPG , I expect it to play like a JRPG. I guesse I'm going to have to get a 3DSXL and a Vita and accept that those will be the last preserves for a dying genre.


06/15/2013 at 04:52 PM

See i cant play on these little screens i want a large screen tv not a i phone screen and i wish they mainly Atlus, NIS, Shin Megami Tensei, Idea Factory etc would throw us a bone and every wants in a while give us an old school Srpg or TBRpg.


06/15/2013 at 08:14 PM

Same here. When I play my DS too long my hands fall asleep. And If I'm playing an 80 hr RPG random 20 minute sessions are just not going to cut it. And over hand of my DS games are rpgs or strategy games, So I'm kinda screwed LOL.


06/15/2013 at 10:46 PM

See thats why i like the ps2 so much cause it has tons of turned based strategy games and Turn based rpgs that i really like thus being the reason im always doing blogs and reveiws on the ps2. It seems like everyone on here loves the 3ds and the games are great but i cant play these little bittie screens for long periods of time i wish you could play 3ds games on the Tv being optional of course but that would be a million dallar idea itself lol!! And the fact that these companys think TB games dont sell is the reason they stop making them because the younger generation doesnt find them acceptable but the fact is there a generation of gamers that do love TB games and we get the shaft makes me wonder if Microsoft ownes shares of all third party game developers lo!!!


06/16/2013 at 01:35 AM

Well the SNES had a Gameboy adapter, the Cube had a GBA player, so I figured it only made sense that the Wii would have a DS player. So much for that. Sadly it all comes down to money, and whenever profit is envolved mediocrity and uninspired clones will flourish. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/15/2013 at 09:10 AM

i love turnbased too.  the last great console turnbased was Lost Odyssey but it didn't sell very well, which is too bad cause it was a great game.


06/15/2013 at 09:39 AM

I have really wanted to play that one, it is probably the only game that could get me to buy a 360. When they get cheap enough I might just have to take the dive. Squeenix should beg Hironobu Sakiguchi to come back.


06/15/2013 at 09:16 AM

Yes, apart from a few exceptions (namely Final Fantasy X), turn-based combat bores the shit out of me. I mainly like fighting games and hack-'n-slash action games with the occasional shooter; I prefer interacting with the game more directly during combat. As such, I'm excited about XV in a way that nothing I've seen out of the main FF series has managed since 2001.

No, I don't have ADHD.


06/15/2013 at 09:50 AM

I like all kinds of games too and I like the variety of gameplay styles. Back in the day all I played was beat'um ups and shooters and TBC style games didn't appeal to me either. Then I played Chronotrigger and it really changed my perspective. Not everyone is going to like ever style of game. I find Sports games to be an ironic oxymoron, but I understand why people like them. All I'm saying is TBC has been a staple of FF from day one, to take that out would be like taking Devil May Cry and turning it in to a puzzle platformer. Sometimes I'm in the mood for some twitch (ADHD) gameplay, other times I like something a little slower and more cerebral.

Julian Titus Senior Editor

06/15/2013 at 12:39 PM

There can be a balance. Since they introduced the ATB, FF was always fast-paced, except for X which was total turn based. 

I'd like to see them iterate on X-2's combat system. That game required quick decisions but at the same time you could really strategize.


06/15/2013 at 08:11 PM

Yeah I'm all about innovation and trying new things. But I don't think the potential of TBC has been completely explored. Chrono Cross had a really unique system and no one has ever done anything even close to it since.


06/15/2013 at 11:30 AM

I think the Takes Series got it right, it's technically Action RPG but it keeps many of the old turn-based styles.

I'll always prefer turnbased, i can't play chess to save my life but i like the idea of thinking before making a move while at the same tme taking too long cost.


06/15/2013 at 08:17 PM

To me TBC games are kind of like chess on steroids, lol.


06/15/2013 at 12:19 PM

I use to hate turn based combat.  It kept me from playing rpgs for years.  Now, I don't mind it so much as long as it's fun the and story is good.  

I don't know a thing about Versus or FFXV or whatever it's called.  I've only seen a little clip. 




06/15/2013 at 08:21 PM

Well honestly I don't know the specifics on the combat system in FFXV, but it does not look even a little like a TBC type system. I was not  too keen on that style of play when I was younger, but Chrono Trigger and FFVII really turned me into a fan of TBC rpg's.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/15/2013 at 02:52 PM

I love turn based combat, but cmon dude. This game wasn't suppose to be in the main series initially, and was suppose to be a spin off. The combat is essentially the same as Kingdom Hearts from the look of it, just a little flashy, and FF has always lent on girly looking guys. ALWAYS. Do you remember Resident Evil 4? Yeah, it was amazing, and I think this could be too. They're keeping turn based combat for other titles in the series, they're just trying something different for this one. And really, they're 15 titles in, they had to change shit up sometime.


06/15/2013 at 08:30 PM

 I really liked Amano's style and not all of his character designs were "girly". But I have seen enough pics of these pop glam rock bands from japan to know where Nomura is getting his ideas. FF13 was not a spin off and it was barely TBC. 13-3 is practicly an action game. I'm not saying it won't be a good game, I just think calling it a numbered Final Fantasy title is misleading.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/15/2013 at 09:06 PM

Oh I agree. They should have kept this as FF Versus XIII but oh well. I'm just glad this game is actually getting made, as I've been following it for like 3 years now. FFXIII was just terrible, and the further they move away from that the better.


06/15/2013 at 10:15 PM

Thats true, just about anything would be an improvement over 13, lol.


