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Blake's Thoughts on the New Arrested Development.

On 06/15/2013 at 02:31 PM by Blake Turner

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 Holy Crap. If I had to go off the first three episodes of this season, I would have called it a disaster. It had moments of genuis, sure, but those bits were few and far between. It seemed that a show that was centered around dysfunctionality and group dynamics really didn't work as well when you split these characters up and focus on them individually.

 Fortunately, the initial impression was far from the impression I had when I finished the season. The singular focus actually worked quite well, allowing the impressive storytelling to shine through. In fact, the only reason the first three episodes were such a disaster on the initial viewing was because it was setting up some really awesome stuff, and if it didn't do that, those moments wouldn't be nearly as great as they were. 

 One thing to note is that this show is a HELL of a lot darker than when it first aired. These are bad people. People die, have their lives destroyed, get addicted to drugs, turn to prostitution, and go through some incredibly messed up scenarios. In fact, in some moments, this season even gives It's Always Sunny In Phliadelphia a run for their money, making them look like decent people. Michael, in particular, is probably the least likable (in a hilarious and true to character way) this season, as he just does some incredibly dickish things to EVERYONE!

 The stand out episodes were G.O.B's though. Both of his episodes rival the best episodes of the previous seasons, and his interactions with Tony Wonder are some of the funniest, darkest, and most touching things I've ever seen from this show, or any comedy quite frankly. Tobias' episodes were fantastic as well, especially him calling up Ron Howard and saying "Hello, I'm a registered sex offender, and I'd like to speak to Ron Howard thanks." Oddly enough, his episodes were the darkest of the season, as he really destroyed a persons life just to keep his dreams alive.

 George Michael was actually a stand out, and his character development was fantastic. He was involved in some of the funniest moments, and he really came into his own as a character, and a Bluth. Seeing him tell his first lie was fantastic!

 Overall, the only character episodes that fell a little short were Lindsays and Georges. They were a bit draggy, although they had some truly inspired moments, they were certainly the weakest links.

 Overall, this season has two of the worst episodes of the shows life, and some of the best. The show is back in a big way, and it's just as creative and unique as ever. It also set up some truly amazing possibilities for the next season, which I simply cannot wait for! If you haven't watched it, do that now. You won't regret it. If you haven't watched the first 3... watch them first, or you won't understand half of what's going on. At all.




06/15/2013 at 02:45 PM

The cliffhanger ending with the punch was a bit meh in my opinion.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/15/2013 at 02:49 PM

 I thought it was kinda awesome, but ending it there was a bit shit. I mean the whole making Michael a bit more villaneous this season ws kind of a great move IMO. The next time on made up for it a little bit though.


06/15/2013 at 02:58 PM

The only thing that was redeeming about the end is that they gave the song and the credits to contemplate what the hell just happened there.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/15/2013 at 03:26 PM

What do you mean? It makes perfect sense as to why the punch happened. It was kind of awesome.


06/15/2013 at 03:54 PM

I find shows like this depressing. Aka, they show the worst of human nature and even in real life I get a dose of that everyday from the news. It would be different if these characters were slowly working through their own problems to redeem themselves but instead they wallow in their unlikable flaws.

Regardless, I'm sure it's a brilliant show with good acting. It's simply not my cup of tea.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/15/2013 at 04:14 PM

Watch the first 3 seasons Ben. They aren't that dark. There is genuine character development in this season, and in the first three seasons especially, it's more about Michael trying to save the company and his son from his families corruption. I think you'd love it. It's a lot like a mix of Community, Seinfield and The Office IMO.


06/15/2013 at 04:17 PM

I still might give Arrested Development a chance. I mean I did like House MD for awhile. I'm not entirely against cynical humor. lol.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/15/2013 at 04:38 PM

 It's more satirical and crazy than anything. It's in my top 3 comedies of all time, so you do need to watch it. It does take a few episodes to get into it though.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/16/2013 at 01:43 AM

I know what you mean, Ben. Sometimes I just want something silly like Monty Python, especially when people really do act like assholes in real life, and I'm asked to laugh at it.

BUT I remember liking the first few episodes when it first aired; too bad my family hated it, and would always change the channel.

I could even like the new series, it just depends on what day I'm having and in what way the characters are being assholes. lol

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/16/2013 at 02:03 AM

 As I said, original AD is fairly light hearted. This season is too for the most part, it just has some dark moments. If you can handle shows like Community or The Office, or even Seinfeild, you could handle this.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/16/2013 at 03:04 AM

I do love The Office and I like my Seinfeld/Friends re-runs. That reminds me, I gotta watch Community at some point. lol

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/16/2013 at 03:20 AM

OMG WATCH IT!!! It's like a sitcom designed for geeks. They do an entire episode set in an 16-bit game... and dear god the references!!!!


06/15/2013 at 05:13 PM

I'll have to go back to it.  I only saw the 1st 3 eps and thought, the show was done.  They should of stopped with the previous season.  This is not the first time I read the show got better.  I think I'll watch a few more eps tonight. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/15/2013 at 05:39 PM

The first Tobias episode was where I started to enjoy it, and the first G.O.B. episode was where I started to love it.


06/15/2013 at 10:56 PM

I've watched up to I believe episode 11 so far, and I really didn't get to enjoying until the latest episode I watched. That was the episode that focused on Gob and Tony Wonder, hilarious start to finish. Other than that though it only brought me a few laughs. I agree the first few episodes were the worst, other stuff is not working for me like Tobias, who I thought was the funniest character until this season. Still, I will gladly watch another season if they decide to do it.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/16/2013 at 02:04 AM

Watch it again. It's sooooo much better the second time around. AD always is. There are so many background jokes!


06/18/2013 at 12:47 AM

I still haven't seen anything of Arrested Development sans the first episode of the show and it still pisses me off that Hulu is exclusive to the US, since they have the complete show there. Then again, I have a program that I haven't used that much that allows me to enter US domain sites.....

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