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Censored by Razorfist? Only you Brokeh,only you!

On 06/17/2013 at 09:22 PM by BrokenH

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First of all, I’m sorry I deleted my last blog. I realized some of you took the time to reply to me so you have my condolences.

Ironically though deleting that blog was an accident I’m kind of glad it happened. Despite the fact I was frustrated with the anonymous friend I was talking about it was still a dick move. Though I didn’t refer to her by name and could have been talking about anyone in the world it’s still as if I was trying to play god. Aka, me dictating to someone else how they should run their life. Whelp, being  I can barely keep my own state of affairs in order I’ve henceforth decided I will not give advice to any person UNLESS they specifically ask me for it. Even with good intentions I felt as if I screwed up there. I appreciate the fact none of you attacked me but even so I might have lost some trust amongst my readership. Perhaps eventually I will regain that trust.

Don't get me wrong. I believe "tough love" is the right method occasionally. Aka, there are those uncomfortable instances we have to tell those we love what they need to hear instead of what they want to hear. Yet we shouldn't air those conversations like dirty laundry either.

Incidentally I found something a bit less offensive and more angst-ridden to blog about. If you’re like me you haunt you tube and may even reply here or there. Mostly I don’t say something so outrageous I get banned from a channel. (Seriously, even 1up never blocked me when I posted arguments under their you- tube videos. That should tell you something!)

So it came as a surprise when motha fuckin Razor-Fist himself blocked me. (The guy isn't a long standing friend of mine. He's just a celebrity personality on youtube) Yes, “The Heavy Metal Gamer” who says more swear words in a single sentence then I could cram into a whole year‘s worth of profane ranting! So what would incite the king of cussing & anti-censorship to rub me out? I simply argued with him that the people angry at Microsoft had legitimate reasons to be upset and as such they were not the mindless mob he was labeling them as. Ironically, I didn’t drop a single “asshole” or “dickhead” in my post. Regardless, something must have offended “Mr. Sunglasses” to his jaded little core!

On one hand, I admire Razor's passion. Certainly I see him as wrong but the fact he gets so heated up in these debates proves without a doubt he has love,sweat,blood,and tears invested into gaming. I can respect that! On the other hand, I wish he would have debated with me instead of blocking me outright. That struck me as a bit childish.

"Razorfist calls anti-microsoft gamers a mindless lynchmob."

"Razorfist finally admits microsoft are "out of their fuckin minds" but calls out supporters of the Wii U and PS4 as being mindless sheep to the slaughter as well! (Dude, how can anyone win with your "everyone sucks" logic?) Of course we're going to support the consoles that are more friendly to the consumers. It has nothing to do with being a fan-boy you belligerent get! I actually own a 360 you shit-head!"

~My attempt to talk more like Razor-Fist while defending my point!




06/17/2013 at 09:31 PM

Well, I missed the previous blog, so no worries. As for getting banned for trying to debate something...well, I've had my share of arguments with idiots. None of them ever banned me, kind of wish a couple of them had, though, lol. Isn't it both amusing as fascinating as to what sets some people off?


06/17/2013 at 09:36 PM

It is, Tami. My response to him was mild sauce. Didn't call him a single name. I just said things like "Now you've seen E3 what are your thoughts now?" and "Sometimes mobs are misguided but other times the people have good reasons to be upset as a collective whole."

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/17/2013 at 09:38 PM

You sure it was him, specifically, and not a Youtube something-or-other? Sounds like a moron if it is him.

And I refuse to accept that Xbox One bashing is due to a "console war." It's a consumer war, and we all need to make sure consumers don't lose to these absurd policies. Console war was when I was eleven, and I bought a Gamecube cause of blind fanboyism, and in retrospect probably would have liked Xbox in the long-run. 360 had a lot going for it last gen. This, though? The line between "fanboys" and honest consumers is blurred beyond recognition; should Microsoft pull back on its policies and release a version without Kinect for the same price as a PS4, I'll be on their side. But it doesn't look like that'll happen, so I'm vehemently opposed, despite admitting they have better exclusives and a better controller.


06/17/2013 at 09:42 PM

It was him. I responded to his personal channel and was blocked. (With my comment removed.) I found this out when trying to respond to his second video.  (By law a youtube moderator would have had no reason to remove my reply. It was rather polite & vanilla. No spicy offensive vocabulary was used in my post.)

I also agree this is a consumer war as opposed to a console war. I have no problem with gamers buying X-box-ones so long as they wait until microsoft changes its' evasive anti-consumer/anti-privacy bullshit.


06/17/2013 at 10:04 PM

I'm sorry you got banned Ben. If he is such a master debater than I wonder why he couldn't handle it? You really must have pricked a nerve. Is it possible to make up a new account? That screen shot on the second video is priceless lol. I think I'll go play some MK now.


06/17/2013 at 10:10 PM

I was surprised. Aka, I thought Razorfist was capable of handling one guy disagreeing with him. Guess I was wrong. lol. I really didn't say anything mean to the guy.

And yeah, the Mortal Kombat Meme "is" priceless. lol.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 10:28 PM

 Wow. He couldn't even engage you in a debate? What an asshole.


06/17/2013 at 10:32 PM

Nope. I'd almost understand if I came at him "prison rules style" whilst giving him the digital finger but I was rather polite. (Though I was disagreeing with him.)

If you look at those videos on youtube he did get down voted a lot. Maybe he was just feeling the pressure of that,Blake.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 10:45 PM

Youtube celebrities are the worst thing on Earth. 


