dude I would totally watch this show. I'm kind of pissed actually I can't. Real TV sucks.
This would certainly be more interesting than my current lifestyle!
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![]() On 06/18/2013 at 06:05 PM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
Dear Entertainment Network, (This one is for you, Blake. Lulz!)
After watching Big Bang Theory it come to my attention you don’t know shit about geeks. This is why I’ve gathered archives & routines of my personal life to make into an ongoing TV show. Yes, it’s about time people know what it’s like for underprivileged low income nerds!
Ben lives in a small apartment on the second floor. When he’s not drawing almost naked women, diddling around in rpg maker, gaming, listening to Heavy Metal, and writing blogs he’s looking up heterosexual anal porn on Xhamster and cybering other guys who are pretending to be girls in “isexychat” under his id “Assman77”. Because Ben doesn’t have a car he walks everywhere and often gets mistaken as a hobo, retired wrestler, or a washed out musician! (Ben has long hair you see. He’s not a clean cut wanker in a suit! I swear you execs think all nerds look the same!) In general Ben is a “nice guy” but his odd behaviorisms, shitty low income, and silly quirks have doomed him into platonic friendships with all his female friends.
Alex is Ben’s more reasonable best buddy. In general Alex is better with money and even has “real women” visit him once in awhile. When Ben is being delusional, overdramatic, or being a complete dick-wad , Alex has clever sarcastic clips to put Ben in his place. Alex often fixes Ben’s computer because Ben is a technologically inept idiot! Let’s face it. Everyone watching the show will end up liking Alex more than Ben. It’s inevitable! (Both Alex & Ben get annoyed when people assume they’re gay just because they hang out a lot together. By the way, Alex has a beard! Would that make him “the bear” within this bromance? )
Kara is Ben’s social worker and is “totally hawt”. (In a modest nerdy kind of way) In general she checks up on him to be sure he’s paying his portion of the rent on time and to be sure he has not “gone emo” due to his bipolar disorder. Ben brings up things around Kara he wouldn’t normally bring up around the other characters. It’s through her you find out about his mom’s suicide and the period in his life he used to cut on himself. The audience will often think Ben & Kara should end up as a couple but the thing is Ben is too dysfunctional & introverted for that to happen. (Unlike the other characters based entirely on real people Kara is more or less made up with only partial traits relating to real people.) One of the biggest mysteries is what Kara is like outside of work. No one knows whether or not she’s a geek, a hippy, a club-chick, or a Goth.
Gavin grew up in what everyone else considers a privileged family. However, his family has always been fighting their own debts and their celebrity house keeping service in “the islands” isn’t doing so well. (Apparently rich people can be stingy when it comes to paying off their hired help.) Sauntering from shitty job to shitty job, Gavin often has funny horror stories about where he works! Though Gavin is often drunk, at least he’s a happy drunk! Deep down Gavin has a heart of gold and is a bit more world-wise than he lets on. He also looks like a more heavy set David Borandez!
Wisdom Sky Star hates his namesake given to him by his hippy parents. Gavin’s best friend and also friends with Alex & Ben, Wisdom is the shortest amongst all of them. Winning phrases from Wisdom include “Silence, fools!” and “I despise you all!” His most prized heirloom is a pink shirt that reads “Real men wear pink.” In general Wisdom is there to take care of Gavin when his oafish yet lovable side kick has hit the alcohol a little bit too hard.
Ben’s dad who is dying of hepatitis which he contracted while visiting The Philippines and his “way too young” mail order bride girlfriend. When his stomach ulcer broke John was rushed to a Pilipino hospital and given a transfusion of bad blood. Since then John’s Pilipino wife has divorced him and he is often seen driving around in his black ford truck with his small chiwawa at his side. In one episode John visits Ben just to ask his son for a piece of his liver. Luckily, Ben was taking anti-depressant medications at that time so a “liver transplant” was out of the question. In general John is selfish, short sighted, and comes off as a braggart-know- it-all. He’s also a closet alcoholic and used to grow and sell marijuana.
A “chubby rich brat” right out of college who used to table-top roleplay with Ben, Alex, Gavin, and Wisdom. Bartley always swore he was going to work for Lockheed Martin. (Apparently he is a huge aviation buff.) Additionally Bartley makes repulsive jokes about killing his own mother just to inherit her wealth and raping his younger teenaged sister. (Based on his twisted sense of humor Bartley also has a thing for underaged Asian prostitutes and moe lolicon.) Bartley would often give people rides, pick up munchies, and do other acts of pseudo kindness just so everyone would feel indebted to him. Needless to say, Ben and his friends ditched Bartley because he was a giant jerk-bag. An antagonist in the series, Bartley often flaunts having the newest game console or the newest “hip” tech device just to make his “ex friends” envious. If all this were not bad enough, he’s a total loot whore!
