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4 New TV Shows You Need To Watch

On 06/16/2013 at 10:19 PM by Blake Turner

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 I'm not a massive fan of movies. They need to be experienced in a single sitting, and the meticulously crafted world that you fell in love with is over within two hours. I much prefer video games, and television series for their ability to draw me in for hours and hours, and gifting me with the ability to leave whenever I wish. Since I already talk about video games enough, here are four new shows you need to watch ASAP!

Da Vinci's Demons

 Being penned by the guy who wrote The Dark Knight and Batman Begins, as well as a bunch of other awesome stuff, this show about political tension and historical fantasy is a hell of a lot of fun. Da Vinci reminds me a lot of a David Tennant era Doctor Who, complete with funny quips, quirky personality and a surprising amount of depth. The rest of the show plays like Game of Thrones were it a bit more lighthearted and focused on a central character. It's still gory and has a lot of sex (you see three penises in the first episode, and two pairs of breasts), but it reminds me more of 90's adventure shows like Xena or Hercules for the 21st century than anything else. Definitely worth checking out if you're into that sort of thing.



 Jim Jefferies is one of my favourite comedians, for his ability to be both offensive and poignant. His show is no different, although the content is dialled back a bit in terms of language and content. You really couldn't get away with saying "A dry c*nt is an impotent c*nt and you're not a real woman and you should be ashamed of yourself" on television. However, the show is far from tame. One of the main characters has sever muscular distrophy, drugs and sex are frequently shown, and the show can be a bit dark sometimes, tackling issues like suicide and other tough topics, and Jim himself can be a bit of a dick sometimes. However, unlike a lot of shows of it's ilk, Jim is genuinely trying to be a better person, and he does really care about his friends.


 You know what? I'm just going to out and say it: This show is better than Silence of the Lambs. It's better than every other movie in the franchise. It also somehow manages to be darker, more personal, and better written. This is more about characters than gore - although there is plenty of that - this takes the psychological route and plays on character interaction and progression. Hannibal is brilliant here, but he isn't the main star, at least not immediately. He is always a threatening presence though, even if the other characters don't know it.

Orphan Black

 Damn, we haven't had a science fiction show this good in quite some time, at least not since Fringe began. The story starts with a woman witnessing the suicide of someone who looks exactly like her. She steals her identity and clears out her bank account, but not before being drawn into something that I'm not going to watch. Suffice to say, you need to watch this, as something this exciting doesn't happen often in the Science Fiction world.

 So there you have it, my four shows you should be watching. What do you think I should be watching? What shows have you fallen in love with recently?



Super Step Contributing Writer

06/16/2013 at 10:30 PM

Well, I love movies, and a large part of that is because I get everything I need in a single sitting, and can come back to it as I wish, unlike TV where I have to make sure I'm caught up all the time.

That being said, I do still enjoy a good TV series, so if I happen to catch Hannibal or Sherlock one of these nights, I think I might watch them as per high praise, and I don't doubt the show is better than Silence of the Lambs (I didn't really like the movie that much to start with, honestly). Those sound like shows I would watch.

You know what TV series I'm honestly most stoked for though? Legend of Korra Book 2. Didn't even grow up with the Avatar series, just discovered it after the mediocre 2010 film. I know, I'm lame.


06/16/2013 at 10:35 PM

Which sherlock? The British one or American one? I've read good things about both. The British Sherlock show is very good, it's got Bilbo Baggins and Smaug from the Hobbit as the stars.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/16/2013 at 10:38 PM

American version I believe. Wouldn't mind either, but I imagine that's the one I'm hearing about on my facebook feed/is more readily available to me.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/16/2013 at 11:32 PM

 I don't watch these shows on tv. I don't even have a tv. I mostly download these shows because I don't even have access to them in Australia. If I watch a show, I have to watch it from the beginning or it just frustrates me.