06/17/2013 at 10:46 PM

Not all of them. But yeah,there are assholes on youtube all the same,Matt. lol.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/17/2013 at 10:58 PM

One of my favourites - Totalbiscuit - can be an arrogant dick to his commenters, but at least he argues his points with facts and doesn't ban people unless they are racist, homophobic etc.


06/17/2013 at 11:02 PM

I would have preferred a snarky come back, actually! Blocking me though? Bad form!


06/17/2013 at 11:14 PM

Well I'm specifically asking for advice!

Dear Ben

I ve got some downy hair starting to develop on parts of my body and I get a strange feeling inside when I see girls.... is there something wrong with me?


06/17/2013 at 11:20 PM

Dear Adam,

 Yes, yes there is! But it's okay,mate. All humans are filthy creatures worthy of reproach! It's not just you!


06/17/2013 at 11:19 PM

So basically what he was saying is it was ok for him to bash Microsoft but no one else can. Dude is so full of himself he probably shits little Razorfists, LOL.


06/17/2013 at 11:20 PM

Dude,ouch! That hurts just thinking about it! Hemroid flare! Surprised


06/18/2013 at 01:00 AM

I was not around this weekend so guess what? I still think you're great! I pay no attention to all the rumors. I have seen Razorfist on YouTube before. I even agree with some of his rants. But not this one. People who are enraged at Microsoft have a right to feel that way. I respect that. I just don't join in because I know eventually I will buy an XBOX One and I don't want to be a hypocrite. They can't hand me a pile of poo and expect me to thank them. May be a while before they any cash from me.


06/18/2013 at 12:50 PM

I think if you wait to get an Xbox 1 after microsoft "fixes" a lot of its' policies that's reasonable,Celt. It's a good system, it's just wrapped up in a lot of bullshit right now.

Personally I will not get an Xbox 1 this gen but that's my personal decision. I will not scorn friends who eventually get one. That would be silly.


06/18/2013 at 01:38 AM

I'm sure if I made my own youtube videos, I'd probably want everyone to agree with what I talk about and say "Haha Kevin, you are so funny!" but maybe that would be unrealistic. From what I've seen from the video above, Razor just basically seems to be ranting so I don't know how he could not expect dissenting opinion. He didn't have to reply to you (he probably gets too many comments to do that), but blocking and removing the comment is pretty low.


06/18/2013 at 12:53 PM

I thought so too. Heck, at least let my comment stay up. What's weird is there are other comments there from other people that disagreed with him and they came at him a lot more viciously than I did. Dude needs to get his priorities straight.

Justin Matkowski Staff Alumnus

06/18/2013 at 01:50 AM

Poor man's Jerry Cantrell needs to stop blocking people and learn how to actually have a logical, intelligent debate with another person. Isn't rational discussion and difference of opinion how people grow and learn? Don't take it personally my friend, dude sounds like a jackass.

And for his "TV is a dying medium" argument: The Walking Dead, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and Game of Thrones disagree, in terms of critical acclaim and fiscal revenue.


06/18/2013 at 01:07 PM

Television isn't dead. It's changed a bit with the times and as you said there are series that make a killing!

I think Razorfist tries to be "Mr. Shocking" mixed with "Chris Jericho". (He uses the word "parasites" a lot as if it's original or something. Hey Rageaholic, Chris wants his material back!) But if he cannot take the heat he shouldn't encourage people to debate with him.

Alpha Omega Sin, Raychul,Nixie Pixel,Blunty, and Angry Joe are better game/tech commentators in my opinion. They keep their cool even when being harassed by a few assholes.

What gets me about Razor was I wasn't even being an asshole,really. I wasn't calling him names, I just disagreed with him. If he cannot handle that he shouldn't be on youtube.

Justin Matkowski Staff Alumnus

06/18/2013 at 02:42 PM

The Chris Jericho comment had me laughing! To me, this cat comes off as a cartoon: "Grrr I'm abrasive and swear a lot!! I have long hair and a Motorhead poster, watch out!!" But apparently logical debate is beyond him. Agreed, there are far better game commentators out there that don't have the reactionary tendencies of a toddler.


06/18/2013 at 02:55 PM

Yeah, he couldn't even admit he was wrong in his follow up video after seeing E3. People have the right to be upset with microsoft's policies & restrictions. This has nothing to do with fan-boyism. It's about consumers wanting to be treated like humanbeings.


06/18/2013 at 08:46 PM

Nice, you did good again.  

I kind of liked his videos, but the swearing for no real reason was a bit much.  I think I'll unsubscribe his ass. Cool 


06/18/2013 at 10:12 PM

Whelp, if you get something out of watching him that's cool,James. I kind of liked him too before these last two videos. The fact he pretty much banned me from his channel doesn't do him any favors either. I thought Rageaholic could take a mild disagreement. I mean he's supposed to be "hardcore" and all that! Tongue Out


06/18/2013 at 11:16 PM

Really sucks what happened there. If he's like that, then he pretty much doesn't know how to engage in debates.


06/18/2013 at 11:59 PM

I was just surprised my words cut him so deep he banned me,Alejandro. Aka, I didn't call him names. I simply politely disagreed with him. It was me at my most bland,courteous, and vanilla!


07/06/2013 at 12:12 PM

I hate that when that happens to. I know it's a joke that it's the internet and we should "though I disagree, I respect your opnion" but it would be nice if we coudl civilally agree to disagree instead of outright blocking people just because they don't agree with every thought one has.

I understand if one has to stop following or gets blocked because they are too negative, but at least I'd like to go for the benefit of the doubt that the current "if your for us then your against us" mentality that has overtaken rational though as of late in almost every opinonated issue.

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