06/15/2013 at 04:16 PM

Yes my fellow Gemini and sharer of birthdate, I'm turn based to the core. I wasn't always. I hated FF VII when I first played it. :O


06/15/2013 at 08:34 PM

I think most people who got into games playing shooters and beat'um ups are always initially put off. And they may not be for everyone but I grew to really love them. Chrono Trigger was my first, so by the time FFVII hit I was already a convert Laughing.


06/16/2013 at 09:16 PM

Chrono Trigger blew me away. After getting used to all the new fangled graphics of modern games I started playing it and totally forgot I was playing a 16 bit RPG within the first few hours. I've played it several times now and I love it more every time.


06/17/2013 at 09:31 AM

Its one of my favorite games of all time. They just don't make them like that anymore.


06/15/2013 at 04:31 PM

I don't mind "action combat" but at the same time I don't think a turn based battle-system is a terrible archaic design choice. Back then I played Final Fantasy for the story. (You know, when Final Fantasy stories were actually rather good) I also liked having a moment to strategize my next move. In some ways it was more fulfilling than button mashing and flashy effects.

Besides, about the time gamers were saying "Turn-based is dead" Persona 4 released and sold like hotcakes. Just saying! (But uh yeah, they did make Persona 3 & Persona 4 into a fighting game too. Tongue Out )


06/15/2013 at 08:39 PM

I hoped that the success of Persona 3 and 4 would have made people realize that westerners still like these style of games. Yeah you got the Persona fighter, hell even a FF fighter, but they were not numbered titles in the series. FFXV is so that why I'm pissed. But I'm not suprised they went in this direction, just disappointed.


06/15/2013 at 10:27 PM

I'm old school TBC all the way. I like being able to think about what I'm doing. If I want to play an action game, I'll play an action game. And I do play plenty of action games.


06/15/2013 at 10:33 PM

My feelings exactly. The way things are going FPS and action games are going to be all we have to choose from. I want variety.


06/16/2013 at 01:09 AM

Have you played the MMORTS Katamari? (haha j/k)

I agree with your entry 100000%. Aside from the occasional quirky "Ni No Kuni"-esque spin on turn based gaming, I want my games to stay true to their formats. This is especially true for Turn-based RPGS! 


06/16/2013 at 01:44 AM

Like I told Julian I think there is still a lot of potential and innovative ideas for TBC. Aside from Final Fantasy you have games like Lunar, Suikoden, Grandia, and Chrono Cross that all use TBC, yet each one brought a totally unique system to the table.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/16/2013 at 01:20 AM

Yeah, as the one guy here that doesn't enjoy JRPGs and is excited for FFXV for that exact reason ... I'm gonna back away slowly ... but believe it or not, I do understand your frustration. I'm a fan of the original Star Fox and Star Fox 64 style of gameplay, and that was abandoned long ago in the series, so I feel your pain (even if I did actually like Adventure and Assault).

I do like thinking and don't have ADHD, though. Even if I do get bored* too* quickly for turn-based combat. Tongue Out

Ah, I'm just being a dick with those spelling corrections, I know you were just upset. The point is, I like the change, but I totally understand why people are upset, and I can sympathize with that.


06/16/2013 at 01:59 AM

Its all good, thats what I get for relying on spell check, lol. Its really a two fold thing because for one these style of game really are drying up and second that is what Final Fantasy has been at its core from the beginning.

The Starfox thing is kinda of tricky, I never played Adventure but I loved Assault. And other than the none vehicular missions (which were kinda wanky) I thought Assault really took the best elements of the classic Starfox games and ran with it. But to me what they are doing to FF would be like making an official numbered sequel to Starfox and then making it a FPS and totally leave out the ships and tanks. Its just would not be Starfox anymore.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/16/2013 at 03:01 AM

True. They are definitely changing Final Fantasy's core game mechanic a lot more than Assault changed Star Fox's, just by nature of completely revamping it as opposed to simply putting the original gameplay style on the back burner a la Assault.

In fact, it's not even that far on the back burner with Assault, there's just other stuff I felt was unnecessary in that game breaking up my favorite sections.

Yeah, not a 1:1 comparison at all, my bad. lol


06/16/2013 at 01:48 AM

I understand how ya feel. While I wish to see turn based brought back, I am happy with what their using in the new FF game. It was the damn headache system they put in FF13 I couldnt stand. Played that game for like 30 mins and said "fuck this crap". I hope one day to see the return of turn based combat.


06/16/2013 at 02:06 AM

Well I thought high detail pixlated side scrolling beat'um ups went extinct years ago Yet Dragon Crown is just around the corner. Its more of an action RPG at its heart I know, but it looks like a Final Fight D&D love child on steroids, LOL. So maybe there is some hope for TBC after all.


06/16/2013 at 02:41 AM

Everyone has been trying to add action to turn-based games. The Final Fantasy games are the most notable. I did think the active time battle system in FFIV was pretty neat, but it's still mostly turn-based, just with a time limit, kinda like speed chess. I've been baffled with the system in FFXII. Why can't they just leave it be. They should make an action game instead of trying to create some crazy hybrid.


06/16/2013 at 12:05 PM

There have been several games that found ways to make TBC feel faster and more exciting without leaving the core aspect behind. Some good ones are Grandia III, Resonence of Fate, Xenogears, and Chrono Cross just to name a few. FFXII was weird, I appretiate what they were trying to do but it just felt like the ai would some times do stupid stuff, plus the feeling that the game was on auto pilot the whole time. Funny thing is FFXV is looking just like an action game, at least going from the video I saw.

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