 Also the British Sherlock is pretty darn awesome. It's written by Stephen Moffat I think... the showrunner for Doctor Who atm.


06/17/2013 at 06:59 AM

Blake, the American one is called Elementary. I don't think it's as good as the British one, which is awesome.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 07:33 AM

I watched an episode of Elementary and really disliked it. Do you know if it gets any better?


06/17/2013 at 08:02 AM

if you compare elementary and sherlock you are bound to leave disappointed.  I love sherlock, but still want to watch elementary because the wait for the next season of sherlock is going to be forever.


06/17/2013 at 07:33 PM

I have no idea if it gets better, because I didn't like it well enough to bother watching more than the one episode.


06/16/2013 at 10:33 PM

Orphan Black is my favorite new show. The actress is very good in it and is already nominated for TV awards. I saw Davinci after the ending of Spartacus, Davinci was heavily promoted but I didn't really get into it. I'll give it a try again. I've never heard of Legit? 

Thanks for TV posts. I wish more people would comment on TV and Film. Now that Game of Thrones season ended, I've been looking for new shows. to watch. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/16/2013 at 11:29 PM

 Ok, so these are shows that came out this year. I'm going to put up a list of my favourite dramatic shows and another list of my favourite comedic shows. Hopefully you'll find some other stuff to like in them!

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

06/16/2013 at 11:27 PM

Ooh nice. I'm going to check out Legit, Orphan Black, and Da Vinci's Demons.

Have you seen the trailer for Almost Human? I'm excited for it.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/16/2013 at 11:30 PM

 Almost Human looks awesome. For some reason I thought you were talking about being human at first, and the trailer didn't load so I didn't get a chance to see it. After a refresh I've seen it, and it looks pretty darn sweet. Thanks for this!

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

06/16/2013 at 11:34 PM

Wait, there's a British version? What the...

Somehow the trailer I posted wasn't showing, but it's working now on my previous post.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/16/2013 at 11:35 PM

Edited the post lol.

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

06/16/2013 at 11:37 PM

Haha I thought you were talking about Being Human too after I checked to see if there was a British version, but yeah Almost Human looks fantastic.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/16/2013 at 11:39 PM

Yeah. Reminds me of I Robot/Surrogates a bit. I'll definitely check it out, as we don't get a lot of great sci fi shows.

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

06/17/2013 at 12:30 AM

Hopefully it does turn out to be a great sci-fi show. I like watching the fantasy based stuff like Supernatural, True Blood, Game of Thrones, and whatnot, but I also want to watch an invigorating sci-fi show.

Just watched the first episode of Legit, and I enjoyed the humor. I'm going to keep watching it for sure. And that's where DJ Qualls is, he just stopped having screen time on Supernatural's latest season and I just thought it was weird he wasn't shown considering his current part (not going to spoil it), and the Winchester boys don't really need him considering where they are, but his character was cool in a quirky way.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 12:46 AM

That's good, glad you're enjoying it :) If you enjoy legit, definitely check out Jim Jefferies stand up.

 And yeah, Dj Qualls character in this is fantastic. Jim Jefferies actually used to work as a helper for Autistic people, so a lot of this is based on real experiences, and his best friend actually has muscular distrophy. 


06/17/2013 at 12:30 AM

I've watched some of Orphan Black. It's been great so far but I'm a tad confused. (I missed a few of the beginning episodes) Da'vinci's demons and Legit seem right up my alley. Thamks for the suggestions,Blake!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 12:48 AM

Oh, I definitely think you'll enjoy Da Vinci's demons. I can't put my finger on why, but it just seems like something you'd enjoy.


06/17/2013 at 04:58 AM

Hannibal is effin' brutal. Has abit of a Dexter vibe about it as well, which is awesome!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 10:21 PM

You're damn right. It surprises me more that this is on FUCKING NBC! Not cable, free to air!


06/17/2013 at 08:02 AM

Legit is the only one that I have not heard about.  I have been interested in the other three though.

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