Matt Mackley
The “big cheese” in town, Matt Mackley is a “geek hipster with connections” who often organizes large events just to keep in everyone’s good graces. He has a long standing rivalry with Alex because they’re both “tech gurus”. Alex and Matt always seem to love opposing name brands thus this continues the heated contention between them. However, Matt still likes Alex, Ben, Gavin, and Wisdom because they’re his most loyal customers when it comes to his gaming & comics store!
Rob Mackley
Matt’s younger brother, Rob is a self labeled feminist. In general Rob loves to dig up the dirt on everyone else so he seems that much more impeccable by comparison. When Ben had an art booth at a comic con one year, Rob organized protesters against him. Some of the most memorable signs were “Eyes up here!”, “Big boobed misogyny” and “Put clothes on those poor objectified damsels!” Rob is often unaware he’s a big offender of “reverse sexism” through his fanatical white-knight ravings.
Sybil used to be Rob’s girlfriend and a radical feminist. Before that she was a goth wiccan and before that she was a punker. The truth is Sybil is in a constant state of transitional flux. At times she’s been totally friendly towards Alex, Ben, Gavin, and Wisdom and at other moments she’s been a total bitch to them. It really all depends on her mood! Sybil said she broke up with Rob when he was against her exotic dancing career. Presently she’s romantically affiliated with Wisdom but who knows how long it’ll last. Flightiness aside, Sybil is a prodigy when it comes at the electric guitar and she’s not too shabby at videogames either. When around Ben she often teases him for his ass fetish, makes fun of his art, and calls him “Big Bird”. (Because he’s tall ) Beyond all the heckling, the two of them actually share a rather touching friendship. (A brother/sister bond if you will)
Maybe just you having to deal with the everyday shenanigans of being a game reviewer,Cary. Aka, one episode might be about E3's sudden change in admittance policies. Also, how you interact with your family. I believe our lives are more interesting than we think they are!
There is more to being a nerd than dressing funny and being super smart. In fact some nerds have crazy style and talent like Angelo Moore of Fishbone. Thats what happens when people try base a show on stereotypes and not have a clue about real geek culture. I think your show idea is dead on. Give it some witty Kevin Smith style banter and you might be sitting on a gold mine Ben.
Totally,man! Nerds and geeks are a diverse bunch and Big Bang Theory fails to reflect that. I think Clerks 1 & 2 as well as Mallrats give a better insight into our culture. Kevin may not always hit a home-run with every movie but he's still brought us some great heartfelt (yet raunchy. lulz!) entertainment over the years.
Now where do I know Rob Mackley from?!? Very clever Ben, great read and something I would actually watch whole heartedly. I hate that the last bastion of geekhood has been raped by shows like the Big Bang Theory, I realised that sometime ago that there are an infinate number of 'geek types' and that I fall under this category for my love of games and Anime, but the hardcore elite (i.e. those that sacrifice social interactiuon to persue something only they would give a shit about) really do have my respect. They always claim that the cool kids 'don't care what anyone else thinks of them'.... that means that all elite geeks are cool as fuck!
Who is Rob Mackley? Damn bro, I have no idea! (Cheeky expression) As for being a loner it was a variety of factors. I don't think it's "self imposed" entirely. There are also factors in society that create "outsiders". Luckily, I do have friends. My love life is kind of a sad joke but many people in relationships tell me they wish they could be single again. lol. I think their are pros and cons on both sides of the fence and someone on one side always longs to be on the other side. The trick is to eventually be happy where you are. Be it with someone you love or alone, cherish the moment!
Yeah being true to your self is probably a better way of putting it, how it's channeled is also important. For example you create things with your interests and influences rather than using your certain knowledge of a niche hobby/ interest to put down others (which some 'geeks' do quite a lot). I'd love to read an episode of this Ben, so I officially request that at some point you knock together something (if you get the time of course!)
Well, this would be an intersting show. If that mom and dad story is real though, you've had it rough. But hey, suffering is the best way to find comedy oftentimes. I could see an actual show like this being both funny and dramatic. Could really hook people.
Most of this is true. (My mom did commit suicide) I took creative liberties in some places but overall it's a rather accurate representation of my life. lol. Personally I think you can make a comedy with deep & sometimes troubled characters. Afterall, it's our personal tragedies and hardships that humanize us and we often use laughter to get through those darkest times.
Preordered an Xbone? I feel sorry for him. He should have waited. I have this premonition microsoft will change a lot of their dick policies & restrictions later. As it stands right now though MS can kiss my ass.
It would be great if this could "make it big",Aaron. I doubt I'm the next Kevin Smith though. lol.
Yes, Chris. Your football fetish outted you on the show. Stupid jock! Just kidding. lol. These are people sort of "immediate" aka local. But I kind of broke that rule with Rob so eh, why not have other online friends & foes make appearances?
Besides, a love of sports doesn't get you on the jerk list. Actually some of the most repulsive people I know have been more geeky like me as opposed to more jockey. Strange how that works. Geeks have pretty much become worst bullies in some ways than jocks when you think about it. (Not to say you are just a jock. You're a geek/jock hybrid. Could you be apart of a new "master-race"?! Dun! Dun! Dun!)